Just Be Mom! Single Moms: Don't Try to Be Dad Just be mom, I know you can do it even if it seems hard. Single moms try to do it all. As a single mom I have a lot on my plate. In the beginning I felt like I needed to be both mom and dad to my boys. So I drove myself crazy trying to fill both roles. I ended up tired, cranky and miserable and I was failing. The truth is that if God meant for me to be a dad to my boys I would've been born a boy. Just Be Mom! - be encouraged! In this podcast...
Published 06/24/14
Published 06/24/14
Why We Go Through The Hard Times Why hard times make you stronger... Many nights I can remember sitting on the floor in my bathroom (with the exhaust on so my boys couldn't hear me) crying my eyes out. I know everyone has problems but I struggled ... and decided why hard times would not rule my life. Even if life was more than I thought I could handle: single parenting, homeschooling, having a special needs child, etc. I was stuck with the thoughts and the questions that could never be...
Published 06/10/14
  Have you ever been in a hopeless situation? There have been many times in my life where I looked around and just saw no way that things could work out for me: depression, homelessness, divorce, etc.  Today I want to let you know that there is always hope no matter what your situation.
Published 05/27/14
  When I was a little girl I LOVED Mother's Day. It was a fun and exciting time when I got to help my Daddy and brother celebrate my mom.  As a single mom this holiday can be difficult. There are families everywhere celebrating together, giving gifts and it can be a harsh reminder of the things that we don't have. In this show I want to encourage you to look past the pain and disappointment and find the joy in being a single mom.
Published 05/14/14
One story from the bible that I go to often is Jonah. You can learn alot about obedience and forgiveness from Jonah. Many people focus on the part of the story where Jonah spends time in the belly of the big fish. My favorite part comes after Jonah is spit out on dry land. One day God asked me to obey in something that I just didn't want to. It was a hard, and kicked against it for a while (just like Jonah) but in the end when I yielded to the call of obedience I was blessed in ways that I...
Published 04/22/14
When my marriage headed for trouble God called me to something really difficult. I had so much going on (new baby, dying father, law school, and failing marriage) that I just couldn't see how and why God would ask something so hard of me. I felt sure that I was justified in my negative attitude and hurt feelings. I'd grown comfortable with my pain and bitterness. I finally did make the hard choice to obey and I'm sharing how that blessed me in this podcast.
Published 04/08/14
If you haven't listened to "The Problem with Perfectionism" you'll want to before listening to this episode :D Trying to live a life of perfection is just not possible. There is no way that I can be perfect on this side of Heaven and anything that tries to tell me otherwise is just a lie.  I've shared with you some of my testimony about how I fell into perfectionism and why it's so dangerous. Today I want to share some hope and encouragement with you. Freedom from the need to be perfect can...
Published 03/25/14
Growing up I did my best to the perfect child. There were some issues in my home growing up and we were taught to put on a good face and not to ever let anyone know what was going on. I'm sure that my parents meant for me to learn the importance of keeping private things private but my little heart didn't understand that. As I grew older I noticed that I was rewarded for doing a good job. When I would bring home all As from school my parents would tell me how proud they were of me. When I...
Published 03/11/14
As women we like to create order to our home and our lives. Order is good thing. It helps us to focus on the things that are important to us and it helps us to keep a handle on the beautiful chaos of life.  Sometimes, however, the desire for order turns into the desire to be in control.  When we slip into wanting to control everything in our lives we can often find ourselves standing in the way of God's plan for our lives. Then Jesus went to work on his disciples. “Anyone who intends to...
Published 02/25/14