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Never a Dull Moment -- Speaking to Spirit with Jennifer Hicks
When Jennifer was sixteen, she began picking up information psychically---and out of the blue! "For some reason I wasn’t upset about it", Jennifer says. "Most of the time the information was pretty mundane, such as knowing someone’s name before being introduced to them. But I knew better than to tell anyone in my family about it. It would not have gone over well!" Her ability accelerated during college. One fateful night while walking back to her dorm alone, she was attacked by a rapist. "My psychic ability saved my life and prevented me from being raped", she says. "I kept...
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Everyone has experienced odd coincidences, situations that just make you stop in your tracks and wonder if someone "over there" is trying to tell you something. No matter how well developed your intuition is, the spirits will still send you those situations that make you go, "Hmmmm......"
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