In this podcast, Dr. Lisa Lewis describes her study that examined the economic impact of nursing student course repetition. She used a multicase study methodology to calculate the costs for students and the nursing program. Students who repeated courses had a loss of income and also incurred other expenses.
Published 05/01/24
Gaslighting is a painful and damaging form of psychological abuse and fosters self-doubt, rumination, hypervigilance, and withdrawal from personal and social situations. Gaslighting can lead to post traumatic stress disorder. In this podcast Dr. Cynthia Clark discusses behaviors associated with gaslighting as a form of bullying and strategies to manage gaslighting in the academic setting to promote a healthy work environment.
Published 05/01/24
Without highly qualified nurse anesthesia educators and administrators, the health care system will be threatened by an inadequate supply of certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs). A  Task Force of the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiologists analyzed reasons for high faculty turnover and developed 2 recommendations to support nurse anesthesia faculty and administrators: create a robust faculty development program and a repository of resources for educators. In this podcast,...
Published 05/01/24
Dr. Autherine Abiri explains the process of curriculum mapping of social determinants of health (SDoH) and why this is important in nursing education. She also provides examples of successful curriculum mapping initiatives of SDoH.
Published 05/01/24
Inspired by Mask-Ed character role-play, a novel interactive neurological case study was introduced in a didactic undergraduate health assessment course. The role-play integrated real-time decision-making by students using the Kahoot! participant response system within a live, unfolding case study presentation. Dr. Sotos Djiovnais describes this innovative strategy using Live, Masked Role Play in this podcast and article.
Published 04/17/24
Nursing students struggle with prioritizing multiple-response or select-all-that-apply questions. In a newly designed course for students to synthesize nursing content, an activity was created to help them in answering these types of questions. The activity required students to read the question and then write the answer choices instead of choosing from answers already provided. Learn more about this activity from the author Dr. Susan Kelly in this podcast and article.
Published 04/17/24
Scholars have been advocating for a revolutionary change in nursing education to meet the increasingly complex demands in health care for many years. This podcast with Dr. Elizabeth Wells-Beede presents a scoping review of nurse educator competencies relative to the preparation for nurses for the academic role. Mentorship is a significant theme in this review. Article at: ...
Published 04/17/24
Dr. Julia Rogers and Mr. Abel Reyes discuss their collaborative partnership between the College of Nursing and the College of Engineering, computer science department, to develop this tutorial. Through this collaboration, the authors developed, evaluated, and refined a 3D AR visualization tool for advanced pathophysiology. An iterative design was used, which is a methodology that is based on a cyclic process of analyzing and refining an activity or process and typically applied in software...
Published 04/03/24
Acute care nurse practitioners need to be prepared to care for critically ill obstetric patients, but advanced practice nursing programs often have gaps in maternal-fetal health content. Dr. Jennifer Brower and Dr. Caitlin Luebcke explain how they enhanced their NP curriculum at Indiana University School of Nursing to incorporate obstetric concepts and simulations that prepare acute care NPs to manage care of critically ill obstetric patients. Their curriculum aims to provide new NPs with...
Published 04/03/24
Nurse educators were called to innovate during the COVID-19 pandemic. There were restrictions on clinical group size and ongoing student absences due to exposures and infections. Providing relevant clinical makeup activities remains a continual challenge. An innovative model was created and used with nursing students who were well enough to engage in the clinical day but could not be on-site. This podcast with Drs. Horan and Foley describes how the Model can still be used in nursing programs...
Published 03/20/24
Dr. Rhonda Lanning incorporated birth doulas into the prelicensure reproductive health care course that she teaches. What do the doulas do? How are they integrated in the nursing course? What do students and doulas think about this innovation? Learn more from Dr. Lanning in this podcast and article. Article: https://journals.lww.com/nurseeducatoronline/fulltext/2021/05000/utilizing_doulas_to_improve_nursing_student.4.aspx 
Published 03/20/24
Dr. Sue Bookey-Bassett shares a teaching strategy developed to promote students’ professionalism and their understanding of professional nursing organizations. Learn more in the podcast and by reading her article.     
Published 03/20/24
Three faculty members who teach in the nurse practitioner program at The Ohio State University College of Nursing describe an innovative approach to teaching diagnostic reasoning using virtual reality (VR). Learn how they create realistic simulations that allow nursing students to practice the process of diagnostic reasoning, delegate tasks, make clinical decisions, and learn from mistakes. Courtney Kresge, Stephanie Justice, and Carolyn McClerking explain how they use VR to assess competency...
Published 03/06/24
The effects of climate change are anticipated to pose a significant threat to public and environmental health. The Lancet Report of the Countdown on Health and Climate Change stated that climate change is the biggest health threat of the 21st century. Because of climate change, weather variability is increasing and causing more injuries, illnesses, and deaths from a wide range of climate-sensitive health outcomes. This podcast with Dr. Adelita Cantu discusses a teaching strategy to promote...
Published 03/06/24
The current master's and doctoral nursing programs in the United States are not meeting the supply and demand for the nursing education workforce. Preparing a greater number of highly qualified evidence-based nurse educators would help mitigate the crisis of turning away nursing applicants due to the lack of faculty. This podcast with Dr. Tara King presents an innovative approach to preparing nurse educators in a Doctor of Nursing Education Program. Article: ...
Published 02/21/24
National data suggest that only 9.4% of nurses currently practicing in the United States are male. To put this into context, US Census data from 1900 indicate that men comprised 9% of the total population of nurses during the turn of the 20th century. While the number of men entering the field of nursing has steadily increased, the proportion of men in the profession has grown by less than 1% over the last 120 years. This podcast with Drs. Mott and MacWilliams presents strategies to increase...
Published 02/21/24
Cocreation is a collaborative process that uses problem-based learning to construct new initiatives. Thirty second-year prelicensure nursing students cocreated simulations and associated lesson plans for a simulated practice placement. In this podcast, Joelle Salje describes this initiative and the process students used to develop their simulated clinical placement. Learn more in her article.
Published 02/11/24
If you are teaching DNP students or guiding their projects, this podcast is for you. Dr. Curry Bordelon describes his school’s use of OVID Synthesis as a project management tool for DNP projects. Ovid Synthesis reduces project variation and ensures learners use best practice models for implementation across all DNP project courses. He also explains how Ovid Synthesis has facilitated communication and coordination between faculty and students. Ovid Synthesis for Academic Programs | Ovid |...
Published 02/11/24
How do you address bias in your curriculum?  Curricular approaches that prepare future nurses to address implicit bias in clinical settings remain an urgent need. Responding to these calls for educational action is especially challenging because competencies to counter bias and racism in healthcare settings are not clearly defined. In this podcast, Dr. Rebecca O’Connor and Dr. Kenya Beard describe equityXdesign and how they used it to develop the Implicit Bias Clinical Education Program...
Published 02/07/24
To prepare family nurse practitioner (FNP) students to assume roles in a complex, technologically driven healthcare system, educators are increasing the use of simulation. Dr. Mary Ann Dugan, Chelsea Lebo, and Ashley Stallworth describe the face-to-face and virtual simulations they developed to help students navigate both in-person and telehealth patient visits. Article: https://journals.lww.com/nurseeducatoronline/fulltext/9900/nurse_practitioner_student_simulations_to_navigate.359.aspx 
Published 02/07/24
Nurse practitioners (NPs) need to acquire prescribing competencies during their nursing program so they are prepared to provide safe care to patients. Many NP students have anxiety about prescribing, even after they have completed a course in advanced pharmacology. Drs. Phillips, George, and Munn describe the structure, topics, and outcomes of a prescribing workshop they offer for NP students. Article: ...
Published 01/24/24
Two leaders in nursing and healthcare education at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences in Helsinki, Finland, describe initiatives to develop solutions to complex healthcare problems in their local community. Metropolia combines expertise from business, culture, technology, healthcare, and social services to build sustainable innovations through their Innovation Hubs. Solutions are created through bold thinking about wellbeing, environmental responsibility, person-centered social and...
Published 01/19/24
Laurie Robinson, MSN, developed case studies that integrated the Clinical Judgment Measurement Model. She describes the cases, which were used by beginning nursing students prior to their initial clinical practice, and the outcomes of her study. 
Published 01/10/24
Shannon Vandenberg, RN, PhD(c), a nursing instructor at the University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, is an expert in planetary health and nursing. She discusses why planetary health is important for the nursing profession and how educators can incorporate planetary health into the curriculum. 
Published 01/10/24