Life is a revolving door of people and experiences. Life is a whole lot of leaps of faith and trusting yourself even when others don’t understand, possibly also confused yourself of why you’re doing this. And finally there is so many landscapes to explore within your mind your body and your soul ; spend some more time this week listening to the beckoning in your chest and the rumble in your tummy:) Thank you so much for being you, and for showing up:)💌
Published 03/16/24
Published 03/16/24
These episodes are really just random rants of time that make sense to my mind, hoping that it will make sense to somebody else’s:) a reminder, that pain is grounding. areminder that suffering is also what allows you to feel joy; that love grief, and hate are all on one string. and that being alive right now is really a cool experience despite all these emotions. thank you so much for listening and for showing up for yourself❤️.
Published 01/27/24
thank you for showing up:)
Published 11/16/23
thanks for tuning in wether this is your first or 50th episode I appreciate you!!
Published 11/12/23
This podcast episode is all over as an any other podcast ep:) if the title resonates with you, and you’re going through a heartbreak of any kind, give a listen and send me a message @returningtothearth on insta. thanks for coming to my chaotic humanness I appreciate you for being you, and for honoring your emotions, no matter how big or small:)
Published 11/10/23
In this episode, I talk about how hard it is to be in friendships and relationships right now, in my life, and I know in many many others. Something that I’m always circling back to as when people deny my emotions and how badly it hurts me. I realize that the only real thing out there is feelings and emotions whether it’s yours or somebody else’s and you cannot deny that about you or them, I’m not perfect nobody is.
Published 11/03/23
I wish there was some kind of lesson taught in middle school or high school about how not to get into bad connections with others, although, typically we find people like how we were raised. And so these things on the outside perspective look uncomfortable they are comfortable to us because they feel like home. This is an episode about relearning what is NOT OKAY in relationships. I talk about gaslighting and narcissism and how to see those patterns. You are loved, and you will get through. I...
Published 10/22/23
Hello human behind the screen in this episode, I speak about returning back to myself and calling my power back. I know this seems very cliché, I thought that I was past the point of having to reiterate the love for myself. But I realize that I’ve been spending a lot of time trying to prove to others that I am doing better without them then really proving to myself that I’m actually doing good, this episode is an ode to reading some poetry about self love and coming back to your center. Thank...
Published 10/20/23
Not a full depth episode, but as much that I felt sharing today. Many people wanted to hear an episode like this. Thank you for tuning in and for being you leave any questions in the Q&A response area!
Published 10/18/23
hello, I am your host halle. Thank you for tuning into this podcast ‘returning to the Earth’ where we chat about how one day we will return to the Earth physically, and mentally and emotionally in ways we will deepen our connection to Nature. In this podcast episode, I speak about looking for the keys that the universe is giving to you which I called seeds, and how they can transform the next part of your life if you’re looking for collecting them:) I love you - I’m sending you a big Bear...
Published 10/02/23
thank you for tuning in 🫀⭐️📖
Published 09/20/23
In this episode, I talk to the text of a book called "I don't want to grow up" by an author named Scott Stillman with the abbreviation "life, liberty and happiness without a career" If you are a soul, who's lost in what you want to do with life I encourage you to listen with a cup of tea, juice or coffee in hand and a curious mind:) I've always known since I was a little kid I didn't wanna grow up to just work my whole life. It never made sense to me, and It often doesn't make sense to others...
Published 09/20/23
In this episode, I talk to the text of a book called “I don't want to grow up” by an author named Scott Stillman with the abbreviation “life, liberty and happiness without a career” If you are a soul, who's lost in what you want to do with life I encourage you to listen with a cup of tea, juice or coffee in hand and a curious mind:) I've always known since I was a little kid I didn't wanna grow up to just work my whole life. It never made sense to me, and It often doesn't make sense to others...
Published 09/20/23
In this episode, I talk to the text of a book named I don’t want to grow up by an author named Scott Stillman with the abbreviation life, liberty and happiness without a career. If you are a soul, who’s lost in what you want to do with life I encourage you to listen with a cup of tea and a curious mind:) I’ve always known since I was a little kid I didn’t wanna grow up to just work my whole life. It never made sense to me, and It often doesn’t make sense to others when I say I don’t wanna...
Published 09/19/23
Hello fellow, human from the other side of the Interwebs:) this episode is a reminder to be cringe year and weird and you. To live with passion, and to love despite being hurt. Scream, I love you out windows and Howell to the moon, even if others look at you funny. I’m giving you a big hug and a forhead kiss through the screen - wishing you well on your human exploration🕺
Published 09/12/23
Learning lots about the relationships that I’ve had in my lifetime so far and understanding the reason why and how they were the way that they were, I realized that a lot of the time in society were taught that to find relationships It should be like a moth to a similar flame, but that can be really a dangerous cycle. Relationships should be built on core values of perpetuating safety and love in life. I recently learned about a coined term, “called reeling it in”. Where instead of just...
Published 09/07/23
times are confusing right now perhaps they always will be confusing… returning back to society after living on a farm has been especially challenging Here’s a little bit how I’m navigating that
Published 09/04/23
A short voice note I made one evening that I feel deserves some attention because I know somebody else feels the same way:)
Published 09/04/23
Reading the book “all about love” by bell hooks I have some interesting connections and conversations with the text to my life:) I conclude that I don’t really know what love is. The definition I thought is screwed by the push and pull of outside things, if this sparks interest, please listen and thank you 🌟
Published 08/11/23
why do we feel as humans we need to have control and the need to always be in the know?
Published 08/04/23
In this podcast episode, I speak about how shame grows in the unspoken the unsaid, and the unwitnessed. How communication is difficult. How beautiful is it to feel the density of all ranges of emotions. How wonderful it is to take up space and do your own thing without feeling like you’re a repercussion, I love you, and I hope that this podcast episode can spark something within you3
Published 07/30/23
in this podcast episode, I speak about the pandemic of saying sorry, and all the things I feel guilty for within my humanness, I want you to know that it’s okay to be messy and to be weird and to be out there. I also want you to know that it’s time to forgive yourself. admit to yourself all the things that you’ve done to survive and love that about you3
Published 07/25/23
we chat about our own experiences with romantic partners and the hurt that they have caused with out this communication and many other things related in between thank you for listening:)
Published 07/25/23
I love you thanks for showing up:) I know I have been MIA, I’m figuring out stuff mentally, and lots of learning and growing and newness is going on. I appreciate you all so much🤝⭐️🌈
Published 07/16/23