Published 03/09/20
Published 03/09/20
Show notes coming soon
Published 03/06/20
In this first episode of a 2-part series, we are joined by new guest Rani Bora. Listen as Ela and Rani have a fascinating discussion about how Rani’s history of depression led her to become a holistic psychiatrist and author. Rani shares with us her philosophy and views on spirituality and psychiatry, and how she blends the two. Her approach to this is eye opening and with her calm and soothing approach to this topic she will leave you feeling very much in peace and at ease.
Published 03/02/20
We are generally led to believe that anger is a negative emotion that we should be ashamed and embarrassed about. In this episode we listen as Ela describes how it actually can have very positive outcomes. Anger is a high frequency emotion which can lead to a variety of high energy mental states. It can promote extreme performances such as in theatre or sport. As with all emotions, it is how it is channeled that is key to a healthy wellbeing.
Published 02/28/20
Mindfulness - being aware of what is happening within, in connection to the world outside.” Mindfulness is a word that is mentioned a lot in today’s society. But what does it actually mean? As a follow up to Part 1 in this interview series with Clive Holmes, Ela opens up a discussion on this topic. Listen as Clive explains where mindfulness originates from and his personal beliefs on this as a spiritual tool. He also shares his views on the connection between meditation and mindfulness.
Published 02/24/20
In this episode we are joined again by Clive Holmes, one of Ela’s most influential spiritual teachers. Listen as Ela and Clive dive into a deep discussion on the practice of meditation, from its beginnings to its benefits. Clive also explains how you can add meditation to become a natural part of your daily life. Clive has a very unique way of explaining complicated and deep topics in the most simplest of ways. And this episode is no exception.
Published 02/21/20
This question is asked in the book Wishcraft by Barbara Sher. This book uncovers effective strategies for making real change in your life. Listen as Ela quizzes Mario and he shares with us the 5 different lives he would choose given the chance. We also hear the 5 different lives Ela would choose. She also talks about some of the most common choices which are revealed in the book, including becoming famous, and why people choose this.
Published 02/17/20
In Part Two of Ela's interview with Dr Gogoi, she digs a little deeper to find out more about him. Join us to learn more about his background and what made him interested in psychology and studies of the mind. In particular he talks about the 3 principles, by Sydney Banks; mind, thought and consciousness. He shares how this has had an influence on his life and work, and the beliefs behind his own journey.
Published 02/14/20
Just as you would switch your computer off and on again to reset it, sleep is the body's natural reset button. When you wake up in the morning you should (hopefully) feel fresh and clear minded. How can we hold onto this feeling as we venture through the day? In Part One of Ela's interview with Dr. Gogoi, he explains how our true nature is a feeling of constant wellbeing. He discusses how our ego minds control our emotions, both negative and positive, and how it creates an endless chase of...
Published 02/10/20
We are all searching for our purpose in life. Some are more focused on this than others. Ela is very aware of her journey and in this episode she shares what she has been doing to keep on her correct path. Listen as Ela and Mario discuss the ways in which we can all become closer to finding our purpose. Ela asks us 4 questions; number one - ‘what can you offer, what skills come to you naturally?’ Hear the other 3 questions which will help you find your way back to where you should be.
Published 02/08/20
Ela has changed countries again and today she joins us from Sicily, Italy. This episode focuses on a book Ela is reading, ‘Discovering Your Soul's Purpose’. In particular Ela discusses the 3 types of characteristics of someone looking for their purpose in life; 1. pain, 2. dissatisfaction, 3. restlessness with being comfortable. Ela has been on an intentional journey over the past 6 months to uncover her own purpose. Hear as she explains to Mario how this process is going for her.
Published 02/03/20
How often do you give encouragement and support to others, yet beat yourself up over not achieving something? Do unto yourself as you would do unto others. The golden rule in reverse. It is time to start showing yourself more self-care and self-compassion. In this episode Ela and Mario discuss being better friends with yourself.
Published 01/31/20
As we approach the end of the first month of the year, many of us may be feeling like we are failing. Failing at the expectations we set for ourselves in the turn of the year. How are your New Year’s resolutions going? If they aren’t going well, that's okay! Join Ela and Mario as they discuss how setting intentions and goals are two different things and what we need to do to achieve our desires. Ela also shares with us how she has incorporated belief and change into her life to follow her...
Published 01/27/20
Stress. Something that affects us all. Particularly at this time of the year. There are many factors causing stress in our lives from work, family, relationships. What differs between us all is our ability to let it in, and how to act on it. We are joined again by Ela and Nicole who discuss what stress is, how it is caused, and the best ways to deal with it. Nicole also leads us through an exercise to recognise if we are experiencing stress and what actions to take.
Published 01/24/20
We are joined again by Nicole Ehrenberg for her second interview with Ela. In this episode we are talking about forgiveness. An apology is simple to accept and takes a lot less energy than forgiving. Listen as Nicole and Ela discuss the process of forgiving someone and how you can do this if you don't find it easy. Do you forgive easily? Join us again in the next episode for Part 2 of this interview.
Published 01/21/20
In Episode 61 we met Bonnie Weiss, a therapist that carries out the Internal Family Systems therapy. In this episode Ela shares with us her experience of another type of therapy she has had with Bonnie Weiss, ‘Legend Work’. This deals with the burdens in our lives. These could be burdens gained through experience or those passed down from our parents. The end goal is having all of our burdens, including those of our ancestors, buried or burned. In return we gain virtues from ancestors to...
Published 01/17/20
In this episode Ela shares an update on the podcast. She explains how the show has taken a different direction to what she had originally planned. Ela has changed as a person since starting the show. She has been working hard internally to make changes in her own life which has been the main driver of this shift. Listen as she guides us to find the power to make big changes in our own lives.
Published 01/13/20
Clive Holmes has been teaching meditation for twenty five years in the UK, as well as overseas. He has completed over a year in intensive retreat and has studied in Europe and India with teachers from Burma, South East Asia, Japan and Tibet. He is co-editor of the books “Taming the Tiger”and “Restoring the Balance” by Choje Akong Tulku Rinpoche. He also has an honorary appointment as Teaching Fellow in the School of Education at Aberdeen University and is involved in teaching MSC Mindfulness.
Published 01/10/20
We are finally joined by Ela’s teacher, Clive Holmes, in Part 1 of this interview. Clive Holmes has been teaching meditation for the last twenty five years all over the UK, as well as in Samye Dzong centres overseas. He has completed over a year in intensive retreat and has studied in Europe and India with teachers from Burma, South East Asia, Japan and Tibet. He is co-editor of the books “Taming the Tiger”and “Restoring the Balance” by Choje Akong Tulku Rinpoche.
Published 01/06/20
In the last episode of 2019 we focussed on our ‘word for 2020’. In this first episode of the year we talk about choosing the qualities we want to see in ourselves. Listen as Ela shares who her heroes are and the qualities they possess. Think of your heroes. And think of the qualities they possess that you admire and look up to. How can you incorporate these into your life to be the person you want to be? Ela also has an exciting announcement about a new guest who is coming onto the show...
Published 01/03/20
It’s the final episode of the year so it is the perfect time to be talking fresh starts and goal planning. Join Ela and Mario as they discuss new year’s resolutions and why these aren’t always the best way to enter a new year. Rather than adding these extra stresses to her life, Ela sets a word which forms the basis of her year. This year it was ‘show-up’. Listen as Ela explains what this means in her daily life and why she chose it. Mario adopted this intention this year and his word was ‘si
Published 12/30/19
In this episode we welcome back Bonnie Weiss for Part 2 of her interview with Ela. In this second half we dive deeper into how IFS therapy works and how it focuses on our self being. We hear how it is used as a healing method within its relationship with spirituality. Bonnie has taught classes and workshops on inner critic, self-esteem, overeating, and IFS in Israel, Ireland, and at Esalen Institute in California.
Published 12/27/19
We have heard Internal Family Systems (IFS) mentioned a lot in the podcast over the past few months. In this episode Ela is joined by guest Bonnie Weiss, a psychotherapist, teacher, supervisor, and trainer. She is a licensed clinical social worker in California and New York, and has been practicing since 1974. In this interview with Bonnie we are introduced to IFS therapy. She explains how she got involved with this, and the basis of how it works.
Published 12/23/19
Why is it so difficult for some people to say no? Listen as Ela and Mario discuss how our culture and upbringing influences this and the reasons why people find this hard to do. You don’t need a reason to say no to things. It is not being selfish, it is a form of self care. It is up to us to figure out the balance that we need in our own lives. In this episode Ela encourages us to be honest in these situations to avoid guilt and stress.
Published 12/20/19