How to live an Extraordinary life. I asked Randy to help us improve our mental and emotional resolve. Give us some grit. know our strengths and weakness and use those to 10X our lives. Three points we discussed are physiology, vocabulary and belief systems. 
Published 10/26/16
Lower back pain is one of the most common medical complaint. My brother joins me to tackle this problem. He is part of our lifetime family. 
Published 10/23/16
GERD. Heartburn and Acid reflux. This is a short discussion on GERD and how we can improve our diet to improve the symptoms of this. We also go into the causes including H.Pylori a bacteria that can cause the symptoms. Medication options are also discussed. Special thanks to Pastor Scott Linder for some of the theme music. Really appreciate your help and contribution. 
Published 10/21/16
At the request of my patients, I wanted to add a podcast about anxiety and panic attacks. Thank you for listening to our podcast. I am really hopeful that these podcasts can help add a little more time to your office visit. 
Published 10/19/16
Joining us is Tracey Jones one of the medical assistants who is a big part of our medical network. What to expect from your doctor's visit. 
Published 10/19/16
This is in response to one of my patients asking me to talk a little more about testosterone treatment. There is so much more to share but this is a great start. Thank you 
Published 10/19/16
Vitamin D can be very important for all your metabolic needs and we are finding that many people are deficient. Please join us of another great podcast.  
Published 10/17/16
Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Here is a small discussion on how to look at this diagnosis. 
Published 10/14/16
Insomnia is very difficult to manage   1)Avoiding caffeine, green tea or stimulating products prior to sleep. 2)Avoiding exercise too close to bedtime. 3)Using an understanding your circadian rhythm having some early morning and afternoon sun. 4)There is some research to show that possibly blue light or white light from electronic devices could possibly affect your melatonin that may affect your sleep 5)Avoid eating too much late at night
Published 10/12/16
This topic is about diabetes. I have updated his topic to discuss insulin sensitivity. I decided that this is an important topic for my patients who are dealing with diabetes at the early stage. I feel that by improving their insulin sensitivity they may be able to utilize their insulin in a much more efficient fashion. Please enjoy the show  
Published 10/11/16
Functional attention deficit ON this podcast I discussed a new term called functional attention deficit. This is a term that I created with the help of my friend David Jamison.  We both agreed that this is the most appropriate term use to describe how we function. We are both very successful at multitasking. We have several successful projects all going on at the same time. There are Four points that will help you manage the "The Gift" which is FAD.  1) Use your resources 2) Diet 3)...
Published 10/10/16
Hi This is Dr. Jonathan Yousef. Trigger point injections with a product called Traumeel is one of the best kept secrets of my practice. I wish to share with my patient and students how this is a vital tool for the repair process in the back. 
Published 10/06/16
This is a quick discussion on diabetes. I believe that it should help educate listeners on some quick tips for their diabetic optimal health.
Published 10/03/16
This podcast is intended to discuss the different options for people with low active thyroid disease. I have some great suggestions that I love to discuss with my patients. 
Published 10/03/16
Networking for your optimal Health. Part of my health care series. Short discussion on Bioi-identical Hormone treatment.  
Published 09/24/16
Doctor Jonathan Yousef DO networking for your optimal health. This is one of the many podcasts for my Health Care Series. This is a quick discussion on weight loss
Published 09/24/16