Special episode featuring Peter Pilgrim speaking to the London Java Community JUG on the evening of Tuesday 16th October 2018 Recorded at CodeNote, Skillsmatter Abstract: There are multiple ways to get into Java software engineering. Many people will have heard of the brand idea: Java EE. They might be aware of the history of enterprise Java computing, some will know about the origins of Java EE, its controversial past, but also the surprising imaginative concepts of this fundamental...
Published 10/22/18
In this episode, we cover the deployment of Jenkins master to AWS EC2 instance. We go through selecting the appropriate AMI, configuration, security group and launching. We log into the EC2 instance, configure a bunch of stuff and then fire up Jenkins a single instance master node. What is hard about this task? It is easy. Caution: you will have experience of essential AWS console configuration before you try this at home (or at work)
Published 09/22/18
A deep discussion microservices and data, aggregating the query and recommendations to reduce the binding between the data sets. An overview of types of database that suit the transactionable requirements of the business and the stakeholder. Ideally, each microservice class should have exclusive private access to a schema, but often business and engineering break the rules, but why?
Published 09/22/18
How do microservices M/SOA deal with data? Software developers certainly write code that processes data. We can become blind and less caring to the data that we are asked to process. I certainly understand this way of working when building a service. All we care about is where does that data arrive? Where do we need to push that data? Do we need to save into a persistent store? Do we need to transform the data from one form to another form in the middle of the operation?
Published 08/17/18
As DevOps engineer, you probably already heard of Jenkins and continuous integration. This episode covers a very brief history of Kohsuke Kawaguchi's pet project Hudson that eventually became Jenkins, then we make a deep dive into Pipelines. There are two types of pipelines within Jenkins: declarative and scripted pipeline syntax.
Published 07/30/18
What is a definition of decent DevOps? In this episode, we attempt find out the answer.
Published 07/13/18
How does a DevOps and/or production platform engineer securing thair AWS account? Learn from these are hints and tips about Instance Access Management (IAM) under Amazon Web Services. After listening this talk, you will be better placed in the security realm.
Published 06/05/18
Spock is a behavourial-driven design (BDD) testing framework written in the Groovy programming language. Obviously, it works with Groovy, but Java developers can use to test their applications. This episodes explains how to onboard it onto your Java application micro services.
Published 05/23/18
As you know Java 9 introduced a module system. You probably are migrating your services to JDK 10 and beyond or at least thinking. My general advice to business is, the sooner you migrate the better your technical debt will be. It will be easier to stay up to changes when Java 11 is released in September 2018.
Published 05/01/18
Java 10 was released on 20th March 2018. I think many software teams will hold back from upgrading to it. Even lesser numbers of professional probably still have yet to make a move from Java 8 to Java 9. Why would this be the case, because of legacy impediments and dependencies on application servers, frameworks and even cloud native containers.
Published 04/25/18
Pivotal Cloud Foundry is the professional enterprise solution of Cloud Foundry supplied to business. We tend to abbreviate it to PCF. Essentially PCF is largely the same code base as the open source Cloud Foundry on Github except for a bespoke components, which are web front-end application. PCF has an Operations Manager as known as Ops-Man and an Administration Manager known as Apps-Man.
Published 04/04/18
Hot shots are a series of shorter podcast episodes from PEAT UK. Small bite size chunks of advice on DEV OPS and Platform Engineering. We had an issue with Docker containers and memory utilisation. Suddenly our Spring Boot integration tests were dying with an exit code of 137.
Published 03/13/18
In this final episode of the experimental series 1, we take a gentle overview of cloud computing. We look at the history of cloud computing Why and how did this form of computing become popular? We get to know the meaning of IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. We examine the constituent elements of so-called "cloud" computing. We embrace the positives and negatives of this mode of enterprise.
Published 12/20/17
In this episode, we take an overview of a recent progression in software engineering called Infrastructure as Code. It solves the problems of reliability, configuration and deployment for a software stack. We look at the tools such Vagrant, Puppet, Ansible and Terraform. Finally, we devote entire section to the Ruby programming language and its suitability to Infrastructure as Code.
Published 12/13/17
In this week's episode, we look at an alternate forms of software engineering beyond the typical developer led roles. We consider developer operations (Dev Ops) and also platform engineering roles (specifically cloud native).
Published 12/06/17
In this week's episode, we discussion the topic of pair development, which is more commonly known as pair-programming. We also give advice on being at successful job interviews where pairing is used a test metric.
Published 11/28/17
In this episode we explore the new brand selection for the Java EE Platform now that the umbrella specification is moving from Oracle Corporation to the Eclipse Foundation
Published 11/21/17
This episode is all about Heroku's Twelve Factor applications, which are design rules for building flexible, sustainable and robust cloud-native application. I. Codebase - One codebase tracked in revision control, many deploys II. Dependencies - Explicitly declare and isolate dependencies III. Config - Store config in the environment IV. Backing services - Treat backing services as attached resources V. Build, release, run - Strictly separate build and run stages VI. Processes - Execute the...
Published 11/14/17
Experimental podcast series and in this episode we look at basic difference between hardware and software. We also consider the future relationship between hardware and software. Why is my television behaving as badly as a general purpose computer?
Published 11/07/17
After the JavaOne 2017 conference and Oracle's announcement to move the umbrella specification, tools compatibility kit and the verification and trade marks to the Eclipse Foundation, we look at the concerns, the advantages and disadvantages to the community of engineers worldwide. We also consider the implications to business. Retro edited in December 2017
Published 10/31/17