I know, I know - time travel is everyone's favorite dream. Whether in sci-fi movies (Tenet, Primer), TV shows (Star Trek, Doctor Who), or books (End of Eternity, Kindred), we've all dreamed of time-traveling to the future, of partaking in a completely-changed version of our universe. Unfortunately, though, today's episode is here to crush your hopes and dreams: we'll talk about why time travel is (mostly) a bust, and why most common time travel solutions (wormholes, Einstein-Rosen bridges,...
Published 01/17/22
Published 01/17/22
Ah, yes. The simulation hypothesis. Now - as scary as this sounds - the sad truth is that being in a simulation would solve many physics mysteries in our universe today. Quantum indeterminacy? Check. The Many-Worlds theory? Also check. The upper limit on the speed of light? Well, unfortunately, that's also solved by our beloved simulation hypothesis. (Don't worry, though, just to keep things level, we'll also tackle why this theory is so controversial in the first place.) So sit back, put on...
Published 01/10/22
If you didn't know - I LOVE to read. I have always been - and will always be - a voracious reader. So, today, let's step beyond the topic of astrophysics - let's get real and personal, and talk about something that could very well further connect (or - dare I say - disconnect) us all: books. Out of the 70 books that I read this year, here are some of my favorites. I hope these inspire you, and, in return, I hope you leave me some of your favorite books that you read this year down below :)...
Published 12/28/21
How did it all begin? (And how will it all end?) How was our universe created - and how did we come to be? In today's episode, we'll answer these momentous questions using the monumental Big Bang theory: a theory not only describing the birth of our universe, but also its subsequent expansion and growth from a baby universe to the vast, expansive beauty we know it as today. So how did our universe go through puberty? Well, tune in today to find out!
Published 12/17/21
Uh, oh - there should be around THREE times more lithium in our universe than there actually is! So where is this missing lithium? And why haven't we discovered it? We're not quite sure yet, but let's talk about it . . .
Published 11/24/21
A few episodes ago, we divulged Einstein's mind-blowing - and fundamental - theory of special relativity . . . let's expand upon that. How does distorting the fabric of spacetime connect with gravity? And, more importantly, what are the implications of general relativity for space - specifically for black holes, special universes, and time travel? I don't know, man, but tune in today to find out! (PS: please excuse my wacky, crackly, pre-pubescent sick voice. I caught the freshman flu and am...
Published 11/17/21
That's right. Empty space doesn't exist. It's a ploy by the Illuminati. A figment of your imagination. An idea created to please the non-physics-loving layperson. "But how is that true?" You ask. Well - and here's my answer - tune in to today's episode to find out. Because, today, my friends, we're talking about quantum foam - not only how it alters what we perceive as "empty space," but also how it impacts the universe both in and beyond our Milky Way.
Published 10/20/21
How can a cat be both ALIVE yet DEAD at the same time?  To be honest - I did not know . . . until I learned about Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and how that ties into quantum superposition. Tune in today to FINALLY understand Schrödinger's mysterious (wacky) cat . . . and how particles at the quantum level might just have a mind of their own. 
Published 08/29/21
Why is time known as the "fourth dimension?" Where did Einstein's "e = mc^2" equation come from? Well, in today's episode, we'll tackle both these questions, along with the many others that led space and time to become inextricably linked. Newton had ideas; Mach had principles; yet Einstein's theories are what now constitute the foundation behind modern physics. But why? Well, tune in today to learn more - and to discover how Einstein's theory of special relativity revolutionized our very...
Published 08/19/21
Today, we're bringing in our very first special guest, robotics and physics enthusiast Sajiv Shah, to go over the five "W's" of human space exploration and the politics behind space travel. WHO is leading the journey for space exploration? WHEN have we explored space in the past? WHAT - and WHERE and WHY - are we exploring in space right now? And HOW - okay, so this isn’t a “W” - would our experiences in space vary from those on Earth? Yes, these are tough questions, but Sajiv and I have you...
Published 07/31/21
STRING THEORY? That's right! In today's episode, we're going over the very ideology that posits our universe existing within a multiverse, along with the many others that also postulate our 4-dimensional brane holding even more dimensions. (Yes, this is real. No, it does not just exist in sci-fi. And yes, it will blow your mind.) So if you've ever thought about how our universe could be a hologram, or wondered if maybe - just maybe - there's an alternate world where you didn't fail that math...
Published 07/18/21
Today we're bringing in the big guns - questions about our universe as a whole, including its shape, whether it's finite or infinite, and more. I bet you haven't thought too much about this before, but once you dive in, you can't stop - it's just so cool to envision! Is our universe flat? Spherical? Hyperbolic? And exactly how large is it? To be honest, we aren't completely sure, but I'll tell you where we're at right now . . .
Published 06/24/21
Dark matter - one of the largest space mysteries to date. Don't worry, though; I'm here to give you a thorough overview of what we know - and don't know - including what dark matter is, alternative theories for it, and the various particles that scientists conceive could be composing this mysterious non-baryonic matter. Tune in to get caught up with the rest of us, who are all very, very confused (yet very, very intrigued) about this fantastical concept.
Published 06/08/21
Did I name this episode after the "Choose Your Character" TikTok trend? Unfortunately, yes, but in today's episode, we'll be going over the 5 types of black holes, including primordial, stellar, intermediate, supermassive, and quasars. Tune in to learn more about scary sci-fi terms - such as "GALACTIC JETS" - and by the end, you should be well-equipped to finally choose your fighter.
Published 05/26/21
I know, I know - black holes are super confusing. Don't worry, though, because I've got your back! In this episode, we'll go over everything you'll ever need to know about black holes, including what they are, how they form, and the various regions inside of one. If you've ever been stumped by the black hole's singularity, event horizon, Cauchy horizon, or ergosphere - tune in to have your doubts dismissed today. NOTE: at 2:55, I say that the gravitational field is determined by "mg" and is...
Published 05/17/21
This is it! The first episode of Nothin' but Space, where you get to learn more about Francesca - the formal host of Nothin' but Space, and your informal new space best friend :) Join her as she talks about how she became an astrophysics enthusiast - hint hint: it's never too late! - her favorite books, space topics, and more. And don't forget your cup of tea - you'll be here for a while ;) (HAHA I had the biggest brain fart during this episode and kept referring to galaxies as universes . ....
Published 05/11/21