Published 02/26/20
February has been a tumultuous month in politics. From acquittal, the State of the Union, Iowa, New Hampshire, and two intense primary debates, Paris and Amelie give a brief overview of everything that happened in the last month. 
Published 02/26/20
Amelie and Paris are back this week to break down two topics that have dominated the news cycle: Impeachment and the Iowa caucuses. They also discuss events that may have flown under your radar including a key Supreme Court case, President Trump's foreign policy, and the March for Life.
Published 02/01/20
Published 12/14/19
We discuss the Chicago teacher's strike, a formalized impeachment inquiry, President Trump's tax returns, and updates on the 2020 primary.
Published 11/07/19
Amelie and Paris talk about this week in the White House: Syria, Ukraine, impeachment, and several critical court cases.
Published 10/15/19
Amelie and Paris discuss each candidate's performance during the third round of Democratic debates. They also analyze the discussion around the main issues of the night and each candidate's stance.
Published 09/16/19
Amelie and Paris discuss critical Supreme Court decisions made in 2019.
Published 08/10/19
Amelie and Paris talk about what has been happening on Capitol Hill and in the Democratic primary in the last week and then review the heavily anticipated Kentucky race in 2020 between Mitch McConnell and Amy McGrath.
Published 07/17/19
Amelie and Paris talk about the emergency spending bill and the deep divisions within the Democratic Party under Speaker Pelosi's leadership, as well as the controversial citizenship census question, and President Trump's Salute to America.
Published 07/07/19
Amelie and Paris summarize the first set of Democratic primary debates.
Published 06/29/19
Amelie and Paris discuss the potential detriments of facial recogniton technology as well as what the Democratic frontunners have been doing on the campaign trail.
Published 06/07/19
We interview Josie Urrea, a high school senior and the current Vice President of the Anne Arundel County School Board
Published 06/03/19
We discuss news from overseas including Theresa May's resignation to instability in the Middle East. We also discuss the first major opiod trial currently occuring in Oaklahoma
Published 06/01/19
We discuss her first term and policy with State Senator Sarah Elfreth, the youngest woman ever elected to the Maryland Senate.
Published 05/27/19
We discuss 8 of the lesser-known Democrats running for President
Published 05/24/19
We interview Rida Alvi, the newest Student Member of the Board and the first hijabi to hold the position.
Published 05/10/19
Amelie and Mallory sit down to discuss what has happened on Capitol Hill in the last week: the Department of Justice, the Federal Reserve, and the lingering repercussions of Otto Warmbier's death. They then address larger issues the country is facing: the growing anti-vaxx movement and the need for fewer guns in schools.
Published 05/05/19
We interview the founders of Our Minds Matter Movement for our second episode in our sub-series "Young People in Politics"
Published 04/26/19
Mallory and Amelie discuss the fire at the Notre Dame Cathedral, President Trump’s 2020 Campaign, the Mueller Report, and Ilhan Omar’s recent controversy.
Published 04/19/19
Amelie & Mallory discuss the recent resignation of the Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen and how it relates to President Trump's border policies. We also share what the current Democratic candidates for President have been doing as well as the results of the FEC quarterly report.
Published 04/12/19
Mallory and Amelie sit down to interview youth activist Amelia Farrell on the importance of advocacy. From organizing the Youth Climate March to lobbying with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Amelia is heavily involved in environmental policy. We discuss her motivations and difficulties she faced along the way as well as the rise of youth activism in politics.
Published 04/04/19
Mallory and Amelie discuss their experience spending the day at the House of Represenatives.
Published 03/28/19
We discuss gun reform following the New Zealand mass shooting, President Trump's ongoing negative sentiments towards the late Senator John McCain, Elizabeth Warren's controversial CNN town hall and issues with a widening democratic primary.
Published 03/22/19
Join us as we discuss all things election, Brexit, and voting.
Published 03/15/19