Hello and Happy Holidays! For this episode, we took some of our Briefing Room Holiday-themed discussions and put them together to create this year's Holiday Episode! We talk about an "Am I the A*****e" about a Secret Santa exchange, Holiday Movies, Christmas trees, holiday travel problems, what our Christmases looked like in in 2022, and a bit about how AJ struggled with reading "Salvation in Death."
Published 12/23/23
This week we discuss another pivotal book in the "In Death" series: "New York to Dallas." This is a case where Eve is confronted with her past in a few ways, and ends up putting a lot of those past ghosts away. We get to see Eve as a rookie, her first encounter with Feeney and her decision to become a homicide detective like Feeney. There is also a HUGE reveal in this book, in that one of the suspects in the case ends up being Eve's biological mother, and that really does a number on Eve...
Published 12/16/23
This week we decided to make an official "Baby" episode. And when we say that, we mean that we are going to talk about Eve and Roarke as parents of a baby. We start out discussing Nora's post for Fall Into the Story, which is her official statement on Eve and Roarke as parents. After that, we go through some of the comments we have seen from readers of this series regarding babies in this series. These comments include: "Nora said they won't ever have kids," "I don't want them to have...
Published 12/09/23
Hello, Everyone! It's "We Review the Reviews" Time again! In this episode, we are reviewing the reviews of fan favorite: "Treachery in Death." Because this book IS a fan favorite, imagine our shock (or maybe not) about how many horrible reviews this book has! First, someone who gave this book a One Star review because they didn't like Eve and also the book didn't have "enough adrenaline or testosterone." Also, this is the first book in the series this reviewer read because they "can't be...
Published 12/02/23
Happy Thanksgiving for any of you out there who celebrate that holiday! A short while back, we found out about an In Death Cookbook that chef Theresa Carle-Sanders was writing. All of you listeners were fascinated by this idea, and so were we. So, we contacted Theresa and asked her if she would like to be on the show, and she agreed! It was a really fun episode to do! Theresa is extremely knowledgeable about food, and a huge fan of the "In Death" series, and has created several really great...
Published 11/25/23
This week is the second part of our two-part "Treachery in Death" Review! In this part of the review, we talk about how much we love when Eve is petty, especially when she's petty toward someone like Renee Oberman. We talk about the many, MANY meetings that Eve has with Every-f*****g-body as she works to take Renee Oberman down. We also talk in detail about how Eve, Peabody and all of Eve's cops put together the operation to take down Renee Oberman, and how that operation went down,...
Published 11/18/23
Well, it's finally happening! We're finally talking about "Treachery in Death!" We had so much to say about this book that we needed TWO episodes to cover everything. So, for the first time ever you are all getting a Two Part Episode! In this episode, Part One, we start with discussing the theme of the book. AJ thinks the theme is "Respect." We also talk about how secondary themes could be "Loyalty" and "Trust." This book is in the Top 5 for us and for so many of you, too. It's a book we...
Published 11/11/23
This week Tara is very busy with theater stuff, so we're going to play for you one of our "emergency" episodes, which we are calling: The Wit and Wisdom of Mavis Freestone. We asked listeners on social media to provide feedback and suggestions for quotes/scenes about Mavis to discuss her "Wit and Wisdom," and got a lot of feedback, so Thank You all! We go through scenes from many books, like Naked in Death, Judgment in Death, Survivor in Death, and others, where Mavis gives advice to Eve or...
Published 11/04/23
Happy (almost) Halloween! In this episode, AJ and Tara talk about the gory or very disturbing murders in the series. After that, we have a discussion about what costumes the "In Death" crew would wear to a Halloween party. We also talk about whether or not Eve and Roarke would get up and dance "The Time Warp" if the gang watched "Rocky Horror Picture Show." Hope you all have a great Halloween!
Published 10/28/23
For this podcast episode, we are talking about the listener comments we got for "Payback in Death." There are a LOT! And, there will be spoilers here!
Published 10/21/23
For this episode of "We Review the Reviews," Jen is on Vacation, so it's just AJ and Tara. Since this is a brand new book, there aren't as many reviews as with a book that's a bit older, but we still found some "doozies." Among those are: Oh too predictable and Eve is one-dimensional Love scenes are terrible and why doesn't Eve ever have cramps Story is thin and trite Antagonists are kind of stupid We have someone who starts out their review saying, "How I hate reading J.D....
Published 10/14/23
In this episode of the podcast, we talk with Tara's co-host on the "Basic Snitches" podcast, Adam Bowers! Adam is somewhat familiar with the "In Death" world because of Tara, but has never read an "In Death" book before. So Tara thought it would be fun to give him an "In Death" book to read and get his reactions. The book that Tara decided to give to him was "Witness in Death," mostly because Adam is a huge Agatha Christie fan. Adam's overall thoughts about the book is that it's a lot of...
Published 10/07/23
***ATTENTION! THIS EPISODE TALKS ABOUT THE LATEST BOOK IN THE "IN DEATH" SERIES! IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THIS BOOK YET, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SKIP THIS EPISODE!*** It's finally here!! Our review of "Payback in Death." We are very happy to say that we all just loved this book! Starting with the first chapter where Eve and Roarke visit Roarke's family in Ireland during the last leg of their 3rd Anniversary Trip. Eve gives Roarke his anniversary present from her: A painting done by Yancy of Eve and...
Published 09/30/23
Jen is not with us for this episode, so AJ and Tara attempt to tackle the subject of whether or not Eve is Psychic. From the comments from our listeners, it's pretty clear that most of you do believe that Eve is in fact Psychic. A few of you (along with AJ) just think she has heightened trauma responses that makes her more cognizant of people's facial expressions and body language. We talk a little bit about how Nora likes making some of her characters psychic, and most especially, she likes...
Published 09/23/23
We've finally made it here to "We Review the Reviews" of "Possession in Death"!! In this episode, we review TWO reviews by AJ, and Tara plays the part of AJ in this episode! These reviews are very pretentious, and say "Paranormal" way too many times. BUT...they're not wrong, and AJ still stands behind them. We also have several other reviewers who agree with AJ, so... One reviewer specifically thinks "Possession in Death" is a "weird ass book," and they're also not wrong. Even though...
Published 09/16/23
Hey, Everyone! In this episode, we are discussing Tattoos! The best part about this episode, is that when we mentioned on our Facebook page that we were going to talk about Tattoos, Dana replied that she had just finished a MASSIVE spreadsheet about tattoos! Thank Goodness for that, because it was also MASSIVELY helpful. We talk about all the times Eve has been tattooed against her will, how many killers tattooed their victims, and a tattoo YANNI! We also speculate on which characters would...
Published 09/09/23
This week: Everyone's Favorite: Possession in Death! AJ doesn't have a theme for this week, either because she just couldn't find one, or she just didn't care. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ For those who were disappointed that Eve never questioned Sylvester Moriarty at the end of the last book, you will be relieved to know that he is questioned at the beginning of this book. Also, people who were disappointed they never saw the BBQ that was mentioned several times in "Indulgence," we now get to see it, with...
Published 09/02/23
In this episode, we talk with author Cathy Wiley, who used to be one of our friends on InDeathdotNet! Cathy tells us what she's learned about writing from reading Nora Roberts. We also talk about how everyone but McNab has gotten a magic coat, and that even when Roarke gave the NYPSD magic vests, he still only gave them to the homicide division, which does not include McNab! If you want to check out Cathy's other books, you can go to her website: https://cathywileyauthor.com/
Published 08/26/23
Hello, Everyone! Here we are with another episode of We Review the Reviews! This time we are looking at reviews for "Indulgence in Death." The really surprising thing about this set of reviews is that it takes us down some very interesting paths of really dissecting Eve and Roarke's relationship. We also get a lot of really odd complaints...at least WE think they're odd...Such as: "I can't believe I read another one! How do I stop reading these?" "...the author is pumping out multiple...
Published 08/19/23
In this episode, we talk with our listener Michelle Kenyon again! You might remember Michelle from the episode we did in October of 2022 about Eve's Fear of Tech. This week, AJ and Jen are talking with Michelle about the Nora Roberts stand alone suspense novel, "Identity." We all loved this book and feel that it feels more like one of Nora's classic suspense novels like Jen and Michelle's favorite: Birthright. This book is about Morgan Albright who, as she was just starting to put down...
Published 08/12/23
In this episode of Podcast in Death, we are reviewing "Indulgence in Death"! Of the three of us, only Jen has read this book more than once. AJ and Tara only read it once when it first came out, and never read it again. BUT...as with many of the books in this series that we have read so far, we all found that we really liked and appreciated this book so much more on a second (for Jen: third? fourth? fifth?) read. Of course the beginning of this book goes down in "In Death" history as being...
Published 08/05/23
In our Facebook group a couple of weeks ago, listener Annamarie suggested we do an episode about Opening Lines and Closing Lines. We thought that was a great idea, so here you go! One thing that became clear as we did this episode is how often, with her Closing Lines, Nora gives us subtle clues as to how a book helped Eve grow as a character. Why is it that so many people ignore this and keep insisting that Eve never grows. Tara points out that so many of the book Opening Lines are pretty...
Published 07/29/23
This week we Review the Reviews of "Fantasy in Death," and these reviews are so judgy, they make us a bit angry. So, you're going to get a lot of rants from us in this episode. In the first review, we have someone who is upset about Roarke being so "perfect," but then they complain about something Roarke did, (which they misread, btw) so, he's not perfect? Then we have a judgy "author," who wants to gate keep the science fiction genre, and accuses Nora of not having EARNED the respect due a...
Published 07/22/23
This week on the podcast, we talk with Spencer, who is "Intentionally Bookish" on Instagram and Youtube. About a year ago, she did a video about the "In Death" series, and when we saw that video, we knew we had to have her on the podcast! In this episode, we mostly focus on Roarke and how he has evolved as a character throughout this series. Spencer points out that in the early books, Roarke has an "Alpha-hole Energy," and a lot of audacity. But we all still love him. At the end of the...
Published 07/15/23
"Fantasy in Death" is one of the more odd cases in the series, with some really sketchy tech. But at least the sketchy tech gives Eve and Roarke a new setting to have sex in! This book is clearly about friendship, but it's also about gaming and winning the game. One of the very fun aspects of this book is all of the sword and dick references that Nora includes here. There's some really great moments, like Peabody asking Eve if she though the penis ever gets tired, and also Peabody and McNab...
Published 07/08/23