Boy do I struggle with enjoying the moment. I find myself constantly planning what next, but then i'm left questioning what now? It leaves you feeling empty. I especially find that the single life isn't always the easiest place to be. I am always on the boy hunt, I think we have all been there at some point. I tell myself that i'll be happier once I am in a relationship or that I need someone to complete me. Well, let me tell you, I am finally learning how to LOVE MYSELF. I write that in all...
Published 09/02/20
We are experiencing a time currently, that none of us have really encountered to this extent before. You may have had many plans for the past few months that were cancelled and now your life looks completely different from what you thought it would. The downfall you may ask, or maybe you won't but I'm going to talk about it anyways, it can be a whole lot easier to find momentary happiness in things this world has to offer. There are many counterfeits. Lust instead of love, numbness from...
Published 08/26/20
Have you found it difficult to find community and make friendships when you're always masked or behind a screen? SAME HERE!! In fact it started to get a little... too... comfortable...... So, here is how I am stepping out of my comfort zone to try and build stronger community and friendships even behind a mask. You can too! Let's walk together!
Published 08/19/20
Welcome to the party everybody! I want this to be a safe space for you. A space you feel you can come and just be. A space where just "being" is enough. I am so excited to share stories and advice with you just as if we were best friends up at 2am at a sleepover. That's just what you are here. The moment you clicked on this podcast you became a friend, and a friend in Christ that is. We are in this together and I cannot wait to journey with you. 
Published 08/11/20
Published 08/11/20