Published 08/20/21
A layered family drama featuring characters inspired by larger-than-life Greek and Roman gods and goddesses. This compulsively readable literary novel mixes in their classic stories of infidelity, mistakes, and consequences with real small town problems.   **** Today marks the end of this volume of One Great Book. But don’t worry, there’s more great book talk and reading recommendations on our sister show What Should I Read Next. Every Tuesday we go beyond the bestseller list to help...
Published 08/20/21
A stunning anthology of wide-ranging and richly varied stories and with a thoughtful assortment of formats, gorgeous color photography, and coffee-table heft. **** Readers, if you’re looking for a way to keep track of your Great Books, I have a new reading journal coming out in September, and it’s perfect for collecting your thoughts about what you have read, keeping up with your TBR, browsing seasonal book lists for inspiration, and reflecting on your reading life.   Right now you...
Published 08/13/21
An unexpected treasure of a book that's part thrilling puzzle, part character study, and 100% bonkers adventure story.   *** Readers, every treasure hunter needs a good journal to jot down all of their insights and clues. Keeping a reading journal does the same thing to help you discover your rich reading life. I have a new reading journal coming out in September and it’s perfect for collecting your thoughts about what you have read, keeping up with your TBR, browsing seasonal...
Published 08/06/21
This modern Gothic novel promises a strong sense of place, a slow-building character study, and a setting that’s a character in its own right. *** Readers, we’re exploring this summer’s great books together in the Modern Mrs Darcy Book Club, including The Whispering House. And we're thrilled Elizabeth Brooks will be joining us on August 24th for a live discussion of The Whispering House. Author events like these make for even more memorable and rich reading experiences. The Modern Mrs...
Published 07/30/21
A conversational guide to a dreaded household chore. This is a book you didn’t know your reading life—or laundry room—needed.   *** Readers, if you’re looking for a way to keep track of your Great Books, I have a new reading journal coming out in September, and it’s perfect for collecting your thoughts about what you have read, keeping up with your TBR, browsing seasonal book lists for inspiration, and reflecting on your reading life.   Right now if you preorder the journal you can...
Published 07/23/21
Full of twists, turns, and biting social commentary, this highly original (and highly discussable) debut novel set in the world of publishing will leave you with your jaw on the floor.   *** This and all of the books in this volume of One Great Book are from my Summer Reading Guide. If you don't have a copy, you can download for free at modernmrsdarcy.com/srg   For more great books, check out our patreon community, where we share patron-only bonus episodes every Friday. Today’s...
Published 07/16/21
This page-turning family saga has everything you could want in a beach read: surfers, rockstars, 80s pop culture, and a mansion going up in flames. With well-drawn characters and a strong sense of time and place it’s a perfect summer selection for fans of messy family stories and compulsively readable literary fiction.   *** Readers, if you’re looking for a way to keep track of your Great Books, I have a new reading journal coming out in September, and it’s perfect for collecting your...
Published 07/09/21
A chance encounter prompts a renowned surgeon to reexamine the past she left behind in this sweeping historical novel.   *** This and all of the books in this volume of One Great Book are from my Summer Reading Guide. If you don't have a copy, you can download for free at modernmrsdarcy.com/srg   Readers, we’re exploring this summer’s great books together in the Modern Mrs Darcy Book Club, our online home for community, classes, and reading-centered conversation with people who love...
Published 07/02/21
A delightful, feel-good queer romcom with a touch of magical whimsy and a cast of the bestest besties a girl could ever ask for.    *** This and all of the books in this volume of One Great Book are from my Summer Reading Guide. If you don't have a copy, you can download for free at modernmrsdarcy.com/srg   Summer reading season is in full swing around here, and to help you get more out of the season while it lasts, we’re inviting you to join us for our Readers’ Weekend and spend a...
Published 06/25/21
“Ever since my mother died, I cry in H Mart.” So begins this poignant, heartfelt, and poetic memoir about grief, growing up, and making amends.   *** This and all of the books in this volume of One Great Book are from my Summer Reading Guide. If you don't have a copy, you can download for free at modernmrsdarcy.com/srg   If you love great books you will love I'd Rather Be Reading, my essay collection on the reading life. It’s for all of us for whom reading isn’t just a...
Published 06/18/21
Lamenting all those lost pandemic vacations? Globetrot with Alex and Poppy in this modern twist on When Harry Met Sally.   *** This and all of the books in this volume of One Great Book are from my Summer Reading Guide. If you don't have a copy, you can download for free at modernmrsdarcy.com/srg   For more great books, join our Patreon community. This summer I'm sharing some older great books that might be easier to get at your library without waiting on the hold list. We also...
Published 06/11/21
One Great Book returns with Volume V on June 11th! A bonkers real life adventure story... A ridiculously practical and surprisingly delightful how to… A dysfunctional family dealing with several generations' worth of secrets… A chance encounter on the subway changes everything... All those stories and more are on their way, from Anne Bogel, host of What Should I Read Next. Each week on One Great Book, Anne pulls one standout title from her personal bookshelves (and this year's Summer...
Published 06/04/21
An atmospheric story about love, loss, and the wildness of nature. The Snow Child is perfect for cozy winter reading. ***  Thanks to our sponsor Page 1 Books. Page 1 is the book subscription company that brings hand-selected books, beautifully packaged, straight to your door.  A Page 1 subscription is the perfect way to finish any last minute holiday shopping because you can buy now and then print or email the gift certificate when the time is right for you. They’ll have something to open...
Published 12/20/19
If you love books about books, or if you enjoy nonfiction that changes the way you see the world—or, at the very least, the bookstore—the slim volume The Clothing of Books belongs on YOUR bookshelf. *** One Great Book is brought to you by Page 1 Books, the book subscription company that brings you beautiful hand-selected books straight to your mailbox. Since we’re talking about books as objects in this episode let me tell you the bundles at Page 1 include books you will want to display, and...
Published 12/13/19
Flipping the script on your typical wartime story The War That Saved My Life tells a tale of pain and hardship, but that pain comes from unexpected quarters—as does the love and redemption the characters ultimately find. This action-packed, emotionally resonant story is a hopeful book, and such a satisfying read.   *** One Great Book is brought to you by Page 1 Books, the book subscription company that brings hand-selected books straight to your mailbox or to your friends and family’s...
Published 12/06/19
Before We Visit the Goddess has the heft and sweep of a family saga in a compact 225 pages.  It's full of unexpected joys, tragic misunderstandings, and deep disappointments, all unfolding in descriptive, dazzling prose. *** One Great Book is brought to you by Page 1 Books, the book subscription company that brings hand-selected books straight to your mailbox. We all know book mail is the best mail, and as we turn our attention to gift giving now is the perfect time to delight everyone on...
Published 11/29/19
This Is Where You Belong unfolds like a conversation with a friend who’s telling you about the stress of her recent move in a way that’s not only fun to read, but also practical, actionable, and bound to make a difference in your everyday life.   *** One Great Book is brought to you by Page 1 Books, the book subscription company that brings hand-selected books straight to your mailbox.  And if you're ready to select a bookish gift for your loved ones check out the Page 1 literary themed...
Published 11/22/19
A gorgeous novel that wrestles with the magical and the miraculous, whose beautiful storytelling and memorable characters have compelled many readers to call Peace Like a River THE best book they’ve ever read.   *** One Great Book is brought to you by Page 1 Books, the book subscription company that brings hand-selected books straight to your mailbox. We all know book mail is the best mail, and as we turn our attention to gift giving now is the perfect time to delight everyone on your list by...
Published 11/15/19
The Age of Miracles is a little bit science fiction, a little bit coming-of-age, and it effectively probes ordinary life not in spite of its un-real backdrop but because of it. **** You all keep telling me that the best part of the One Great Book bonus episodes we share on Patreon is that since they are all books that haven’t been released you’re able to request them from the library or preorder before everyone else. Preordering is a huge help to authors because that early interest shows...
Published 10/18/19
I once watched a woman miss her bus stop because she was utterly absorbed in this literary thriller. It's that good. **** One of my favorite library hacks is requesting new titles BEFORE their release date. And that’s why One Great Book patrons get bonus episodes of One Great Book featuring books that aren't even out yet–so you can get a jump on the holds list.  But that’s just one of the fun perks of being a supporter on Patreon. We also share exclusive peeks behind the scenes, bonus content...
Published 10/11/19
Wednesday Is Indigo Blue is a fascinating look into a little-explored aspect of the human mind, that may change the way you understand yourself and the people around you, that makes you marvel at the way our brains work, and may even make you question your understanding of reality as you know it.  ****  Learn more about all of the great books in this volume at modernmrsdarcy.com/onegreatbook.    If you are looking for a longer show to listen to on your commute or while you finish your to do...
Published 10/04/19
In his final novel Our Souls at Night, Kent Haruf reflects on love, happiness, and the small moments that make up a life; its bittersweet story lingers long after the final page.    **** Readers, great books stay with us long after we turn the last page. My book, I’d Rather Be Reading: The Delights and Dilemmas of the Reading Life, celebrates the staying power of such books, reading under the covers with a flashlight, organizing your bookshelves, and finding your book people. This perfectly...
Published 09/27/19
The taut psychological thriller The Likeness has perfectly complicated characters, deeply human themes, and enough suspense to keep you glued to your couch for two days. **** One Great Book patrons get behind the scenes access and exclusive audio content including bonus episodes of One Great Book featuring books that aren't even out yet. In our last volume one of our bonus episodes was for The Secrets We Kept and I heard from lot of readers how excited they were to get their library holds in...
Published 09/20/19
Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go is a haunting, atmospheric novel about the power of memory, the relentless passage of time, and the human condition that packs a quiet but sure punch. Welcome to Volume III! As Fall creeps up on us, I'm featuring books that feel perfect for this time of year. Visit modernmrsdarcy.com/onegreatbook to learn more about Never Let Me Go and all of the great books in the first two volumes. **** This week on What Should I Read Next, my long form literary matchmaking...
Published 09/13/19