Ever feel helpless about the state of the world? Investigative journalist Roberta Baskin discusses her shift to finding hopeful stories about businesses creating positive social and environmental impact. She talks about Aim2Flourish, a program she helped to start, and where students discover these companies and write stories that focus on the UN Global Goals. Roberta emphasizes the importance of B Corporations and consumer choices while offering practical tips for reducing your carbon...
Published 04/25/24
All change starts with us; even that one little step has the power to create a profound transformation to the larger system. This is just one of the many pieces of wisdom that the Queen of Systems Thinking, Darcy Winslow, imparts to us in this episode. As the Founding President (2010-2020) and co-founder of the Academy for Systems Change, Darcy shares the insights she gained from her extensive corporate career about systems change and systems thinking. She delves into the critical role of...
Published 03/20/24
Equipping the younger generation with environmental awareness and a deep fascination for nature might be our best bet at keeping the planet livable for the foreseeable future. We don’t see a lot of people doing that right now, but those who do are doing it in incredibly innovative and inspiring ways. Today’s guest makes such an impact in this regard. Frank Sesno is the executive director of the GWU Alliance for a Sustainable Future, a bold university-wide initiative that will form a...
Published 03/06/24
Spiritual practice isn't just personal; it's the collective heartbeat for global healing and transformation. In this episode, organization executive Jim Robinson discusses the depth of how aligning with spiritual energy can drive personal healing and global change. He talks about how the mind, body, and spirit are connected and how his visualization practices helped him get better during a health crisis. Throughout the episode, Jim and the hosts explore the crucial role of a supportive...
Published 12/29/23
In a world that is run by numbers and views people as parts of a machine, it can be so easy to lose ourselves and connect to what matters. Adriana Machado fills in the missing piece that connects the corporate world with purpose: systems thinking. Adriana is one of Latin America’s most celebrated women business leaders and an outspoken advocate in the impact economy space. She is a former CEO of GE Brazil and Founder of the Briyah Institute, a Benefit Corporation that bridges innovation,...
Published 12/13/23
“The whole leader demands the whole person— body, mind and soul. And that that is also true of community.” Today’s guest believes in this wholeheartedly, and it guides her in fulfilling her purpose. Ina Gjikondi and Bonnie Buckner join in an inspiring conversation with Deborah Rundlett, a practical Mystic who guides leaders and their teams in connecting with their inner wisdom and purpose. Debbie shares her wisdom and experiences as she discusses the Poet & Prophet competencies, the...
Published 11/30/23
We are all on an ever-going journey of self-transformation. Angela Franco has been transforming herself from the inside-out along with the communities she has been a part of. Throughout her journey, she found herself constantly being guided by her passion for helping others. This passion took her from Bogota to Washington, DC, where she is now the President and CEO of the DC Chamber of Commerce. In this episode, Angela shares with us her inspiring journey of not only self-transformation but...
Published 11/16/23
Associate professor and healing touch practitioner Julia Storberg-Walker is an alumna of the e-Co Leadership Coaching Certification at George Washington University. In this conversation with Ina Gjikondi and Bonnie Buckner, she opens up on how it impacted her profession and reoriented her everyday life. Julia talks about rediscovering her young self, gaining a deeper understanding of her purpose, and experiencing self-healing. She also explains how she achieved balance between her feminine...
Published 11/03/23
Becoming an effective leader is not just about charisma and authority but also wisdom and intellect. Senior Organization Development Consultant Karen Wilhelm Buckley of Communicore Consulting sits down with Ina Gjikondi and Bonnie Buckner to talk about cultivating wise leadership. She explains how this requires inner commitment to always take action with intention, purpose, and authenticity. Karen discusses how leaders should act when their vision clashes with the rest of the team and the...
Published 10/13/23
The best leaders understand that they don’t have the answers to everything. They are in that place of curiosity and exploration, just like our guest in this episode. As Senior Vice President, of the West Region at The Coca-Cola Company, Kathy Twells currently leads a multi-million dollar business cultivating innovation and mutual growth for Coca-Cola’s customer partners. Today, she joins Ina Gjikondi and Bonnie Buckner to talk to us about how she sees the evolution of leadership in this world...
Published 10/06/23
One of the great things about coaching is how it helps us see beyond the surface and unearth the things inside us that we never thought were causing us stress or even pain. Coach, leader, and visionary Sook Yee Tai is all about helping people see the world from a different lens, leading them to a profound way of seeing themselves and the world. Prior to this extraordinary mission, Sook Yee was on a remarkable spiritual journey that enlightened her about the power of her mind and faith. In...
Published 10/05/23
The experience of the coach is always different from the experience of the client. It’s not just the client that develops and grows during a coaching session; the coach does as well. As a coach, time with your client is a time for self-reflection and really understanding what it means to be a coach. Join Ina Gjikondi and Bonnie Buckner as they talk to Chrystal Checketts, Paris Perrault, and Rosalind (Roz) Wilson. All three of them have also been through the Ecoe-Co-Leadership Coaching Program...
Published 08/09/23
What are the boundaries we put between ourselves and connecting with others? In this episode, Ina Gjikondi and Bonnie Buckner talk with Anna Breytenbach, an internationally acclaimed interspecies communicator. Anna guides people worldwide to rediscover and develop their natural senses and connection with all species in an honoring manner through the art of interspecies communication. In our episode, Anna talks about stepping into the imaginative space of connecting with animals and plants,...
Published 07/26/23
A lot of workplaces these days suffer from toxic competition, discrimination, and other challenges. Sean Harvey, TEDx speaker, author, and former Personal Transformation and Wellbeing Partner at Eileen Fisher, Inc., takes the approach of encouraging every team member to experience inner transformation. Ina Gjikondi and Bonnie Buckner chat with Sean as he talks about being an agent of change who guides others in tapping into their creative mind and unleashing their authentic self. He explains...
Published 07/12/23
With us, we have Karen O’Brien, who’s a Professor of Human Geography at the University of Oslo in Norway, and the Cofounder of cCHANGE, a company committed to empowering and activating organizations and people to engage in equitable and sustainable transformations. She has written a wonderful book called You Matter More Than You Think. She has this very beautiful way of communicating complexity, which is inspiring and very actionable. With passion, commitment, and eloquent pen, she’s one of...
Published 06/28/23
Western civilization fails to appreciate the heart as an intelligence system. But have you ever wondered why it is that when you put your heart into something, you tend to do better? This is where our guest comes in to bridge that gap between heart and creativity. Bruce Cryer is one of the founding members of HeartMath, whose breakthrough research and techniques were instrumental in the exploration of biohacking and performance optimization. In this episode, he joins Ina Gjikondi and Bonnie...
Published 06/14/23
Ina Gjikondi and Bonnie Buckner sit down with Melinda Coles, a coach whose mission is to support people in identifying and inhabiting their own abundance. Her advice: speak life into yourself and speak light about yourself. Melinda shares how she attends and connects to that wholeness and allows others to do the same. She also talks about the process of being present to yourself, getting unstuck from the stories that hold you back, and moving forward. Reach into the wholeness within yourself...
Published 05/31/23
Dreams are more than just dreams. They can take you to places, allow you to create life, and even change your reality. Get ready to explore the mysteries of the mind and the power of our dreams. In this episode, Machiel Klerk, an expert and international speaker on dreams, explores the mysteries of the mind and the power of our dreams. He discusses the power of dream incubation, how to use dreams to unlock our full potential, and how to interpret and apply the messages we receive in our...
Published 05/17/23
Finding openness in a closed space may seem contradictory. However, it is where our guests in this episode developed an openness for their own leadership. Michael Paxton and Ryan Humphreys are Leadership Coaches and Factory Managers at the Federal Prison Industries. Together, they share with us how they went beyond the “walls” of the prison environment to connect and support inmates. They each tell their journeys to coaching and what supported their buy-in, by diving deep into the struggles...
Published 05/03/23
Dreams are not just a figment of our imagination; they are a language spoken by our bodies. Through dreamwork in coaching, we can unlock the messages hidden within and use them as a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation. In this episode, Ina Gjikondi interviews Dr. Bonnie Buckner, the founder of the International Institute for Dreaming and Imagery (IIDI), to explore the fascinating field of dreamwork. Bonnie explains how dreaming is actually a 24/7 experience. She discusses the...
Published 04/24/23
Academic institutions place great emphasis on learning about the world out there but very little time is spent in the world in here, the inner work of the learner, the leader, and the human being. Ina Gjikondi has observed this, and created the e-Co Leadership Coaching Program and the One Humanity Lab- grounded in an eco-pedagogy of wholeness and interconnectedness, as way to integrating and addressing the fullness of human experience, and not only a part of it. Starting the show, Ina takes...
Published 04/12/23
In this introductory episode of "One Humanity Lab: Into an Ecology of Wholeness", our co-hosts Ina Gjikondi and Bonnie Buckner delve into the program's vision and story. Grounded in the One Humanity Lab learning space and e-Co Leadership Coaching Program, they share how this show will develop inner capacities in order to truly expand outwards in service to others. From how the show was developed to what it aims to become, tune in and get ready to dive into the ecology of wholeness. Love the...
Published 03/17/23