A TURNED ON WOMAN creates her reality, including the man who she allows into her experience. This episode covers what is means to be a TURNED ON WOMAN so that you can align to the man you desire while feeling good in your Feminine Energy!  DM me your takeaways: https://www.instagram.com/laurenlikesitlikethat/
Published 11/12/23
Published 11/12/23
PART 1: THE PROBLEM ~ Suppressed Feminine Energy is, in my opinion, the silent plague of women today. Women have been conditioned in a Masculine society to people please, favor their own masculine energy to a fault and go against their true nature which causes distrust in their Feminine Energy. This creates resistance and numbness which disconnects a woman from her magnetism.  I'm here to guide women to embrace their Feminine Energy 💕 Join my community in the Feminine Foundation FB Group:...
Published 12/02/22
PART 2: THE SOLUTION ~ A woman does not need to be fixed, but there is an opportunity for women to embrace their Feminine Energy to alleviate the resistance and numbness in their life. Embracing her innate Feminine Energy traits builds a woman's magnetism. She is more readily attuned to her emotions, her intuition and the flow of life. She attracts through her energy of being in her body rather than forcing outcomes that make sense in her mind.  I'm here to guide women to embrace their...
Published 12/02/22
Contraction and chaos are wildly uncomfortable and confusing but so necessary for growth and expansion. Being aware of how you use Feminine and Masculine energy through pain, contraction and chaos will allow you to grow your capacity to hold the discomfort and learn from it so you can get to expansion, creativity and flow. More available at: www.laurenschaeffer.com/links
Published 09/21/22
Feminine and Masculine Energy come together to create the ultimate pleasure in life! 
Published 09/12/22
My friend Taryn is with me today talking about how the food we eat is so essential to how we feel! I believe food is such a necessary part of our life to be discerning about. Food gives us energy and energy is everything. Without energy, we do nothing. On this episode we discuss the benefits of intuitive eating, locally sourced food and the intention and pleasure of being present while cooking and eating. Enjoy!  Find Taryn at https://www.instagram.com/whattarynate/ and...
Published 08/17/22
Letting go and trusting are two sides of the same coin. Philip and I discuss how to let go of what does not serve you by trusting in order to get out of a scarcity mindset. We also cover the importance of "upgrading your internal system" aka decondition your old self to live for who you are today.  Follow up on instagram:  Lauren: https://www.instagram.com/laurenlikesitlikethat/ Philip: https://www.instagram.com/philipdanger_/
Published 08/14/22
Safety in relationships (friends, partners, family, etc.) is so important to fully express authentically whether it is a positive aspect or setting a boundary. Before you can have safety in relationship, you need to check in with own safety built within yourself. Do you feel safe to voice your needs/desires? Do you feel comfortable setting boundaries? Do you trust yourself? Do you fear rejection? You cannot build safety in a relationship without first building safety within yourself. Often,...
Published 07/27/22
This is an amazing episode with my friend Philip  Danger! We cover many existential thoughts - expect to hear our view on putting yourself first, creating safety in your body and experiencing pleasure in life! Philip is on instagram @philipdanger_ and https://www.instagram.com/philipdanger_/ You can find me on instagram at https://www.instagram.com/laurenlikesitlikethat/ - drop me any questions there! ✨
Published 06/02/22
All things sobriety and drinking and sometimes in between! My friend Sianne Boreham and I sat down to discuss why I am currently sober and how she intentionally chooses to drink. We discuss trusting others to make decisions for themselves, letting go of the projection we put on those who don't drink and the projection that those who do drink feel from sober people. Cheers! Sianne owns a digital marketing agency called The Mix Marketing - themixmarketing.co. You can find me on instagram at...
Published 04/20/22
Surprise! Pleasure actually comes from LESS not MORE! We have been conditioned to think that pleasure comes from our external environment - things we can buy or do. In this episode, I explain a Pleasure Principle that I live by is true, fulfilling pleasure comes from within - from a place of depth and intimacy. On my journey, I began to feel pleasure by having and doing less and experiencing more depth in the moment - any moment! 🦋 You can find me on instagram at...
Published 04/18/22
I know, you didn’t see this coming. Why would I put an episode out about why you don’t NEED Pleasure Coaching? Because the truth is, you don’t. If you think you NEED something, you’re coming from a place of lack. And, honestly,  you’re already whole and not lacking any one thing. 🤍 Is there room for improvement in your life? Maybe. Energy you could stop leaking? Likely. Beliefs that you are operating under that may not be true? Probably.  In this episode, I share how you’ll be better served...
Published 02/05/22
Welcome back to PleasureFULL! In this episode I dive into the conditioning and expectations that were keeping me from creating a life of pleasure. I share how I was trying to live up to them and let them dictate my life. It wasn’t until relationships didn’t work out - willingly and unwillingly - that I figured out that I was the common denominator - SURPRISE. That is when I chose to take personal responsibility and own the fact that I played a role in what was not working out in my life. Once...
Published 02/05/22
Welcome! I am Lauren, a Pleasure Coach! ✨ This episode is about what Pleasure Coaching is, who it is for, what the purpose of it is and a brief overview of how I came to be a Pleasure Coach (there's so much more to this, another episode will be on that!) 🔥 🤍 You can find more of my real life coaching moments and how I live a life FULL of pleasure by following me at @laurenlikesitlikethat / https://www.instagram.com/laurenlikesitlikethat/  🤍
Published 01/27/22