3. How to Increase Your Happiness at Work
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Have you ever wondered why some people seem so relaxed and happy at work? What are they doing differently to everyone else? While some people are naturally more happy than others, what if I could give you one thing to do for just 10 minutes a day? That would increase your happiness at work by about 10%. Would you do it? - In this episode you’ll learn: How to get in a good frame of mind, so you can make the best decisions for your career.How practicing meditation for as little as 10 minutes a day can significantly improve your overall well being.An easy way to make meditation a daily habit. - YOUR NEXT STEP: Daily Meditation. Find a time of day you think it will be most achievable for you to consistently practice meditation. We suggest either first thing in the morning at your lunch break or just after returning home from work, but whatever time of day you choose to do it, the best way to make sure this becomes a habit - before it's even a habit - is to tie it into something you do without consciously thinking about. Whatever you choose, the only way it's going to become a daily habit is by making it so easy to remember, it will be hard to forget. A bonus tip, if you celebrate at the end of each meditation with a fist pump or another celebration, your brain will learn it as being rewarded for the behaviour. Within two months, this should become a habit. Much like you brush your teeth without really thinking about it. - If you’re enjoying this podcast, don’t forget to subscribe on your listening app. - Next Step Vet COMMUNITY: https://www.facebook.com/groups/nextstepvet/  Learn more at: https://www.nextstepvet.com Or reach out to: [email protected] 
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