In the last few weeks, the hurricane disaster has affected millions of people including hundreds of thousands of food allergic people. Today, Sue and Caroline Moassessi – The Grateful Foodie – share several ways you can help those impacted by Hurricane’s Harvey and Irma. Having both endured several disasters including wildfires, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, and blizzards, the...
Published 09/14/17
Published 09/14/17
It is back to school time! For parents of food allergic kids, it is often a scary time. One of the best ways to help alleviate that fear is to obtain a Section 504 Plan for your child. On this episode of the Parenting Food Allergies Podcast, Sue and guest Amelia Smith Murphree, in-house counsel...
Published 09/07/17
Role models are important for all young people. When those influencers happen to be a food allergic young adult and her college bestie, then exciting things happen for the food allergy community. Today, Sue welcomes role models Amanda Orlando and Joella Almeida onto the show to share their friendship journey and give details about their...
Published 08/30/17
Imagine having a dog who could sniff out minute amounts of allergens in your child’s everyday life? Ciara Gavin, a former Air Force K-9 Handler and founder of Allergen Detection Service Dogs, has been training dogs to do just that for nearly a decade. Today Ciara joins Sue to discuss food allergen detection dogs and what...
Published 08/18/17
Food allergy related tragedies have dominated the news and social media these last few weeks. On this episode, Sue and Caroline Moassessi openly discussion how these losses have impacted their lives and how they’ve learned to manage their fears while continuing to follow these important stories. They share why they deeply respect the grieving families...
Published 08/06/17
Having a child with a chronic condition such as food allergies can create lots of strain in a home. Many of us are fortunate to share the responsibility with a partner but keeping one’s relationship strong takes work. Lots of work! Today, Sue and her husband Kevin discuss eight core things they’ve done to maintain...
Published 07/28/17
Celiac disease and food allergies are often confused, but they are very different. Today, Harvard’s pediatric gastroenterologist, Dr. Dascha Weir joins the show to explain the difference between celiac disease, gluten intolerance, gluten sensitivity, and wheat allergy. Dr. Weir also answers many questions regarding common symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, research of celiac disease. Questions include: What...
Published 07/18/17
Reading food allergy labels is not only important, it is vital to living safely with food allergies. But sometimes consumers need to do more than just read the label. Today Sue and guest Caroline Moassessi, Grateful Foodie blogger and Allergic Living product editor, discuss how to accurately understand food labels and how to contact a manufacturer...
Published 07/11/17
Traveling the world with food allergies presents itself with a whole set of challenges. But seeing the Grand Canyon, Leaning Tower of Pisa or the Arc de Triomphe is not only possible; it can be easier than you think. All it takes is a well-crafted plan. Sue recently returned from an extended trip abroad. With...
Published 07/05/17
Summer camp is often the first time a food allergy child is away from home. The prospect of being separated and having a stranger prepare food causes much anxiety for food allergy families. These fears can be eased by carefully selecting a food allergy friendly camp. This week Sue Lein, the owner of the fabulous...
Published 06/14/17