Concerning our generosity as believers, the foundation for us receiving from God cannot be because we gave to Him. The foundation of God's giving is His kindness. Why and How then should we give according to scriptures? Are offerings and church giving man made innovations or Gods plan? What are the healthy and excessive practices concerning giving and generosity?  These questions were thoroughly discussed in this message. It’s our prayer that you learn with your hearts opened as you listen...
Published 04/30/24
Published 04/30/24
Our standard as Christians is very much different from the world's and this must show in our attitude to work. Each day, we wake up seeking to crush capitalism, and there are times when capitalism crushes us. In times like this, we sometimes wonder what life would be like without the necessity of work. We must know that work is God's good idea for man and it has been so right from the beginning.  This teaching aims to remind us and challenge our work ethic in this present world we live in...
Published 04/26/24
Focusing on the treatise called Religious Affections by Jonathan Edwards, Pastor Nelson expounds on the signs of the Spirit amongst us. We're often led to believe that God shows or displays His power in a heated way. However, in the scriptures, we learn that God may not always be in the fire and earthquake.  Is the Lord glorified and exalted when we meet? In the end, who is the focus, Jesus or man?  These are questions to ponder as you listen to this edifying sermon.
Published 04/25/24
The closer we are to the bible rightly exegeted, the further we are from deception. The scriptures must be our guide and yard stick when we encounter people who claim to be God’s mouthpieces. Avoiding Balaam means being careful in our excitement towards every word or doctoring when first encountered. God’s word remains our standards, not people’s experiences and opinions.  Listen to this teaching with an open heart and be edified.
Published 04/25/24
One thing to learn in our walk with God is that there's nothing too big or too small to pray about. We show our reliance on God when we come to him with everything. The best part is that God is willing and has instructed us to lay all our burdens at His feet.  This teaching will remind you that God will always take care of you therefore, do not worry about tomorrow. Pray and pray again.
Published 04/25/24
Concerning money matters, the Scriptures are clear in instructing us to be generous towards the needs of the church and our brethren. We’ve been called to live a selfless life, and this implies not amassing wealth for just ourselves. You can grow in generosity, giving and blessing others regardless of the status of your wealth, having a heart of gold.  Listen to this teaching on living a generous life by Pastor Nelson, be edified and allow God’s word find expression in your life.
Published 04/14/24
Concerning money matters, the Bible is clear on how we should make use of money. This should serve as a guideline when dealing with money. One important mindset we must have as believers is that God is our source. All we have are due to His providence, but it doesn’t end there. Better than the gifts and blessings He gives, is who He wants us to be.  In this sermon, Pastor Nelson explores the biblical perspective on money, focusing on its purpose and how believers should manage finances....
Published 04/08/24
In this teaching on the Wonders of the resurrection, we answered two major questions; Did Jesus really rise from the dead? and what the  resurrection mean for us. The resurrection is not just a good story but it is the foundation of our faith. We are now united with Christ. God's final answer to sickness or lack is not healing or possessions, it is a body that will never be sick again and we are sure of this because Jesus rose from the grave.  Listen to this powerful sermon on the wonders...
Published 04/02/24
In this short exhortation on living for Jesus, Pastor Nelson charges us to live our lives faithful to our calling Christ, as an offering to God, who gave us His all and has remained faithful in keeping us. We can and should live in full reverence to God, in our personal devotion and when we gather with other saints.  Listen to this charge and be edified.
Published 04/02/24
Have you ever been in a large crowd of strangers, and wondered about the salvation of these people? Did Jesus die for these people? Would they go to heaven if they don't believe in Jesus but are morally good? Can the 7 billion plus people living in the world now be saved and go to heaven? We dive deep into this sermon with different thoughts on the salvation of mankind. We look at two different views on Salvation, Calvinism and Arminianisms alongside the Scriptures, with a study on Romans...
Published 04/02/24
Is your faith built on a solid foundation?  Our Easter Bible study, Anastasis, kicked off with a powerful session on Apologetics. We explored the historical evidence for Jesus' resurrection and the reasons behind our faith. Pastor Nelson teaches the "what" and "why" of Christianity according to the Scriptures, equipping us to defend our beliefs confidently. ️ Listen to this study and be enriched in your faith!
Published 04/01/24
Have you ever considered how much wealth a believer should or shouldn’t have? Can Christians desire to be billionaires? One thing is clear when it comes to money talk in scriptures, a man's life should not consist in the abundance of things he possesses. If you live life only as being wealthy on earth then you have missed Gods plan for your life. Listen to this teaching on True Gold and be blessed.
Published 03/25/24
Is it possible to serve God and pursue financial security?  The Bible's perspective on money and possessions is clear. We must not exalt our pursuit of world possessions, above our relationship with God. In this teaching, we learn how we can prioritize God and set our affections away from Money and towards God.  Listen to this teaching by Pastor Nelson with an open heart and be blessed.
Published 03/20/24
We are beginning a new series on learning about money. In this teaching titled 'Fundamentals', Pastor Nelson provides an introduction on how our faith in God should reflect in all areas of our lives, including our outlook on financial prosperity. Does God bless people with wealth? Does it matter how we make money? Should building wealth be a major focus in fulfilling our purpose? These questions and more are answered in this teaching. Our prayer is that as you listen, you will be edified and...
Published 03/10/24
We wrap up our teaching series on The Believers’ Love walk learning The Love Legacy. Family has always been God’s idea as we can see through scripture. The all wise God created marriage and tells us how to act in that marriage, we must therefore approach family and raising children from God’s perspective and not the world’s.  Listen to this powerful sermon on Family and be blessed. Make sure to share with friends and family.
Published 03/06/24
We continue the teaching on Butterflies. As humans, it can be very difficult to navigate how feelings and emotions impact decisions we make especially as regards Love. Beyond our feelings, we must work in the will of God. However, we must be careful to not mistake our feelings as affirmations from God.  Listen to this teaching on the interplay between your feelings and God's will by Pastor Nelson and be blessed.
Published 02/26/24
How important are our single days? What should we do in this period of our lives? Does God choose for us?  When choosing what should we look out for? These and many more questions were answered in this teaching titled Butterflies. Listen to this teaching and be instructed. Make sure to share with family and friends
Published 02/19/24
As believers, what’s our premise for love? Where do we get our standards for love from? Does our response to love differ from others? What impact does unforgiveness have on us? All these and a few more are answered in this teaching Listen to this teaching titled Mirror which speaks to the believer’s lovewalk and share with friends and family
Published 02/13/24
It’s February, the popularly proclaimed month for celebrating Love. It is thus essential for us the Church to learn what God’s word says about Love. What better way to learn about Love than from the Creator. In scriptures, we see God being described as Love, and the story of redemption from Genesis to Revelation is woven story of God’s love for us. God is very intentional about us and His Love for us shows this.  Listen to this teaching by Pastor Nelson as we start a new series on The...
Published 02/05/24
Have you ever wondered if you can truly figure out what purpose is? And after figuring out, what comes next? One way to know purpose is to ask yourself, "is it worth dying for?" If it is what dying for then it should be the overwhelming drive of your life. Through purpose, we see that Christ, our perfect example, is worth living for and because of that, he is worth dying for. Listen to this stirring teaching on the workings of purpose by Pastor Nelson and be blessed.
Published 01/22/24
It can be truly sad to see Christians who have the Holy Spirit in them living an contradictory life. We must learn to move beyond  just knowing that God’s Spirit is within us, to living out this revelation. It must count that The Holy Spirit is at work within us. Try the Spirit everyday, walk in the Spirit everyday.  Listen to this teaching on walking in the influence of the Spirit by Pastor Nelson and be stirred from within.
Published 01/20/24
Our chief aim and purpose as humans right from the beginning has always been to please God. In carrying out the purpose of our lives through assignments, we will have to make sacrifices for this cause.  The Bible is filled with examples of these, and we see Jesus as the ultimate example, sacrificing His life for us, fulfilling purpose.  Listen to this teaching by Pastor Nelson on the importance of sacrifice when it comes to living purposefully and be blessed.
Published 01/15/24
As humans, we live with and interact with several mindsets, opinions, ideologies and worldviews every day. However, one great distinction for us as Christians is that our worldview is different and founded on the Word of God.  We now intentionally live our lives according to the purpose that our creator God has crafted for us.  Listen to this first teaching for the year 2024 by Pastor Nelson as we learn to navigate living on purpose in the new year and beyond.
Published 01/08/24
As we progress into a new year, there’s so much desire to have a great year, however, God is more interested in a better you.   The priority for you should be that the counsel and plans of God must stand in your life in the new year.  Listen to this stirring teaching by Pastor Nelson aligning you with the Will of God as we start the new year.
Published 01/03/24