Sex Trafficking From Online Dating Sites in the United States Right after having a miscarriage, I finally got the courage to run away from my rapist that was holding me hostage. The rapist/deadbeat dad's name was Gary but went by "Pauli" because Paul was his middle name. When he was coming off heroin and meth he lied to me and said he "had cancer." He refused to work and only had sob stories about why I should help him until the monster inside of him showed. People don't change and this...
Published 10/24/21
Shoutout to the Haters Surviving NPD. What the narcissists should know. #mentalheatlh #awareness #narcissists
Published 10/03/21
The Gaby Petito Murder Mystery I know I said psychopathic narcissists don't feel pain but say they are hurt. This is true because they could care less about unconditional love. The reality is that they are seeking narcissistic supply usually in the form of money, power, and control. In this video, we talk about the latest updates and an overview about the Gaby Petito Murder case. Let's get into this. #truecrime #murdermystery #gabypetito
Published 10/03/21
Lion's Gate: Light ALWAYS WINS Over Darkness This is a time of clarity. You live, you learn, and you spiritually grow. That darkness was a time that showed you people's true intentions. Therefore, it was a blessing. And you are more enlightened because you have learned and you have grown. #spirituality #narcissism #lionsgate
Published 08/14/21
How to Deal with Narcissist Neighbors Ever have those hateful neighbors who are always complaining about something or someone? Let's talk solutions. Narcissists are narcissists and neighbors make them no different. Let's put things into perspective. #npd #narcissism #mentalhealth
Published 07/19/21
Why You Should Be A STAR In Your Own Movie- Motivation Let's talk about why it's important to be a star in your own movie...don't mind the chocolate stain on my t-shirt... (yes, a design I painted) I just ate a hot fudge sundae from DQ. ;) Let's talk about what's up- why you should inspire yourself with your energy and where you put it. Don't buy into the negativity or put yourself in a box because ANYTHING is possible. Be inspired. The video I mentioned in mine about...
Published 07/17/21
How To Time Travel- It's a Mindset. Dear Diary with Nicole Chauvet Let's talk about what it really means to time travel. Take a glimpse into my sacred journal. from 7/6/2021. #spirituality
Published 07/06/21
This one is To The Haters... Just a short, personal message from me. You know why. ;) #NicoleChauvet #podcast #entertainment
Published 06/25/21
More About Gaslighting...What Are Some Examples of Gaslighting? It's basically lying and or pretending something didn't happen that did, like making false promises. I just experienced it. Tune in to hear my true life examples. And as always, please share your experiences below. Shout out to my fans and followers- love you guys! #narcissist #narcsontherun #gaslighting #mentalhealth
Published 05/30/21
What Kind of Parents Cause Narcissism? These parents exhibit the same qualities and patterns as their children. Much of this behavior is learned and a part pf the cycle of abuse. #npd #narcissism #narcissists
Published 05/17/21
Is There an Art to Manage and Avoid Narcissists? Yes, there definitely is. Let's talk about how you can lean to identify the narcissists behavior in order two better deal with and avoid the narcissists. They exhibit patterns that can be predicted to help you cope, heal, and avoid such people. #npd #narcissists #narcissism
Published 05/17/21
Why Are We Obsessed With Narcissism?' There's a really good reason...we are all seeking answers on how to heal, and how to avoid getting ourselves in the same horrible situations again. Let's talk more about this... #npd #narcissism #narcissists
Published 05/17/21
What Is the Opposite of Narcissism? It's basically a person who shows empathy, is actually genuine about their emotions, knows unconditional love, and isn't always after something. Let's dig deep into this topic. #narcissists #narcissism #npd
Published 05/17/21
Are They Using You or Trying to Date? How annoying is this? Has it ever happened to you? #narcissists #narcissism #mentalhealth
Published 05/17/21
Beware of Narcissists on Dating Sites. Here I share a few experiences of my own that I found to be a major turn off. Is this a "all about me" society, or what?
Published 05/05/21
What Would Make the Narcissist Not Want Me Back? It's the same thing that causes the narcissistic rage. Expose their biggest vulnerability- their ego and make it not about THEM. Narcissists make everything about themselves. It's a "me" game and they react through childish temper tantrums when they don't get what they want. Expose their lies and set boundaries. Doing these things will make the narcissist want nothing to do with you because you make it hard to do their job. They want what...
Published 05/03/21
Narcs on the Run Promo - 5:1:21, 1.37 AM. Ad #1 Our first ad.
Published 05/03/21
What happens when the narcissist gets older? People do not change their patterns of behavior. We touch on where this behaviour comes from. We also discuss the lack of emotional intelligence narcissists because they are stuck in the lower level of thinking known as "survival." Please lookup Maslows' Hierarchy of needs to understand this better.
Published 05/03/21
Let's talk about what happens when narcissists own pets. Pets should be respected just as humans should be. Many narcissists own pets because they can CONTROL them! Watch and listen for more on this topic.
Published 02/27/21
Pay attention because they do end up giving themselves away through their partial truths. They have many flying monkeys- some in the form of coworkers, and even others whom they are trying to triangulate you with!
Published 12/02/20
Let's talk about the importance of self-care, and how doing so can create a better awareness for you to recognize the stressors in your life. You're going to notice who respects your boundaries and who does not.
Published 12/02/20
The narcissists are really good at pretending to be someone they are not in the beginning but eventually their true self becomes clear. They will do what's called, "Future Faking" and try to hype up plans with you only to let you down. They do this because they are using it as a manipulative tool to get the supply they want even though they often have zero intentions of following through with their promises.
Published 12/02/20
They lack respect of anything that takes away from the attention on them because they are only seeking narcissistic supply. Sure, they might pretend to be different in the beginning or when love bombing you, but the truth eventually comes out.
Published 12/02/20
I share stories about how I was future faked by narcissists, and we talk about the backup plans they make as the narcissist future fakes you.
Published 11/22/20
Don't Miss Out Because of Narcissism with Nicole Chauvet It's important to accept the kind of people you are dealing with so you can successfully heal and not miss out on full potential relationships.
Published 11/21/20