Published 02/06/17
For all of you wondering how I make things work behind-the-scenes of my blog and Instagram feed... this is it. The tell-(almost)-all of how David and I survive the work week as two very busy working professionals with a toddler and two dogs.   SHOW NOTES: The Basics - Daycare After school care Dog sitter Meals - Hello Fresh Casseroles or Dish-in-One meals Take out! Bonuses - Starbucks mobile order Outfit planning (thanks B. Jones Style!) Weekend staycations Expectations
Published 02/06/17
If you were looking for a reason to tidy up in the new year, this. is. it... The stunningly edited home and wardrobe of Jamie Lyons. If you haven't seen her Style Story from last week, stop what you're doing. Right now. And go check it out! Seriously. I'm questioning all of my previously held beliefs about my proficiency to ward off clutter. In the wake of my visit with Jamie, I am clear on one thing... I am a total amateur. But today you'll get the full scoop from Jamie herself. In our...
Published 01/19/17
When I look back on 2016, a lot has happened. Much has baffled and disappointed me. But I've learned a lot and met some fantastic people along the way. Today's podcast is a review of this past year's Style Stories and the lessons that I learned from each.   #1 Prolific creativity is often the result of a youthful spirit.   from Kelly Christine Sutton Sidenote on Kelly... This past year, she and her husband took what I'm now going to call a "leap of youthfulness" and purged the majority of...
Published 01/06/17
There was never a question that Arianna Jones would have a creative career. Artistry and entrepreneurship were in her bones and she knew from early on that she was meant to live a certain kind of artist's life. The question was more nuanced... How was she going to live that life. What would it look like, feel like... How would it come together, grow and operate on a daily basis. These aren't questions a person can necessarily answer on their own and, lucky for Ari, she didn't have to. Her...
Published 12/12/16
There are so many instances in which I feel like I don't have control. I mean... have you ever tried to reason with a toddler? Parenting at this stage (and who am I kidding, probably at any stage) is an exercise in learning to live without control. The world's problems are so great and the solutions can seem so very far out of reach. But I'm here today to say that while we may not be able to solve all the problems in all the places just by the swipe of a card, we do have a profound power to...
Published 11/25/16
Gina Bender describes herself as humble, creative and nurturing and her personal style as a mix of classic vintage, layers of color and mindfulness for minimalism. Today on the podcast, we talk about her work as a graphic designer - where she got started and how it has evolved into the work she does today - as well as the yin and yang, give and take, ebb and flow of being a working SAHM. I have tremendous respect for all of Gina's hard work as a mother and designer! Additionally, Gina shares...
Published 11/11/16
Today's episode is courtesy of years worth of pondering on the subject of personal style. What it represents... how it's developed... where it comes from... how it manifests itself. Indulge me as I take a brief dive into these thoughts and more in today's podcast show. Additionally, get the scoop on two books I HIGHLY recommend for personal growth and personal style development. Plus, a few quotes to get your week going!   "...It is a compass for creating a life that reflects what's true to...
Published 10/24/16
Miracle of miracles... I'm back with another podcast episode and it didn't take me three months! Trust me, I'm just as shocked as you are.  Today, I'm sharing a glimpse into what a week of my work life as a prop stylist looks like. My schedule, my work load, the idiosyncrasies of this very unusual job. It's all there plus a bit more. I hope you enjoy!   And if you're an aspiring stylist and want to know more about breaking into this behind the scenes industry, drop me a line! The link to...
Published 10/08/16
You may have thought I left podcasting (I wouldn't blame you... it's been forever), but NOPE! I'm still at it. In fact, this is officially my 50th episode, if you can believe it! Who knew? (I nearly missed it myself.) Turns out, I've been at this whole podcasting thing for quite some time but when you publish as irregularly as I do, 50 episodes takes ya a while. But no matter. I'm not letting that get in my way of creative expression and experimentation!  Speaking of which, today's show is a...
Published 10/01/16
Last week's Style Story visit into the home of home Kris Drayovitch was all about rich layers, worldly textiles and inviting details. In today's podcast, you'll hear from the equally beautiful Kris herself. Besides sharing her personal tips on for shopping second-hand furniture and decorating a home that is welcoming and layered, Kris opens an honest and graceful conversation about her interior struggle with perfectionism and self-confidence... two things I'm sure many of us can relate to! If...
Published 06/06/16
Jayme and Allie are co-owners of Yeti and the Beast and housemates in the coolest arts and crafts home (did you see their Style Story?). They blew me away with their insights when we sat down to record today's podcast. To summarize, we touched on business partnerships and how to make the most of them, honesty and flexibility in regards to your work, the creative process, #anthrowindows, stress as a type of creative rut (and how to work your way out of it), inspiration and why you shouldn't be...
Published 05/05/16
Ok, who's ready for a little style Q & A? Today, I published the second episode of my new Style Questions series. In it, I'm riffing on a few design questions that some of you submitted (don't forget, you can send me questions too using the prompt on the right side of this page). Hopefully I've presented some creative solutions to your design dilemmas.   SHOW NOTES   Question #1: from Mary Evelyn - How do you keep a home looking fresh and stylish without investing in large purchases...
Published 01/22/16
Today's conversation comes as a perfect follow-up to my Conscious Gifting Guide from last week. It's becoming a well-known fact that "fast fashion" has a tragically negative affect on the people that are employed to produce the items. Carly is tackling this problem head on with her fashion company Tribe Alive by adopting a socially responsible business model. In her opinion, doing business in such a manner is nothing extraordinary, or at least she feels it shouldn't be. Rather, it's just the...
Published 12/23/15
Today's post has been a looong time coming. Since it's inception, the podcast has always played second fiddle to the blog for a variety of reasons but primarily because audio is not my area of expertise. But now that I've established a fairly solid rhythm on the blog, I'm finally ready to step up my game on the podcast. And today is the day! As part of my improvement of the podcast, I asked for your style questions and today I'm answering the first few of them. Below, you'll find the four...
Published 11/09/15
Kelly Christine Sutton is a photographer, film-maker, plant whisperer and rainbow decorator. In her words, her style is colorful and spontaneous. If you've seen her Style Story, I'm sure you're dying to hear the rest of her story! Today we're chatting about her creative impulses and stylish preferences. I've changed up my usual questions for some new, more style focused inquiries. You'll learn about Kelly's personal style from all angles... fashion, home, morning rituals, creative career,...
Published 10/01/15
Brooke Fish, the co-founder and crafter behind the baby product company Fresh Bib, takes me through her journey from fashion student to corporate employee, stay-at-home mother and finally product designer and entrepreneur. She shares some of the struggles and lessons that she and her husband Adam have learned along the way as well as her favorite four letter word and how to make a lot out of a little by shopping second hand. As a special gift for all Our Style Stories listeners, Brooke is...
Published 09/10/15
Jane Cheek is a mother of many talents. She is an artist and teacher by trade, a mother to three (now) and a crafty home decorator to boot. You saw her lively home in last week's Style Story, right? In today's podcast episode, I sit down with Jane in her Dallas studio and discuss just she how manages it all... family, kiddos, studio time and homemaking. To my surprise, Jane has gone to some unusual ends to simplify parts of her life. At the end of our conversation, she describes a new...
Published 08/01/15
At long last, Melanie and Dalton get their turn on the podcast. If you saw their Style Story, then you know that in addition to their day jobs as commercial photographer and still life stylist, they enjoy a delightful variety of hobbies. Vegetable gardening, beer home brewing, group running and bath salt mixing. It's all on the table, my friends. This is officially your Summer guide to having a cool hobby, courtesy of the Tarvers.   Listen below or on your smart phone in iTunes to hear our...
Published 06/19/15
Earlier last week, I shared Heylee Heep's Style Story on the blog and today - after traveling to Salt Lake City and back for the Alt Summit conference - I'm back with a her podcast interview. Get ready for some serious design savvy. Heylee is a master of editing and in today's episode she's going to share a few pro tips on how to edit your own space and wardrobe plus reasons why you should consider working with a neutral color palette and what it was like to launch her styling...
Published 01/26/15
Not long ago, I shared a peek inside the home of Robbie and Adam's inviting family home but now it's time to dig a little deeper into the story behind all those cool art pieces and charming decor. Robbie is a baker and owner of Stir Crazy Baked Goods and her husband Adam is an art educator and visual artist. Along with their children Amaris, Paige, and Asher they've followed an adventurous and creatively motivated life together. In today's podcast, Robbie and Adam share some of those...
Published 12/08/14
Today's conversation with Lisa and Erik Craighead of Salt Lake City, UT is primarily about location. I visited their historic downtown apartment earlier this Summer and spent the better part of an entire day with them, touring their home, snapping some pictures, exploring their garden, and enjoying great conversation over a delicious home cooked meal.  During our visit we talked a lot about location as it relates to developing a creative career. We discussed the pros and cons of living in a...
Published 08/16/14
After yesterday's Style Story featuring Laura Busby, I'm sure you're anxious to hear more from this girl who plays mandolin, takes adult ballet classes, and experiments in videography . In today's interview, Laura and I chat about her journey from the beginning as a shop girl at Anthropologie to her current role as a manager of e-commerce and marketing at Peacock Alley. Laura imparted some serious bedding wisdom and enlightened me on my sad, uneducated ways. (hint: what's more important than...
Published 08/08/14
Rachel and Dave Chamberlain are today's guests and I'm thrilled to welcome them onto the podcast. Earlier this week, I shared their gorgeous Style Story and today you'll hear the rest of their story as told in their own voices. Rachel is a portrait illustrator and writer and Dave is a cabinet and furniture builder and owner of Chamberlain Cabinetry. The two live in their gorgeous mid-century home nestled in the mountainside of Salt Lake City, UT with their children Beau, Georgia, Kingston,...
Published 08/02/14
Today we continue our visit with Cristina Lynch from last week. Her Style Story is full of such beautiful traditions and stories. As a special addition to our typical podcast episode, I'm also including photos that I took of Cristina's showroom and work studio for her company Mi Golodrina on the blog. Visit www.ourstylestories.com for the full tour.  After taking a tour of her space, we sat down to talk about everything from folk art and cultural migration to the process behind creating...
Published 07/21/14