Why do we celebrate when R’ Akiva’s students stopped dying? Why is Rebbe Shimon’s death a time to celebrate?
Published 05/23/24
Published 05/23/24
Monthly women’s chabura
Published 05/22/24
Connecting to the pain and connecting to the source of it all
Published 05/16/24
What happened with R Akiva’s students? What does it mean to love another Jew like yourself?
Published 05/09/24
Why mention the death of Aharon’s sons when the parsha has nothing to do with them?
Published 05/02/24
Musical meditation
Published 04/15/24
How does the parsha contain both a beautiful baby and ugly tzaraas? What is the treasure the metzora receives?
Published 04/11/24
Monthly women’s chabura
Published 04/10/24
What happened with Nadav and Avihu?
Published 04/04/24
Why do we need to bring fire on the mizbayach? Why is it a mitzvah?
Published 03/28/24
“Revealing Esther’s Secret”
Published 03/22/24
Monthly ladies chabura
Published 03/21/24
Why do we need חזק חזק when we have the holy Mishkan?
Published 03/14/24
How was the Mishkan a tikkun for the eigel?
Published 03/07/24
Moshe Rabbeinu is bewildered that Hashem could be angry at Klal Yisroel.
Published 02/29/24
Women’ shiur: Aligning the deeper calendars of life, removing layers, to become stronger and authentically happy
Published 02/21/24
What did the Yidden need after they had the Torah? How was the Mishkan deepening the relationship?
Published 02/15/24
How can we go from the chassuna to an abundance of rules? Why split נעשה from last week’s parsha from נעשה ונשמע in this week’s?
Published 02/08/24
Another deep journey
Published 02/06/24
The contradictory hanhagos of Hashem
Published 02/01/24
Why did Hashem bring them to fear by pinning them against the Yam Suf? Why did Moshe tell the people not to speak and then Hashem tells Moshe not to speak?
Published 01/25/24
The rushed relaxed journey of the Jewish people
Published 01/18/24
Where was Moshe’s complaint coming from? Two types of redemption.
Published 01/13/24
Women’s Niggun shiur for Chodesh Shevat
Published 01/10/24