Grigori Melnik and Julian Dominguez take us through lessons learned in implementing a system using Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) and event sourcing.
Published 04/27/12
What is the relevance of the mobile web? Is it important to consider mobile devices when building web sites and web apps today? And aren't native apps for mobile device more important anyway? In this session, we'll address these questions as well as exploring some of the technical considerations that arise when building HTML5-based applications for the mobile web.
Published 04/23/12
Kent provides a wealth of his own experience to help us manage projects which release early and often.
Published 04/23/12
Francis Cheung explains how to create phone applications you can effectively test.
Published 04/23/12
Pete Brown shows off some cool devices running the .NET Micro Framework and explains how to get started taking over the world, one device at a time.
Published 04/23/12
Yavor Georgiev, Program Manager on the Azure Application Platform, covers how to use node.js on the Windows Azure platform. Starting with an introduction into node.js, some examples of how it can be used, and then digging into exactly how node.js works with Windows Azure. Check out http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/develop/nodejs/ for more information.
Published 04/23/12
More and more applications have components that live in the cloud. Companies want to take advantage of the cloud while still ensuring their on premise applications suites can work in this new environment. This talk will focus around a scenario for a company, Trey Research, that is moving part of its application suite to the cloud, while still maintaining communication with its on-premise applications. It will focus around the challenges building the application using Windows Azure and...
Published 04/23/12
Grigori Melnik and Julian Dominguez provide an overview of the Autoscaling Application Block [Wasabi] to help you scale your application dynamically while meeting your SLA and staying on budget.
Published 04/23/12
Corporate Vice President of the Developer Division Soma Somasegar kicks off the event.
Published 04/23/12