Published 05/05/22
Today's episode is all about men's health and sports nutrition. Clinical Nutritionist Jake Biggs joins me on the show to discuss nutrition tips, the great 'protein debate' when it comes to sports nutrition as well as men's specific health concerns (think metabolism, alcohol intake, mental health and overall well being). Jake is a wealth of knowledge and is passionate about using nutrition as medicine for the body. So if you're embarking on a health journey, or continuing one, you'll really...
Published 05/05/22
In this episode I interview Chris from Ultraworking. The team at Ultraworking are building performance-enhancing software that helps you perform at your best, helping you to be more efficient and also making life more fun. This innovative company are talking about increasing productivity at work and in your life but through sustainable, long-term methods. So what exactly does this have to do with nutrition? Chris – Ultraworking's nutrition lead- discusses the importance of nutrition and how...
Published 05/04/22
I am thrilled to introduce Robert J Davis to the Need to Know Nutrition mic. Robert is an award-winning health journalist and author of 4 incredible books that bust the myths and reveal the facts when it comes to health, nutrition and weight-loss. No longer will we be victims to the clever marketing and falsehoods that are spoon-fed to us. Thanks to Robert, we'll be finding our own (evidence based, gold-standard) success when it comes to health and weight management. Enjoy.
Published 03/16/22
Should we include grains in our diet? Is gluten-free a better option? Are wheat and gluten the same thing? Another bite-sized, fact-filled episode that cuts through the google, Instagram and Facebook jargon to get back to basics. It's time to discuss all things grains, wheat and gluten. 
Published 03/16/22
A diet linked to low rates of chronic disease and a higher than average life expectancy. So how does it work? What types of foods are included? Are there any potential pitfalls? All this and more will be revealed in this fact-filled, bite-sized episode. 
Published 03/09/22
Do we need to include meat in our daily diets? What is the best option: vegetarian, vegan or meat-eater? Get ready to be delighted, informed and educated when it comes to meat and your health. Join me as I uncover all of the facts about meat as well as the health benefits, the risks we need to consider if we do eat meat as well as the ways we can decrease our environmental impact if we do choose to include meat in our diet. Enjoy this short, sharp and sweet insight into the wonderful world of...
Published 03/08/22
It is my absolute pleasure to welcome Kathleen Trotter to the Need to Know Nutrition mic. Kathleen is a fitness expert (with a masters degree in Exercise Science among many other qualifications might I add), a media personality as well as a writer and author of 2 incredible books - there's nothing that this inspiring woman can't and won't do! In this episode, Kathleen shares her personal journey to fitness expert, her unique approach to fitness and coaching  as well as simple, effective and...
Published 02/08/22
Dr. Lara Zibarras is a psychologist and food-freedom coach. Lara helps women develop a healthy and happy relationship with food, without guilt or emotional eating. During this captivating interview,  Lara shares her personal journey from dieting to psychology and nutrition, as well as diet culture, breaking free from a diet-mindset and how much our core beliefs influence our un-dieting journey. This interview is filled with incredible facts and handy tips to help us strive towards food...
Published 12/08/21
Jennifer Woodward is a Functional  Diagnostic Nutritionist and a specialist in the hormone department. Join Belinda as she interviews this charismatic, passionate, warm and incredibly knowledgeable women. Dive into the wonderful world of hormones, breast implant illness, the menstrual cycle, oral contraceptives and more, to discover how these things impact our health. This interview is filled with delicious facts and easy-to-implement nutrition and lifestyle tips to improve your health and...
Published 11/23/21
Learn the facts about alcohol and the impact it has on your health. Is there a 'best option' when it comes to alcohol? How can we drink responsibly if we do chose to consume alcohol? Join Belinda as she discusses all of this and more! An episode filled with gold-standard facts and interesting health and nutrition information. 
Published 11/01/21
Dairy - do we really need to include it in our daily diets? Is it nutritious? Does it actually contribute to bone health the way we think it does? I am on a mission to provide the gold standard facts when it comes to dairy products and your health. I'll answer all of those reoccurring questions  and give you a few delicious tid-bits along the way.  Enjoy.
Published 09/28/21
In this episode I had the pleasure of interviewing certified, science-based intuitive eating coach Victoria Evans. Her mission (and I hope you choose to accept it!) is to help women heal their toxic relationship with food and their bodies. Victoria shares valuable tools to help us begin or continue our journey of becoming intuitive eaters who understand, appreciate and respect our bodies as they are right now. You can hear the passion radiating throughout this episode - through Victoria's...
Published 09/16/21
Do we really need to eat fruit as part of a balanced diet? Such an interesting question and one that took some investigating. Join me in this deliciously, sweet episode as I discuss all things fruit and your health. I tackle the tough questions - can the sugar in fruit be bad for us? - as well as the health benefits that fruits offer. I hope you enjoy this bite-sized episode as I dazzlingly deliver lots of fun fruity, facts. 
Published 09/08/21
Ah water.  It's always recommended that we drink plenty of water, but the question is, how much is enough? In this episode Belinda dives into the crystal clear fountain of knowledge and delivers all of the facts when it comes to hydration and your health. So, pour yourself a nice glass of water or have your drink bottle handy because this episode is most definitely going to prompt you to take a sip, or 2!
Published 08/30/21
If you are one of the 25% who suffer from reflux on a regular basis, then you won't want to miss this episode. Belinda investigates the risk factors for reflux as well as ways we can reduce both the frequency and severity. Benefit from the specific nutrients and simple lifestyle tips that can help reduce/alleviate the symptoms of reflux for good. Reflux is common but that doesn't mean we have to live with it! Cheers to a reflux-free life. 
Published 08/03/21
You're never too old (or too young for that matter) to really start taking care of your heart. Join Belinda as she discusses all of the delicious nutrients that you should include in your daily diet to support your heart,  plus the simple lifestyle changes you can make (right now!)  to ensure your heart beats like a drum for years to come.
Published 07/20/21
Hot sex. Naturally. If you want to nurture great sex and unlock the secret to promoting hot sex naturally, then join me as I interview the incredible author of the book Diet for Great Sex.  Acupuncturist and herbalist Christine DeLozier has always been rather obsessed with diet, nutrition and natural health. Her philosophy is rooted in an evidence-based understanding of the physiological effect of food on the body while honoring the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine. It's time to get hot...
Published 06/18/21
The liver - a powerhouse organ that performs over 500 functions! If you've ever wondered how the liver actually works, or the foods you should be eating to give your liver some love, then join Belinda as she discusses all things nutrition and health when it comes to your liver. Be dazzled by the facts, enticed by the foods and inspired to put your (liver) health first.
Published 05/31/21
Think about the last time you had dry skin, reflux, a sore back or even acne - your body is constantly trying to communicate with you (whether you know how to  listen or not!) In today's episode Belinda shed's some light on common messages/symptoms,...
Published 04/21/21
 Iron is one of the most important minerals in the human body. The real question is why do so many of us have low-iron or are iron deficient? Join me as I discuss all the things that can affect iron absorption, the things that can enhance iron...
Published 03/31/21
Today I have the privilege of introducing Lisa Stanton-Smith, Clinical Nutritionist and Sports Nutrition superstar. Lisa works with all types of athletes to achieve sporting greatness through tailored nutritional strategy. Coupled with an elite running...
Published 03/16/21
Do diets actually work? What is the best way to lose weight? In this episode I dive into the intricate world of dieting and weight loss. Learn what works, what doesn't work, what the science tells us and what the clever marketing of the diet-industry...
Published 03/02/21