In this episode I talk about why your teen has negative behaviors. So often parents focus on what the behavior is, but by understanding why the behavior happens in the first place, then we you can truly end them before they begin.
Published 03/14/20
Published 03/14/20
In this episode I teach the exact incentive plan that I use in my private practice to motivate teens to do their chores and homework without nagging, arguing or using consequences. Its a game changer!
Published 03/03/20
In this episode we discuss how to structure the home environment to ensure that teens are able to get there work done and feel good about their successes.
Published 02/26/20
In this episode we talk about why teens respond to basic requests with such an angry and dismissive attitude. Tips for how parents can turn it around and get their kids to show respect.
Published 04/15/19
In this episode I explore the epidemic that is teen vaping. I talk about what parents need to know about vaping and what they should do in response.
Published 04/07/19
In this episode I help parents to understand the primary forces that motivate human behavior. I teach parents how to have dialogue with their teens rather than slam them with consequences. I provide insight into how to motivate by attaching what the teen values to the task.
Published 03/28/19
In this episode I teach parents how to help their teens wok through social anxiety. You will learn what the root cause of social anxiety is and what to do to end the cycle of negative self-talk.
Published 03/23/19
In this episode I teach parents how to get your teen to open up to you. The focus is on using a strategy that not only engages teens initially, but also builds in value so they will seek parents out in the future. I use this in my practice with every teen I work with.
Published 03/17/19
In this episode I answer the question of what to do when your teen suffers from low self-esteem. We cover the developmental reasons why low self-esteem develops and what you, as a parent, can do to help it. I walk you through a very specific and successful exercise i do with my private practice clients.
Published 03/11/19
This episode introduces the Parenting Your Teens Podcast. The parenting your teens podcast is a weekly show focused on providing parents expert tips in dealing with common issues parents face with their teens. This Episode is an overview of the format and how to submit your own question. Episodes air weekly.
Published 03/03/19