In this episode we watched two episodes of Gilmore Girls, but we spend very little time actually taking about that. Instead, we discuss Moby Dick, why we like living in a city, childhood television habits, and possible future sponsorships. Find us at nerdxtrash on instagram and twitter.  
Published 04/21/18
Published 04/21/18
This week we watch a couple episodes of D.N.Angel, an anime Alex loved in junior high. It's, uh ... it's not great, but we had a good time watching it. Find us at nerdxtrash on instagram and twitter.
Published 04/07/18
We watch two episodes of House Hunters International and one of Fixer Upper. Alex loves England and doesn't care about interpersonal drama. Also this was recorded months ago but she's still getting recommendations from Hulu based on having watched these. Find us at nerdxtrash on instagram and twitter.
Published 03/31/18
We wrap up the Star Wars OT with Return of the Jedi! We discuss various questions, including: are Yoda and Obi-Wan Good mentors? (no) Are the Ewoks kind of racist (yes) and what's going on with General Madine's hair? (#GeneralMadine) If you'd like to read any of the things Alex talks about having read, they are: The Son of Suns Trilogy by blank101 a fanfiction which is longer than Les Misérables; Star Wars: Bloodline by Claudia Gray, which I highly recommend; and The Monster in the Mirror:...
Published 03/24/18
We watch a reality show and turn it into a logic puzzle. Truly living up to our title this week. Find us at nerdxtrash on instagram and twitter.
Published 03/10/18
In this episode we learn about words Clare likes (rendezvous) and dislikes (probe). Also: arm contouring, Hamlet, and Alex is wrong about the release date of Rocky. Find us at nerdxtrash on instagram and twitter.
Published 03/03/18
Unfortunately a chunk of this episode was lost to an audio glitch, but enjoy the remainder of our discussion of the first three episodes of Gossip Girl.
Published 02/10/18
We start this cultural exchange journey with one of the biggest nerd properties out there - the original Star Wars, which Alex, a lifelong nerd, only got into in the past few years. How will Clare, who might have seen it before but wasn't paying much attention, like it? This episode was recorded almost a year ago, before the release of The Last Jedi.  Theme music by Reyrzy.
Published 01/27/18