Can creating and marketing a course actually SIMPLIFY your life? It certainly did for Ashton Levarek. After finding substantial success in the vacation rentals business, Ashton was getting questions left and right about his methods… to the point that it was interfering with his ability to maintain a family-first approach to his schedule. He needed a way to communicate with people at scale, to answer all their questions while still maintaining the kind of time freedom he wanted. He found the...
Published 09/12/23
How do you take a 1:1 service and turn it into something you can deliver online? Our client Amanda Plevell was wrestling with that exact question when she first came to us. Is it even possible? Will clients be willing to pay the same rates for online services? How will the demands on staff time work with a shift to online services? As a trauma-informed naturopath with many years in holistic health, Amanda understood the damage her overloaded client schedule would cause if she tried to keep...
Published 09/08/23
Ready to crank up your business growth? Get ready to dive into actionable insights with Pete Manktelow, Chief Growth Officer at Peaceful Profits. We're talking about supercharging your Facebook ads with spot-on marketing messages that truly hit home. But before we get to that, here's the big question: Why do I want these leads? He talks about the art of laser-focused traffic strategies that are tightly woven into your core business functions. And that's not all – Pete spills the beans on how...
Published 09/05/23
If you’re writing a book or you think you might write one someday, listen up. Every day at Peaceful Profits, we help our clients write books and build businesses with them.  Anyone can write a book, but if you don’t write the RIGHT book the right way… it’s going to be a painful process, my friend. So how do you avoid the pitfalls and make sure you’re not wasting your time on a dud? This interview with Meredith Trunkett, one of our ghostwriters, will help. In it, Meredith gives her best...
Published 08/31/23
Is it possible to run your business just by doing the fun stuff? Raquel Deville thinks it is. In this client case study, she’s telling us exactly what she does to keep the fun level high while avoiding things she doesn’t like doing. The key to making it work might surprise you.  As a person with neurodivergence, Raquel has optimized the Peaceful Profits system to work for her brain and her business, with great success. We’ve learned a lot from Raquel, and we hope you will, too. Connect with...
Published 07/28/23
LinkedIn is full of your ideal people, but it can be difficult to build a platform there. But our coach, Mildred Talabi, can tell you! We recently brought Mildred onto the Peaceful Profits team to help our clients build a thriving audience on LinkedIn, and we’re so excited to offer these insights to the Peaceful Profits Implementation Program. But you don’t have to be in the program to benefit from what Mildred is teaching… because she breaks it all down in this insightful interview....
Published 07/17/23
Sue Choi sold her first 1,700 books at a profit! For Sue Choi, it was a struggle for a long time. But once she committed to following the Peaceful Profits system taught inside our Implementation Program, everything changed for her.  Today Sue’s business is easier and more enjoyable to run than ever. She’s working with her ideal clients, she’s spending less time on “orientation” thanks to her book, and to make things even better, her ads are selling her book and profitable! Enjoy! Connect...
Published 07/13/23
If you’re having trouble selling your products or services, this one’s for you. Every day at Peaceful Profits, we help our clients with something called offer development: the process of creating products and services that are exactly what your ideal buyers want and need.  If you haven’t put together the right offer, it’s going to be really hard to sell. So what do you do if you’re in that situation? This interview with Alex Moore, one of our expert coaches in the Peaceful Profits, will...
Published 07/10/23
After working with us, Yinka Ewuola has a business that’s well on its way to running without her. What would it be like to have that kind of business for yourself? If you could have an offer that doesn’t require you to do anything to deliver it… and marketing that runs on autopilot… what could be possible? Because that’s the kind of business our clients are building every day inside the Peaceful Profits Implementation Program. Connect with Yinka on LinkedIn. P.S. If you want your own...
Published 07/06/23
Is it ever worth it to hire a ghostwriter to write your book for you? It’s certainly less expensive to write it yourself… and if you hire it out, how do you know the book will be any good when it’s all said and done? These are the questions Penelope Lane asked herself before she decided to hire Peaceful Profits to write her book. Hear what it’s like to work with a ghostwriter, how she’s spending her time right now, and what she’s most looking forward to with the upcoming book launch. Connect...
Published 07/03/23
What happens when you need more leads than organic social can bring in? Uriah Guilford was asking himself this exact question when he came across the One Book Millions Method… and the rest is history. He used our training and coaches to write, publish, and launch the Productive Therapist, a book that generates new, highly qualified leads for his business. And what’s even better is, he’s stopped trading his time for money and is working fewer hours as a result. See how Uriah used our One Book...
Published 06/29/23
See how Brenda is using our One Book Millions Method to build a thriving business that’s changing the lives of her clients while giving her a lifestyle she loves. Check out Brenda at: www.inbalancelm.com If you’re ready to use a book to grow your business or if you’d like help creating your own offer or service and gettin' clients, go to PeacefulProfits.com/call and let’s chat.
Published 06/27/23
How would it feel to be able to spend $10,000/week on ads – and have the confidence that you’re going to get all of that back (and then some)? Just ask our client, Chris Von Wilpert. You might know him from his business, Content Mavericks, that helps people scale up their blogs through a strategy called “The Ski Slope Method.” …But reaching the point where Chris could spend $40,000/month on ads and still break even didn’t happen overnight. So what was his secret sauce? We recently did an...
Published 05/22/23
In this interview, we speak with the person who has basically been Mike’s second brain for the past 15 years when it comes to marketing, offers and business growth: Pete Manktelow, Chief Growth Officer at Peaceful Profits. Here, he reveals to us the biggest mistake he sees coaches, service providers, agencies, and freelancers making over and over again in his 15 years in the industry. Not a small “This is going to cost us a couple extra thousand bucks this month.” kind of mistake. More...
Published 05/18/23
In this special episode, we managed to carve out some time in our ah-mazing COO’s schedule to get an insight on what it’s like to run a 7-figure business from an operations standpoint. Her name is Kailey. She is an incredible person, and even more incredible at what she does. She’s also been one of the main reasons that Mike has been able to step away from Peaceful Profits more and more over the years. And if you’ve ever wondered what that process looks like of going from being the “chief...
Published 05/15/23
Sue had been running her book coaching business for a number of years already, and was doing very well with it. Lots of clients. Popular events. Amazing results for her clients. The problem? She was exhausted by the sheer amount of stuff she had to do in her business to keep the revenue coming in, and trying to juggle marketing and offer fulfillment that was starting to burn her out. It was about that time she started working with Peaceful Profits. Just recently, Sue was telling us about...
Published 05/13/23
If you had to take 6 months away from your business… …what would happen? Would you keep attracting ideal clients? Would you keep nurturing and serving those clients at a high level? Would you come back to pre-booked appointments with leads who love what you do, and are excited to buy your high-ticket offer? That ^ actually happened for our client, Dr. Tonia Winchester, just last year. She took 6 months away from her business to navigate a challenging season in her personal...
Published 04/03/23
How do you take that one special skill that feels like second-nature… …and turn it into a process that other people can learn, implement, and get incredible results with? We’ll show you how Ros Place did it in this episode of the Peaceful Profits podcast. From a period of homelessness caused by the 2020 pandemic, to now consistently enrolling clients into a premium offer based around her unique talents, Ros has an incredible story to share. As a result, Ros has been able to: ...
Published 03/28/23
Ever feel like it’d be impossible to scale the type of work you do online? Maybe you offer a service that’s typically:  Hands-on… One-on-one… Location-based… Really technical… Or it requires a specific environment, equipment, materials, etc? All of that ^ was true for our client Mark Feldman. But he pivoted away from the “grind” of trying to grow a business offering private drumming lessons. He knew scaling in-person drumming lessons would require an “extraordinary”...
Published 03/21/23
Our client Suzanne Burns is the Founder and Executive Director of Foundation House Ministries, a maternity home program for mothers in crisis. She’s incredibly passionate about what she does. But… She needed systems to overcome the “unsustainable structure” of the non-profit world. The Peaceful Profits System has helped Suzanne: — Provide housing for over 120 mothers in need. And support over 500 women through non-residential services. — Develop a trauma-informed approach she teaches to...
Published 03/16/23
When event planner Marsha Battee came to us, she had just done a full 180 turn from the coaching business she was running…towards the niche she felt she had much more passion for: Event Planning. She spent the first 6 weeks of the program crafting a brand-new, premium offer for her event business. At the end of those 6 weeks? …She’d made her first sale – for $30,000, paid in full! By working with the Peaceful Profits team, Marsha had been able to: Put together an incredibly valuable,...
Published 01/31/23
If you’re like 85-90% of the business owners I talk to… …scaling your current offer isn’t a good idea. Of course, we all want the benefits of scaling: - More income - More freedom - A more valuable business - The ability to help more people But. Scaling the wrong offer can result in negative outcomes instead: - More work - Slower growth - A business no one else can run but you - Attracting more of the wrong kind of client, etc. Luckily, there are several symptoms you can detect...
Published 12/13/22
When holistic health coach Amanda Diamond came to us, she was already doing great work helping women create supportive habits in their lives. But she wasn’t quite giving herself the support she needed inside her business yet. In working with our team, Amanda experienced a huge perspective shift that helped her get set up to grow faster. — She got more comfortable selling - and saw leads and sales go up. — She doubled her prices. And sold her first high-ticket offer the next day. — She...
Published 12/08/22
We recently helped Brandon simplify his client-getting by following the Peaceful Profits System and using a One Book Millions Method-style book to automate his marketing. Before he discovered Peaceful Profits and The One Book Millions Method, Brandon was getting clients for his coaching programs and offers through social posts and a lot of “hands-on” work. Now, Brandon’s ideal prospects purchase his book, read the book, and then reach out to him and ask to become a client. Take a listen...
Published 12/02/22
If you’ve ever run a coaching business or agency, you know that content creation alone (really just coming up with the ideas alone) can be a full-time job. Recently, I took a “break” and stopped making new content for 6 months. Listen to this episode to see what happened (positives AND negatives). How I Turn Short Books Into 7 Figures: https://www.peacefulprofits.com/obmm-v3 Want My Team To Grow Your Business? Book A Chat Here: https://www.peacefulprofits.com/call How We Built A $2.2...
Published 11/29/22