Life is weird right now, and it feels like everyone’s kinda entered a zombie state. Maybe it’s cause we’re growing up and suddenly seeing so much or maybe it’s just cause the world is actually getting worse.
Published 05/18/24
Published 05/18/24
What if putting this idea of “finding out who we are” on a pedestal is what’s actually stopping us from figuring it out…
Published 05/11/24
I love the idea of love and being in love with love but let’s not do it to the point where we forget to be in love with an actual person.
Published 05/05/24
Being free but not necessarily happier… sounds weird but i think i’m on to something.
Published 04/27/24
Personally i think the “zen guru’s” are on to something
Published 04/20/24
In my mind there’s something scary about being confortable with being alone, and when i say alone i dont mean completely socially isolated but constantly using yourself as your own safety net because that’s the system you have developed.
Published 04/13/24
I dare you to lose control and stop holding on to a life that everyone says makes sense but has no meaning to you. Maybe after that you’ll feel less trapped. 
Published 03/30/24
Let’s be real.  When you argue and fight with people you love, you’re so caught up in what you’re feeling that your only goal is to make sure they know you’re angry instead of attempting to understand what’s going through their head. That doesn’t solve anything. 
Published 03/23/24
Anger is a punishment you give yourself for other peoples wrong doing. Read that again.
Published 03/16/24
I feel like the whole concept of resetting can sometimes be a trap.
Published 03/09/24
Dont be a teacher if you dont wanna be a teacher!!!!
Published 02/18/24
I understand that the world is constantly evolving and the norms of society are inevitably changing but sometimes i feel like the excuse that the world is just becoming more modern is robing us of having real experiences. 
Published 02/10/24
Being dependent on nothing but myself has always been something that i genuinely believed was the ultimate way to grow but I’m starting to realize that maybe this idea that we must be our own support system is turning into something negative. 
Published 02/03/24
Sometimes its hard being yourself when it seems like its a problem. A lot of the time introverts or people with social anxiety are heavily misunderstood which makes it harder to navigate adjusting to an environment in a way that doesn’t end up with you loosing yourself.
Published 01/27/24
Here’s my thing, no one ever knows what’s going on inside your head.  The only thing they can work with is what they think your intentions were and sometimes what they think is completely different from your truth… but then again, no one can ever know what’s going on in your head, they only have they’re perception to work with. So maybe intention is overrated ?
Published 01/20/24
 As much as our parents might hurt us sometimes, we also have to realize that the insane expectations we set for them to keep everything together is making a large contribution to why we feel hurt in the first place 
Published 01/13/24
Sometimes it feels like resolutions do more harm than good. They aren’t necessarily a bad thing all together but the way we approach New Year’s resolutions needs to be reevaluated. At least that’s what it feels like.
Published 01/06/24
The older i get the more Christmas spirit i loose, but i think its only because I’m having a hard time letting go of what Christmas was like as a child, that I’m failing to define what Christmas means to me now.
Published 12/30/23
Setting a boundary is one thing, but actually allowing yourself to let go is another.
Published 12/23/23
Okay hear me out, being embarrassed is a normal thing that everyone has experienced at some point in their lives and I’m not saying that you shouldn’t be embarrassed but what if you just allowed yourself to be embarrassed ? Wouldn’t you lowkey be so much more free? 
Published 12/16/23
Is it just me or does it sometimes feel like in order to make being single worthwhile we have to live a spicy life of flings and one night stands ? Why can’t i be single and thriving ?
Published 12/09/23
Cheating, emotional unavailability and more !
Published 12/02/23
Being involved with someone on a romantic level has to have some logic to it. Can’t just be all attraction and feelings. 
Published 11/25/23
It’s so annoying when all you see is people your age achieving way more than you ever could. It’s so easy to get caught up in trying to live up to these new standards of being a hustler and hyper productive that you forget that you’re allowed to be just a student or just a young person figuring it out .
Published 11/18/23