What would you do with the knowledge of human expiration? Well, in this story, we find out if it really is a blessing... or a curse...
Published 09/05/23
Published 09/05/23
Now more than ever, the guidelines for internet safety are needed. So what's wrong with a little story of internet safety... or lack of.
Published 03/26/23
We all have a past we're trying to forget or run away from, but what if you can't escape it? What if everyday is a constant reminder...
Published 03/12/23
We've all heard the stories of being drugged by a stranger, but what happens when the predator that drugs you isn't even human?
Published 03/05/23
This episode is contains 3 stories all from the skilled and talented writer of ScaryMaxx on r/nosleep. The stories are a series of events relating to the forseen death, and the Countdown Man...
Published 02/26/23
A person with a rare ability to see entities that most have never even heard of, but it might be an ability he might soon forget...
Published 02/19/23
r/NoSleep... what else needs to be said? A site where we have uploaded our scariest times, but maybe we should have stopped while we were ahead. 
Published 02/12/23
The first story is a follow up to the Hungry Man. Our second story is from the Holder Series. I do believe that these tales need no introduction...
Published 02/05/23
We all know fast food isn't good for you, but in this story it's not the food you have to worry about...
Published 01/29/23
A child is being abused and askes for help... where do you draw the line on what is right and what is wrong?
Published 01/22/23
What would happen if robots actually took over?  We've all the the terminator movies, but would there really be a different outcome?
Published 01/16/23
A story of what it means to truly suffer... in silence.
Published 01/10/23
When it comes to wedding planning, do you know who you're hiring to trust with all your intimate moments?  You should really question everyone, especially the photographer. 
Published 05/02/22
When the hordes of Hell come, what would you do?
Published 04/24/22
Everyone's been scared of what's hiding under the bed, but no one's ever thought to question why he's there or if he's even there for us.  
Published 04/17/22
A story of a first encounter with the infamous beast known as Sasquatch.  What happens when you observe a beast only to become the one who's now observed....
Published 07/12/21
A story of someone's internal demons, and what happens when it goes unnoticed by those around him. 
Published 07/06/21
When delivering pizza goes wrong.  A man who already hates his job runs into situation makes his night take a turn for the worst....
Published 07/03/21
A story of the beautiful ones, and all their beauty.  What would you do to capture their perfection, and save it in the hour glass of time? 
Published 06/28/21
When a group of teenagers night of boredom and curiosity, leads them down a road less traveled...
Published 10/05/20
This is one for the books, a story that tells the meaning of life.... I hope you’re ready for it
Published 09/17/20
You know about the Devil, and his purpose. That is, you think you do, but you’ve never heard his side of the story. A story that is all too familiar about humanity and our undoing, a story the devil has to take no hand in to participate.
Published 06/08/20
The danger of living in auto pilot, and what can happen when you break routine...
Published 04/27/20
We all know not to pick up hitchhikers, but what happens when you do? And what happens when you pick the wrong one...
Published 04/08/20