Joyelle McSweeney (University of Notre Dame), Johannes Göransson (University of Notre Dame), Dr Adriana X. Jacobs (Oriental Institute), give a talk for the OCCT Translation and Criticism strand.
Published 07/24/15
Matthew Reynolds, Laura Marcus, Mohamed-Salah Omri and Terence Cave on the futures of comparative criticism; followed by discussion.
Published 10/22/13
Katrin Kohl on metaphors of comparison, Ami Li on temporality and interpretive contexts, Carole Bourne-Taylor on Michel Deguy.
Published 10/22/13
Joep Leerssen on Anglo-Saxon and Celtic Philologists: Comparative Literature between National Ethnicity and Global Empire.
Published 10/22/13
Tania Demetriou on the non-existent classical epyllion; Helen Slaney on dilettante comparatists; Henriette Korthals Altes on dance and text; John McKeane on Sophocles, Holderlin and Lacoue-Labarthe.
Published 10/22/13
Ritchie Robertson on Weltliteratur before Goethe; Wen-Chin Ouyang's response; Sowon Park on world literature and the pan-Asian empire.
Published 10/22/13