Creating a life that you truly desire ultimately takes two things: knowing WHAT life you desire, and taking time to enjoy and create that life. How much of your life do you spend doing things because you feel like you “have to” or because you’ve realized you’ve overloaded your to-do list? I’ve spent most of my life up until now as an over-committer, keeping myself so busy that I neglected BEing and enjoying time with myself- all things that aid in raising my vibration. My intention is that...
Published 10/12/20
Is there someone in your life who seems to always trigger you? Maybe they make you angry, annoyed, uncomfortable, or maybe you’re even jealous of that person. It can be easy to allow these people to make you feel low vibrational feelings, is it not? Episode 33 will give you the tools and awareness you need to no longer allow others to affect your inner peace and actually allow you to HEAL parts of yourself you otherwise may not ever have known even needed healing. This episode is powerful so...
Published 10/05/20
Episode 32 is one you do not want to miss. This episode is filled with downloads and activation codes to help you WAKE UP and remember your true power. What most people never realize is that they have the power to use their intention and each moment of NOW to create any life they desire. When you start living an intentional life, use signs from the universe as guidance, and eliminate the resistance in your soul, life WILL align for your deepest desires. 
Published 09/28/20
What do you have to do or who do you have to be before you will consider yourself “successful?” Many people never think twice about where they developed the idea of what success even means. Sometimes we get so lost in the strive to success that we never stop to ask ourselves if our end goal is what we truly desire in our hearts. In episode 31 I share my personal story of how I persevered through the darkest days of my life and the biggest takeaways that you can use on your own journey, too.
Published 09/21/20
Do you feel like you’re not creating a life that you truly want yet? No matter what you say or do, you find yourself back in the same reality over and over? You are not alone and you are not screwed. You’ve simply just forgotten who and what you truly are at a soul level. Episode 30 is intended to wake you up to the magic that truly exists inside of you and I share just the questions and tools you need to wake up and stay awakened to the fact that you ARE the creator of your life. After this...
Published 09/14/20
Most of us go through our lives so busy and in survival mode that we shove our emotions deep down inside of us, with the slightest intention to revisit those sometime later when we have time. (Which never seems to come about, does it?) All of the old emotions that you buried away and did your best attempt to skip over, yeah, you may have begun to notice that they are starting to surface now. In episode 29 I use my most vulnerable story with the intention for my story to mirror your own...
Published 09/07/20
Are you feeling a shift in your life? Maybe you’re feeling at rock bottom or like everything is seemingly dismantling in your life. If you’re feeling like life is completely out of your control, don’t worry, you are probably just going through the ascension process of the planet right now. We all are. For this reason, I called an interview Ascension Guide/Master Emily Jackman for an interview that is intended to bring you more peace and clarity than ever before. Connect with Emily on...
Published 08/31/20
If you’re like most people, you’ve probably hit your own form of “rock bottom” in the year 2020. Some may look at what happened to me last week and say I reached my very own rock bottom. Why is this? Why are so many of us light beings going through such seemingly difficult times? I could explain it all again right here, but I won’t. I will let you listen to this episode and make that determination for yourself. This episode is intended for you right now. Enjoy!
Published 08/24/20
Have you been stuck at the same level for too long? Are you ready to evolve and grow, but the more you focus on growing, it seems like the more you stay stuck? If you’re like most people, you’re missing this one VERY important key and until you get THIS, you will find yourself stuck in “wish mode” with little actual results. Unlock your next level by listening to this episode. Enjoy!
Published 08/17/20
Have you ever had days where you just CAN NOT get out of your rut? You feel angry, disappointed, unmotivated, not good enough, and it seems that no matter what you do, you can’t find yourself in a sense of love, peace, or content...I’m here to tell you that it is OKAY not to be OKAY. However, it is our responsibility to get ourselves out of those ruts, and in episode 25 I share my real-life example for HOW you can do this. Thank you for holding space.
Published 08/10/20
You know what makes creating your dream life a whole lot easier? Knowing exactly how to do it! So many of us spend our lifetime chasing financial freedom and inner peace, but we are missing the “how-to” manual. Episode 24 will leave you with a CLEAR path to getting to the life that you’ve been praying for. Grab a pen and paper for this one! The tools are all found in this episode. It’s up to you to apply them and make it happen! What are you waiting for? Listen now.
Published 08/03/20
If you’re like most people in 2020, you’ve experienced some form of anxiety. When you are trapped in anxious thoughts, it can seem impossible to focus on anything else, right? As someone who battled with anxiety for years and survived off of pharmaceuticals, I can attest that this simple shift in awareness has the power to change everything for you and bring you inner peace like you may have never known possible. In episode 23 I shine a light on what anxiety ACTUALLY is and how to take back...
Published 07/27/20
Have you ever sat down and fully considered why you are trapped in your life? Have you realized the fact that we are indoctrinated to rely on someone or something outside of ourselves for nearly every single aspect of our life? When we all finally wake up to our own potential and learn to TRUST OURSELVES, that is when the world changes. Are you STILL waiting for someone else to tell us how to live? Listen to this episode if you’re ready to step into the sovereign being that you are here to be.
Published 07/20/20
Most people don’t even realize that they are keeping themselves stuck in their own crappy circumstances. The ego-mind has a way of convincing ourselves that we are a victim, instead of the sovereign being that our higher self knows that we are. This episode will leave you with the questions you need to answer in order to free yourself from the victim trap that- you guessed it- you set, yourself. Listen now and free yourself from your own traps.
Published 07/13/20
Are you ready to finally manifest everything you've been calling in? There is no time left to stay stuck in your old ways. There is a split happening right now on the planet and if you're going to choose to CREATE your life instead of playing victim to life's circumstance, then this episode is for YOU. 
Published 07/06/20
Everything is energy, including your WORDS. Whether your conscious of it or not, you are using your words to speak your reality into existence. As you listen to episode 19, you will quickly realize how you've been keeping yourself stuck in the same patterns through the way you are speaking about yourself and your life. If you're ready for another shift in your consciousness, this episode is for you. 
Published 06/29/20
Are you sick and tired of that annoying voice in your head that never seems to shut off; the voice that causes worry, fear, anxiety, and self-doubt? What if I told you that you aren't that voice at all and in fact, you are simply the witness? You are not your thoughts, you are the THINKER of your thoughts. This simple realization is the key to true inner peace. In fact, this awareness alone will activate you into higher consciousness. Listen to episode 18 to gain control over your reality...
Published 06/22/20
Where in your life are you trying to control an outcome that never seems to work? In our society, we are indoctrinated to believe that we are in control of our lives and that it is us, ourselves, who manipulate outcomes through doing, planning, and strategy. How frustrating is it when you try so hard and do all of the “right” things, yet your perfect plans end up being a huge flop and you find yourself starting over time and time again? In this episode, you will quickly realize why your plans...
Published 06/15/20
This is not a drill. Right now we are being called to see through the illusion that has been humanity’s narrative for the past hundreds and thousands of years. In this episode, I reveal how the media and the elites of our world have been programming humanity and how awareness is all you need to free yourself. I do not share my opinions on the situation, I channel Source to directly deliver the message that was set with the intention to awaken your soul and transform your life. 
Published 06/08/20
Are you feeling the anger, grief, sadness, and anxiety that is consuming the collective right now? If you're like most people, you are and you will until you are able to understand YOUR role in healing. Episode 15 is intended to help you see reality from a higher vibrational perspective so you can begin healing yourself and all of humanity. The world needs us now, more than ever. Change is possible. Hope is possible. Healing is possible. Listen to understand HOW. 
Published 06/01/20
After re-listening to last week’s episode on Freedom and talking with a mentor, I had a MAJOR realization in my own life. I realized that I, myself, had been deceived by my own lack of self-love and self-worth. This episode is intended to help you see where you may be deceiving yourself in your OWN life so you can finally accept you in the wholeness that you are and live a life you LOVE.
Published 05/25/20
This week's episode is intended to completely transform the way you think about freedom. While listening to this episode, you will quickly come to realize how much power you truly do have in creating freedom in your life. If you are living a life out of obligation, you are choosing to live that way and today's episode will help you see the way out. Enjoy and BE free!
Published 05/18/20
Alight, there is no more hiding. There is no more time to be anything other than your most authentic self. This also holds true for yours truly. In episode 12, I lift the veil on my true spiritual essence. Right now we are in the midst of a Great Awakening and I feel called to assist all who are looking for assistance and answers. We all have endless support and guidance if you are LOOKING for it. I've been hiding the magical side of my life that happens to be my favorite, most cherish part...
Published 05/11/20
Episode 11 is loaded with truth bombs that can change your financial reality. We are made to believe that we have no control over our ability to attract money, and that simply is just not true. My intention with this episode is to help you understand WHY we are all made to believe that we have no control and how to start TAKING control of your financial freedom. I release details on the money course that will change your life forever. Enjoy!  
Published 05/04/20
Before you learned to ride a bike, you had to know that bikes existed, right? Well, before you can start manifesting money into your life, you must also know the foundation of why you don’t have money already. In episode 10, I will help you see your own money relationship and get you started on the path to attracting abundance for once and for all.
Published 04/27/20