Okay hear me out, being embarrassed is a normal thing that everyone has experienced at some point in their lives and I’m not saying that you shouldn’t be embarrassed but what if you just allowed yourself to be embarrassed ? Wouldn’t you lowkey be so much more free? 
Published 12/16/23
Is it just me or does it sometimes feel like in order to make being single worthwhile we have to live a spicy life of flings and one night stands ? Why can’t i be single and thriving ?
Published 12/09/23
Cheating, emotional unavailability and more !
Published 12/02/23
Being involved with someone on a romantic level has to have some logic to it. Can’t just be all attraction and feelings. 
Published 11/25/23
It’s so annoying when all you see is people your age achieving way more than you ever could. It’s so easy to get caught up in trying to live up to these new standards of being a hustler and hyper productive that you forget that you’re allowed to be just a student or just a young person figuring it out .
Published 11/18/23
Lord knows I’ve fought anxiety ever since I escaped the womb but once I started noticing how much control it had over my life, I really had to fight to make sure I’m actually able to live. Just because you’ve always lived with excessive anxiety levels doesn’t mean your doomed to live according to your anxiety till forever falls apart.
Published 11/11/23
Figuring out how friendships work and when to end them or fight for them can be so confusing. When has the line been crossed enough times for you to completely cut off someone you have known for most of your life? 
Published 11/04/23
The more we give in to giving up, the more we condition ourselves to not show up  for ourselves when we need it the most. 
Published 10/28/23
Most of my life I’ve been an overachiever when it comes to academics but the last two years taught me many life lessons, one of them being that failure isn’t the end of the world. 
Published 10/21/23
Maybe its just me but I feel like processing our internal state or checking up on ourselves once in a while is completely overlooked. We just wait till we’re falling apart to actually start taking care of ourselves. The whole point of this episode is for us to realize that we need to devote time to learning and understanding ourselves so that we can be the best versions of ourselves for ourselves. 
Published 10/14/23
I dont wanna speak for anyone else, but “growing up” & “Adulting” is not an easy process especially when you feel like you’re all alone and far from home.  P.S Vancouver is one of the most beautiful places in a million different ways, the downsides that i talk about are only 5% of the experience.
Published 10/07/23
I dont know if it’s just me, but it feels like we’re falling apart when it comes to relationships. It’s like being in a real and healthy relation is becoming less and less common. That’s honestly terrifying.
Published 09/30/23
Welcome to the pod!!! 
Published 09/23/23