Where was Moshe’s complaint coming from? Two types of redemption.
Published 01/13/24
Women’s Niggun shiur for Chodesh Shevat
Published 01/10/24
How did Egyptians know there was going to be a savior for the Jewish people? What was Moshe Rabbeinu’s destiny? (Listen until the end for extra thoughts)
Published 01/04/24
Why did Yaakov switch his hands? Why did Yosef argue? Why did Yaakov give a bracha to Yosef?
Published 12/28/23
What was Yehudah trying to do with his emotional defense? What was Yosef try to accomplish by squeezing his brothers?
Published 12/21/23
Featuring Tani Polansky, Sholom Benstein, BINYAMIN, Chaim and Shlomo Ghoori, Werntatty, Pinny Schachter, Eli Dachs, Gavriel, and Yaakov Galen
Published 12/11/23
Yosef, the miracle child, the child of light…then everything went dark.
Published 12/07/23
Yaakov’s confrontation with Esav. Why is Esav so angry and what is Yaakov scared about?
Published 11/30/23
Yaakov’s dreams and his broken partnership with Esav
Published 11/23/23
How do we understand Yitzchak’s move for Esav and why didn’t it work?
Published 11/16/23
Women’s shiur getting into Kislev and Chanukah
Published 11/15/23
How did Sarah die? How were her years “all good”, and why doesn’t Avraham’s death fit properly in the parsha?
Published 11/09/23
What’s the deep connection between the Milah and Hashem coming to visit Avraham?
Published 11/02/23
Why was Avraham’s life so crazy? Why wasn’t Noach known as the first monotheist?
Published 10/26/23
Connecting to the current events - connecting to other Jews when emotions have run out
Published 10/19/23
Coming together in menucha, peace, and unity. May we see a speedy end to our enemies and the release of all hostages!!
Published 10/16/23
What was the world missing? How do you fill a hole with nothing?
Published 10/12/23
Hoshana Rabah Avodah - music, siyum tehillim, Torah (at 51 minutes)
Published 10/05/23
When two awesome musicians come together you can get epic sounds (Torah at 1:56, 18:05, 32, 56:30)
Published 10/03/23
Pre-Succos shiur two years ago - we delve into the sugya of Daas
Published 10/02/23
The calm in between YK and Succos
Published 09/26/23
How does this song match the emotions of the Kohen Gadol as he left the Mikdash?
Published 09/23/23
Are we nervous sinners on YK or happy and atoned? What’s the secret to the Yom Kippur avodah?
Published 09/22/23
Using music to get us into Rosh Hashanah
Published 09/14/23
Chabura with live music from Aryeh Kunstler - What is an Eved Hashem?
Published 09/07/23