We surveyed a bunch of organic chemistry professors on how to pass organic chemistry, or even get an A....they told us the best ways to study, the ways to avoid and gave some helpful hints.  We go over it all here. Want to get your free gifts?  Go to http://www.aceorganicchem.com/free.htm
Published 09/27/16
In this episode, we introduce the EASE method, a system for determining the mechanism or prodcut of almost any organic chemistry reaction.  What we show you here is an abreviated version of the method.  To get the entire two hour course for free, just go to http://www.aceorganicchem.com/free-course.html.   The EASE method has four steps: 1) E is for Electrophile/Nucleophile: label all of your nucleophiles and electrophiles.  2) A is for Acid/Base: Find the acids and bases, label them, and...
Published 11/07/14
In this episode, we look at reactions that you can use if you need to alkylate a carbon atom which is alpha to a carbonyl.  We talk about beta-di-ketone alkylation, enamines, and tautomers.  Also, our first sponsor is Learn More, Study Less Videos.  We have a link to their stuff at http:www.aceorganicchem.com/studyless.html
Published 02/13/13
In theis episode we go pretty in-depth into the Grignard reagent.  A little lecture followed by five examples on the virtual whiteboard.  In our site of the week, we proudly/arrogently talk about the new class notes bank that we created for organic chemistry students.  It has over 70 sets of class notes from around the US and allows you to vote on the ones you like.  Found at organic chemistry tutorials, we think it is pretty helpful.  For more organic chemistry help, please see our main site.
Published 01/27/13
In this episode, we review proton NMR and take a trip to a Japanese wesite with lots of spectral data.
Published 01/16/13
In this episode, we go to the virtual whiteboard to discuss the resonance reasons behind o,p and meta selectivity in EAS.  Then, we start the presentation and see three different tricks that your professor might try to pull on your final exam and how to get around them.  Finally, we get to a pretty fun website that melds comic books and the periodic table.  As always, you can find more resources to help you at www.aceorganicchem.com
Published 12/08/12
In this episode, we examine the SN1 reaction from a couple of different points of view.  We also go to the virtual whiteboard to clear up a misconception on the reaction and discover a website with some fun chemistry stuff like organic chemistry tetris.  As always, you can find more help at organic chemistry.  
Published 12/03/12
In this episode, we examine the SN2 reaction.  We examine what makes a good substrate, look at some problems on the virtual whiteboard, and hear about a website that has organic chemistry mechanisms.  
Published 11/26/12
In this episode we talk epoxides.  We show why some epoxides react differently under different conditions, go to the virtual whiteboard for some practice problems and learn about www.wikipremed.com, a great site for organic chemistry mechanisms.  As always, more organic chemistry help can be found on the web by visiting our homepage.  It has testbanks, videos, flashcards, and other helpful items to get you through the course.  
Published 11/18/12
In today's episode we talk EZ alkene nomenclature.  We take it a step further by going into special cases that might look like "a tie", go to the virtual whiteboard to see another example, and find a website from Columbia University that is pretty helpful.  More can be found at organic chemistry.  
Published 11/11/12
In this episode, we examine a useful method determinig R/S conifgurations, travel to our virtual whiteboard and see an animation to help you visualize how to rotate chiral carbon atoms.
Published 11/03/12
In this episode, we take a closer look at radical reactions and why they work like they do.  We'll go to the virtual whiteboard to see some examples and hear about another helpful website.
Published 10/29/12
In this episode, we show you some methods for converting alcohols to alkyl halides.  
Published 10/21/12
In this episode, we talk nomenclature, specifically how to name alkanes.  We'll go to the whiteboard to see some practice problems and hear about a scienceblog.com site for a molecule of the day.  
Published 10/14/12
In this episode, we learn about resonance, a topic which you will see in both semesters of organic chemistry.  We will go see the theory, do a problem, go to the virtual whiteboard, and see a website where you can download free chemical drawing software.
Published 10/08/12