You’re a vet considering alternative options for your veterinary career. You’re finding yourself exhausted at the end of each day of work, with barely enough energy to cook dinner, let alone the energy for hobbies and those closest to you. You’re stressed, you’re lacking confidence in your decisions, and your mental health is suffering as a result. You’re wondering, is this it? How do you find an alternative option for your career, when all you’ve ever done is be a vet? You are what you do...
Published 04/23/24
Do you ever feel like your veterinary career is driving you, instead of you driving it?  That sense of being adrift, reacting to whatever the day throws at you, rather than steering your own course? You’re performing as good a job as best as you can, managing high caseloads, demanding clients, and long hours, but the end result is burn-out. If you’re NOT burnt-out, at the very least, you’re approaching it. In fact a recent study showed that 86% of vets in the US currently suffer from...
Published 03/26/24
Do you often find yourself overworking and struggling to say 'no' in your veterinary career?  You're not alone.  Many vets face this challenge, but what's really behind our drive to constantly push beyond our limits? Pain: You're clocking in extra hours, taking on more than you can handle, and yet, you're left wondering why it's so hard to establish healthy work boundaries. We’re our worst enemies. Intrigue: Why do you struggle with setting boundaries, and how can establishing them change...
Published 02/27/24
#. Episode Title With Episode Number at the Start CAPTURE ATTENTION It’s a new year, and like many people, you’ve probably set a list of resolutions aimed at improving your life and career.  But what if I told you that these resolutions alone won't bring the change you're seeking in your veterinary career? - In this episode you’ll learn: The common pitfalls of New Year's resolutions.Strategies to set career goals that are genuinely achievable and fulfilling.How to maintain momentum and adapt...
Published 01/30/24
In today’s episode, you’re going to find out how. Is having work-life balance achievable? Is it realistic as a veterinary professional?  What does work-life balance even mean to me?  These are likely questions you have had, running through your head. Today, you’re going to hear an episode of my old podcast, Escape the Nine to Five, where I talked about the same issues you're facing, only to a wider range of working professionals. - Our guest this week: Nigel Marsh (TED Speaker &...
Published 12/19/23
Have you ever wondered why some vets seem to go on to have exciting and diverse careers, and yet you’ve yet to discover one for yourself? It’s almost like they’ve got a secret ingredient, and they’re not sharing it with you. And this secret ingredient could give you the upper hand in your vet career, and create opportunities you NEVER knew existed. What is this secret ingredient? In today’s episode, you’re going to find out. - In this episode you’ll learn: What the secret ingredient is.Why...
Published 11/21/23
You’re a vet. And you’re considering making a changes in your career, but finances are holding you back. You would far rather be doing another role that is meaningful to you and doesn’t drain you of energy, but the truth is, your vet job is paying you comfortably. Maybe not as much as you think you deserve, but you can survive on it. And you might even have people who rely on your income too. How can you even consider a career change, when you’ve got bills to pay? No one’s paying you to...
Published 10/17/23
You're a veterinarian and you're stuck. You're in a job you're not entirely enjoying and you're coming home from work drained of energy. You went into this profession because of an interest in science, a love of animals and nature, but if there's any passion in this current job, it's whining. Being a vet is supposed to be a dream job, so why are you unhappy? If you stay in your current position, you'll likely end up living a life of regret. Wondering, "What if?" What if I had changed...
Published 09/19/23
You’re a clinical vet. They said it would be a “dream job”. Any yet: The work is unrewarding. Your clients are demanding. And you’re reaching the end of your days drained of energy. You NEED to take action in your career, but you’re not even sure where to start. You think about changing jobs after YET another exhausting day of work, might look up jobs online, or join groups on social media that give career tips, but then maybe you get distracted.  You watch a funny video on social media,...
Published 08/22/23
In the last episode of Next Step Vet, we spoke to Julie Cappel about how to improve your confidence at work. This week, as promised, we're dropping in an episode of Julie's Veterinary Life Coach Podcast, into our feed. As you continue to design a career that works for you. I want you to receive different perspectives from just my own. - As vets, most of us suffer from some level of perfectionism. In this episode you’ll learn why progress is not perfection. - If you’re enjoying this podcast,...
Published 07/04/23
You're a vet considering making changes in your career. Deep down you know you need to change jobs or even careers. But you might be lacking the confidence to actually make change. You don't really know what other career options are out there, especially close to where you live, and finances are probably holding you back too. How do you gain the confidence to make change in your career, when you don't even know where to start? - Our guest this week: Julie Cappel (veterinarian and life...
Published 06/06/23
At work, do you feel like you’re not expressing your whole self? In the veterinary clinic, there’s likely aspects of what you do that you’re good at, but you feel like there’s large parts of who you are, that have to get left home at work. What if there is a way you can find work better suited to your strengths? In this episode, you’re going to find out how. - In this episode you’ll learn: Why identifying your strengths matters.How to know what types of work are best suited to your...
Published 05/02/23
Chances I you've gone to veterinary school, got a very respectable degree and job and yet aren't satisfied in your current career. Something needs to change. So many vets have doubts about their careers. How do we find meaningful work while still paying the bills? In order to design a career that works for you, you need to identify your strengths. You probably have some idea what your strengths are, but maybe find it hard to put into words. We're going to show you how you can use your...
Published 04/11/23
You're wanting to make change in your life, but there's a few barriers to making change. There's a level of comfort in being a clinical vet. You mostly know what you're doing, it pays you comfortably, and you have friends in the industry. But imagine doing this job for another 30 years? Imagine a day of work is one page in the story of the rest of your life. You're coming home from work tired. The work is often unrewarding. And you're being drained of energy. Do you really want to...
Published 03/28/23
In Veterinary School, we're taught to focus on preventative medicine - NOT being the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff. But how do you use the same thinking to approach your career? - In this episode you’ll learn: How to reframe your approach to your career.Why you need to regularly measure key indicators of success in your life.How mentorship can help. - YOUR NEXT STEP: Complete a Life Design Assessment. Based on the book, "Designing Your Life" by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans, the Life...
Published 03/14/23
You're a vet considering a change of career. But how can you do this without losing your identity as a veterinarian? How do you handle the change in career, without a change in identity? Overcoming the expectations - and maybe even disappointment - of family and friends. Where will you fit in when you're no longer a clinical vet? - Our guest this week: Naomi Mellor (equine vet turned professional podcaster) Naomi took an unusual turn in her career as a vet, going from a respectable...
Published 02/28/23
Have you ever wondered why some people seem so relaxed and happy at work? What are they doing differently to everyone else? While some people are naturally more happy than others, what if I could give you one thing to do for just 10 minutes a day? That would increase your happiness at work by about 10%. Would you do it? - In this episode you’ll learn: How to get in a good frame of mind, so you can make the best decisions for your career.How practicing meditation for as little as 10 minutes...
Published 02/14/23
What if there was one thing you could do right now to improve your career? It's a simple task and it will take you less than a minute a day. Over time it will transform your career. - In this episode you’ll learn: What does self awareness really mean?How improving your self awareness will help you better understand what energises and drains you at work.One simple tip for improving your self awareness at work. - YOUR NEXT STEP: Start an Emotions Journal Purchase a journal that's...
Published 01/31/23
You're a vet and you may be thinking, 'Am I the only veterinarian stuck in my career?' What if the very thing you're worried about is more common than you think? The answer will  surprise you. - In this episode you’ll learn: How common career doubts are in the veterinary industry.Why the decision you made to become a vet shouldn't define the rest of your life.The first step you can take to start designing a career to work for you. - YOUR NEXT STEP: Write a success log. In a small journal,...
Published 01/17/23
Are you lost as to what to do next in your veterinary career? You’ve been a vet for a number of years and have reached a stage in your career where you know you’re not satisfied and you need change. But you feel financially trapped, and you’re unaware of other career options, especially close to where you live.  Where on earth do you even start? I’m here to help. My name is Steve Oehley, I'm a veterinarian turned podcast and career coach. I was stuck in my own career - got life coaching and...
Published 01/10/23