In life, we often face challenges and conflicts that test our resilience. It's during these times that we have a choice - to grow from these challenges or to let them make us bitter and blame others.   I've personally experienced this but when faced with challenging situations, it's crucial to recognize what is within our control.   In this episode, I’m pulling back the curtain on how I’ve turned challenging news and conflicts into catalysts for growth and resilience.   Inspired by the wisdom...
Published 10/11/23
Change is a path that, while challenging, is essential for growth. It doesn’t always have to be grand. Sometimes, it's the subtle shifts that carry the most profound impacts. By recognizing and altering ingrained habits, we open doors to a realm of untapped potentials and newfound freedoms.   In today’s episode, we journey into the transformative power of change. While it often brings discomfort, it’s paved with rewarding milestones that shape our essence and redefine our purpose.   I share...
Published 10/04/23
In this incredibly raw and heartfelt episode, I dive deep into the transformative power of sharing my authentic journey—both the highs and lows.    From grappling with self-doubt as a business coach sharing personal health challenges to receiving a life-changing testimonial from a follower, today's episode is all about the power of vulnerability and authenticity.    I reflect on the critical role of nervous system regulation, especially as an entrepreneur, and the absolute necessity of a...
Published 09/27/23
Have you ever marveled at how some moments, though brief, leave an everlasting impact?    I've felt that magic. It's the beautiful revelation that sometimes, the most potent experiences come in the most concise packages.   And here’s the newest lesson I want to share with you- You CAN live in a state where every task you take up can radiate pleasure and joy. Simply realize that true value isn't measured by time, but by its essence.   Step into this podcast episode as I journey through a...
Published 09/20/23
In today's deeply personal episode, I take you on a transformative journey through my own experiences with the unconventional mantra, "If it's not a hell yes, then it's a hell no."    At first glance, it may seem counterintuitive. But as I peel back the layers of my life's pivotal moments, you'll see how this philosophy has reshaped my perspective, empowering me to chase my true passions and let go of perceived obligations.    From a friend’s career crossroads to personal relationships, I...
Published 09/13/23
In today's episode, I opened up about my journey to find the perfect balance between the hustle and taking a step back to breathe. Sometimes, we feel the need to get everything out all at once, fearing that slowing down might make us less effective. I share a personal experience where slowing down proved not only beneficial for me but also those around me.    Join me as I discuss the pitfalls of people-pleasing and the transformation that comes when we prioritize our well-being over the...
Published 09/06/23
Ever felt like you're just running in circles with your thoughts? That's where I was. And it sometimes takes a fresh perspective, another voice, to bring clarity.   Today, I’m going to share another piece of my recent session with Dr. Jon Connelly, the genius behind Rapid Resolution Therapy.   In this episode, you'll hear me caught in a mental loop, creating a problem where there wasn't one. One belief had me stuck: equating tiredness with sickness. But Dr. Connelly helped me see my reality...
Published 08/30/23
Let me tell you something: every course or program requires time and effort to reveal its true impact. At times, waiting for the results can be frustrating.   In the second part of this series, I'll discuss the real value of programs and investments. How important it is to be in the right collective energy and find instructors who create transformative learning experiences.   Additionally, I’ll also share the concept of lag time during our learning process and why faith and perseverance are...
Published 08/23/23
Do you ever feel the urge to add another course or program to your cart?    You’re not alone. So many people find themselves in this exact same situation, wondering if they should take on yet another program. So for this episode, I'm here to guide you through this maze of uncertainty.    Today we're talking about that feeling of getting caught in a cycle of signing up for courses but not seeing the change we hope for.   So if you want to feel empowered by your investments and create the...
Published 08/16/23
Today, I'm taking you on a personal journey through the heart of what's made my online business genuinely shine: authenticity and passion.   In this episode, I share tales of opportunities that seemed promising but ultimately didn't align with my soul's mission. You’ll hear about my spontaneous choices, the allure of quick money, and how it’s vital to focus on what truly feels authentic and resonant.   Whether you're a newbie in the online marketplace or a seasoned entrepreneur seeking a more...
Published 08/09/23
I recently had a mind-blowing experience that completely changed my perspective on life.   In today’s episode, I'm excited to share with you a transformative experience I recently had with Dr. Connolly, the creator and founder of Rapid Resolution Therapy. This journey took me back to my past life and helped me overcome my struggles with fatigue and limiting beliefs.   This experience taught me something invaluable. It showed me the power of courage, love, and working towards a greater...
Published 08/02/23
In a world where everyone thrives at their own pace, how do you honor your energetic capacity?    It's time to stop comparing yourself to others and burning yourself out! It's time to tap into your unique energy and let it shine like never before.   In this episode, I’m going to dive deep into the concept of energetic capacity and how it can skyrocket your success in the business world. I'll show you how allowing things to unfold naturally can lead to incredible results.   I'll also share my...
Published 07/26/23
We've all had to deal with some big changes in our lives.    The pandemic sure made us rethink a lot of things. But remember, change is here to stay. It's part of life.   Join me today as I welcome a phenomenal guest, Micki Fernandez, a dear friend and former VP of branch banking at Citibank. Micki's own journey through change, especially during and beyond the pandemic, is a testament to human endurance and adaptability.   But Micki's story isn't just about adapting to change. It's also about...
Published 07/19/23
Ever wondered how ultra successful individuals harness the power of both feminine and masculine energies in the business world?    I had the pleasure of interviewing the incredible Ayo Gospodinova, a business and leadership mentor who has achieved remarkable success in the business world.   We dive deep into Ayo’s journey to success, starting from her ambitious dreams despite being born in a country where people make just a few hundred dollars per week. She shares her experiences of facing...
Published 07/12/23
I want you to take a moment and really examine your beliefs about money.    Are they holding you back? Are you telling yourself that money is evil or that you don't deserve it?    Well, let me tell you something: those beliefs are holding you back from the abundance that is waiting for you!   In this episode, I'm going to challenge those common beliefs and show you a whole new way of thinking about money. We're going to shift your mindset and open up a world of possibilities.  It's not just...
Published 07/05/23
Ready to take your personal growth to the next level?    Sometimes, the most important growth happens when we surround ourselves with people who challenge us and push us out of our comfort zones.   In today’s episode, I discuss my recent experiences with energy management and astrology, and the importance of having an energetic support team. Trust me, keeping faith through the darkness and believing that there is a light at the end of the tunnel is crucial.   And guess what?    Finding a...
Published 06/28/23
Looking to find balance between growing your business and keeping up with the other things you have going on in life?   Truth is, we need a little pressure to make progress.    But it's really important not to work yourself to the point of burnout. I remember when I started my business, I was working all the time. But I've since learned that you don't need to be obsessed to be successful.   In this episode, I'm going to talk about what I've learned and give you some simple, practical tips to...
Published 06/21/23
Are you thinking about starting an online business but don't know where to start? Or maybe you're already running an online business but you’re ready to scale it?   Kicking off your own online business might feel a bit too much at times.   So today, I’m sharing the tips up my sleeve that'll set you on the path to boosting your online business.    I've been through it all and I'm excited to share my experiences and insights with you. In this episode, we're going to talk about tips for starting...
Published 06/14/23
Maybe you're wrestling with this crazy thought that being happy and successful at the same time is just a fairy tale.    But hey, what if I told you there's a way to score both?   In today’s episode, I’m joined by Sharon MacGregor, a remarkable woman who owns a yoga retreat sanctuary and offers coaching to divorced women.    Sharon invites us into her transformative journey, generously sharing the lessons she learned as she navigated her own path and how resilience led her to an...
Published 06/07/23
Ever feel like something is holding you back as you're striving for success? In our fast-paced world, success usually means applying an over abundance of masculine structure—do, do, do! But masculine energy is not the villain. We need a balance of both the masculine energy of doing & building, alongside the feminine energy of being.  Join me and my guest, Vanessa Engel, as we dive deep into the importance of balancing masculine and feminine energy in achieving success while staying true...
Published 05/31/23
Do you have big dreams but don't know where to start? Are you ready for your next level of expansion?    You’re in for a treat!   Today, we're turning the spotlight on you in an unmissable Q&A session!   We're harnessing personal growth to turn dreams into reality. We're unlocking the secrets of manifestation and watching as life transforms. We're building a richer future for our kids, showing them the ropes on how to attract prosperity. And for all the entrepreneurs out there, we're...
Published 05/24/23
Are you tired of setting goals that don't truly light a fire in your heart? Do you ever feel like you're taking action without really knowing if it's what you genuinely want?   Well, get excited because today's episode is all about taking aligned action! Trust me, once you grasp this concept, it'll ignite your passion and lead you to a life that feels completely aligned with your deepest desires.   No more settling for mundane routines or following cookie-cutter plans. It's time to infuse...
Published 05/17/23
If we’re being honest, are you feeling stuck in your manifestation journey, or maybe even a bit triggered by someone else's success?   I've been there too. And today, I'm sharing how I bounced back from that energetic wobble.   Here's the deal – doubting yourself and your chances of success only weighs down your energy and holds you back.   The real key to the manifestation process is having faith in your beliefs, even when it seems tough. At the end of the day, everyone's journey is unique,...
Published 05/10/23
Have you ever felt like there's more to life than what you're currently experiencing? Are you looking to expand your beliefs and manifest your heart's desires?    You're in for a treat!   In this episode, I'll explore the nuances of manifestation and provide practical solutions to help you overcome any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back by subconscious programming!   I'll offer exercises that you can start implementing right away, making it easy and accessible for you to begin your...
Published 05/03/23
A lot of people have been asking me about the connection between the spiritual power of manifesting and religious faith. So, what is manifestation work? Some people believe it has something to do with dark energy and manipulation. But the truth is, it’s all about shaping our reality through mindset work and law of attraction. Today, we’ll talk about the connection between manifesting and faith. I’ll share key concepts that will give you a deeper understanding of the topic. It all comes down...
Published 04/26/23