Lilly Singh got famous by being herself ... but will Hollywood let her be someone else?
Published 05/12/17
Lilly Singh got famous by being herself ... but will Hollywood let her be someone else?
Published 05/12/17
Buzzfeed writer Scaachi Koul discusses how white privilege affects her family and how racism is institutionalized in Canada.
Published 05/04/17
Buzzfeed writer Scaachi Koul discusses how white privilege affects her family and how racism is institutionalized in Canada.
Published 05/04/17
Is standing out the best way to stand up to Trump?
Published 04/28/17
Is standing out the best way to stand up to Trump?
Published 04/28/17
People who organized the March for Science in DC didn’t come out and blame President Donald Trump for science being under attack. Does that mean they're not inclusive, and don't respect the experiences of people who are marginalized by Trump's policies?
Published 04/22/17
Science is under attack. That seems to be what scientists agree on. But people who organized the March for Science in DC didn’t come out and blame President Donald Trump for the situation — even though it’s his budget that would cut funding for environmental programs across the country. That decision to be nonpartisan caused something of a come to Jesus moment for scientists. In the Trump era, issues of diversity are linked to politics seemingly in new ways. The march led to a series of...
Published 04/22/17
The Kominas get a lot of press for being Muslim and Hindu in a genre dominated by white artists. But they kinda just want to rock.
Published 04/14/17
The Kominas get a lot of press for being Muslim and Hindu in a genre dominated by white artists. But they kinda just want to rock.
Published 04/14/17
A veteran asked Otherhood host Rupa Shenoy to look into how "others" within military communities feel about veterans' overwhelming support for President Donald Trump.
Published 04/06/17
A veteran asked Otherhood host Rupa Shenoy to look into how "others" within military communities feel about veterans' overwhelming support for President Donald Trump.
Published 04/06/17
In the US, any citizen, of any culture, is American. In Denmark, that’s not necessarily the case.
Published 03/23/17
In the US, any citizen, of any culture, is American. In Denmark, that’s not necessarily the case.
Published 03/23/17
She was ICE director for a president immigration activists angrily called “the deporter in chief.” Now she’s back home in Texas, unpacking boxes and watching her former employees try to carry out President Trump’s orders to deport millions of people, fast.
Published 03/17/17
She was ICE director for a president immigration activists angrily called “the deporter in chief.” Now she’s back home in Texas, unpacking boxes and watching her former employees try to carry out President Trump’s orders to deport millions of people, fast.
Published 03/17/17
Caught between wanting to service, and frustration. Rumana Ahmed shares her story with Rupa.
Published 03/02/17
Canada has replaced the US as the North American haven that welcomes people fleeing danger and seeking new lives.
Published 02/24/17
Here's the story of how Hindu Indian Americans became the largest group of people of color in the new administration.
Published 02/10/17
Rupa talks to college senior, small business owner, and Yemeni American Summer Nasser in an Otherhood Short.
Published 01/31/17
As the White House changes hands this week, the demographics of the people who work there will also change drastically.
Published 01/18/17
The lawyers, advocates and officials who work with immigrants had one chance before Inauguration Day to get together and make a plan to protect people threatened by Donald Trump's proposals. Otherhood was there.
Published 01/13/17
PBS Newshour's Hari Sreenivasan and Latino USA's Maria Hinojosa help answer the question: What's the role of a reporter of color in an age when diversity, inclusion and facts themselves are politicized?
Published 12/15/16
Otherhood captures a national moment of post-election, pre-holiday dread with a collection of voicemail from people across the country. Many of them feel like others within their own families.
Published 11/21/16
The US drew a line in the sand, and Americans chose where to stand. Now people are examining strangers out of the corner of their eye, wondering just how much they don't know about who lives around them.
Published 11/14/16