In this episode of Non Executive Director Insider Insights, we discuss maximising value through a diverse board portfolio with Kerry Ryan. Kerry has broad experience across various consumer-facing industries - retail, FMCG, sport, professional services, education, fitness, health and wellbeing, and social services. Through her diverse board portfolio, Kerry was able to embrace opportunities that challenged her growth enabling her to strengthen her skills and enhance her opportunity to add...
Published 10/23/23
As companies move toward a global standard of providing the best to their customers, it has become apparent that every single business organisation has become a technology company. With huge amounts of tech consumers, companies need to keep up with this demand and need a board structure knowledgeable about tech strategies. In this episode of Non Executive Director Insider Insights, we chat with Rob Hale, a client of the Board Coaching Institute. Rob has recently landed a board role in the...
Published 06/05/23
Managing an organisation requires strategies that can increase profitability without sacrificing purpose. Profit may be the same across organisations but the purpose varies. So how can the board encourage goal-driven values that don’t hamper profit in executives and non-executive positions? In this episode of Non Executive Director Insider Insights, we speak with Sanchia Aranda AM. Her professional career started out in nursing and has now extended to over 40 years of expertise in cancer...
Published 05/02/23
Making the leap from the executive world to the boardroom can sometimes seem so effortless by some. While many others struggle to even get an interview for a board role, let alone get appointed to a board. If you’re in search of a magic button to have a successful board career, this episode sheds light on how to approach your board career and how to add value through customer advocacy. In this episode of Non Executive Director Insider Insights, we’re joined by Wendy Stops. At the time of...
Published 04/03/23
Are you looking to find your true purpose and passion in the boardroom? We all know that success comes from hard work, but without purpose and passion you’ll struggle to maintain long-term motivation or inspiration in your board role. In this episode of Non Executive Director Insider Insights, we’re joined by Dr Delyth Samuel. Delyth has spent over 20 years juggling full time work with board work. Her first role was a state appointed role as a result of her industry expertise with the...
Published 04/03/23
Boardrooms have been ingrained with conventional perspectives that are often difficult to challenge. This might explain why people in board positions often find themselves in comfortable, yet critically complacent situations. How can you recognise and break away from these limitations and biases and move beyond the traditional boardroom boundary? In this episode of Non Executive Director Insider Insights, we’re joined by Anita Muller, who at the time of the recording was running her...
Published 04/03/23
The transition from an executive position to a Non Executive Director involves many different types of hurdles. This exciting challenge requires you to quickly skill up in a multitude of personal and professional areas and to allow yourself to enjoy the stretch. These challenges will come from various areas - being heard, soliciting ideas, finding your style in how you govern and manage, etc. As well as building new relationships with members of the board and executive team. And not everyone...
Published 04/03/23
It can frustrating trying to get your board career off the ground, and what seemed to work like magic for you in your executive career, doesn’t open doors to board opportunities. Getting rejected after putting in so much effort in applications and interviews can be confronting and may even lead to self-doubt. In this episode of Non Executive Director Insider Insights, we’re joined by Michelle McLean who at the time of this recording was sitting on 13 boards and committees which included the...
Published 04/03/23
Getting appointed to a board role will require having more than just referrals and an impressive resumé! You have to figure out how to effectively sell yourself to the business. With lots of executives vying for the position, how can you make sure you successfully land that board role? In this episode of Non Executive Director Insider Insights, we’re joined by Professor Andrew MacLeod. At the time of this recording, Andrew was Non Executive Chair at Griffin Law, NED for Burnham Global, the...
Published 04/03/23
Transitioning into any new role requires learning new things, but how do you prepare for a role that operates in a totally different arena to any other role you have held previously? The delineation between the board and the executive team can be a minefield for new Non Executive Directors. In fact, the shift from an executive position to a board role can feel like starting over again and you might even find yourself struggling to know how and when to apply your executive skills and...
Published 04/03/23
Just like any other role, a board role requires dedication and hard work. To prepare for this responsibility, it’s important to understand whether you’re ready to venture into a board role. In this episode of Non Executive Director Insider Insights, we’re joined by Sandra Dodds. At the time of this recording, Sandra had recently transitioned from her full time operational CEO to professional full time Non Executive Director. She was serving on the boards of Snowy Hydro; a Government...
Published 04/03/23
The ability and opportunity to make contributions that bring value to the boardroom require Non Executive Directors to tap into their authenticity. In this episode of Non Executive Director Insider Insights, we’re joined by Lisa Chung AM who shares her thoughts on what she describes as the privilege of serving others through the boardroom. She discusses her ideas on the crucial role of living authentically. At the time of this recording, Lisa was Non Executive Director of Australian Unity...
Published 04/03/23
It’s often stated that the fastest way to success is to role model someone who is already achieving it. If your goal is to become a successful Non Executive Company Director, what better way to do this than to listen to directors’ journeys and firsthand experiences? In the pilot episode of Non Executive Director Insider Insights, Sally Parrish walks us through a quick introduction to the series, what to expect in future episodes, and the three constant questions she’ll ask on every...
Published 03/31/23