Try reintroducing your earlier blogs and podcasts to your current audience. There's a strong possibility that some of your newer users have not discovered all of your original content. 
Published 04/20/23
Lead magnets come in many forms and can be a great way to build your contact list. In this episode, I touch on how to structure your content for a lead magnet.
Published 04/18/23
Even if you are just beginning your social marketing journey, think forward about scooping up social media handles. 
Published 03/02/23
Giving your audience a look behind-the-scenes at how you create your podcast can help build a stronger connection and show a little more of who you are to them.
Published 02/28/23
Ensuring your photos are perfect, without the messy background clutter, just got easier. Check out: https://www.remove.bg
Published 02/14/23
Podcasting 4 Good is our way to help the podcasting community support their favorite charities by doing what they love – podcasting! Check it out: https://www.thepodops.com/podcasting-4-good
Published 02/09/23
Checking your guest's headshot is one more way to ensure they are legit before adding them to your blog or podcast. Try TinEye to make easy work of this. Check it out: https://tineye.com
Published 02/07/23
Try implementing an automated email welcome series to engage your new subscribers.
Published 02/02/23
Using a pop-up can be an effective way to help reduce your website bounce rate when running a pay-per-click or new marketing campaign.
Published 01/31/23
Your brand identity begins with your story. Sharing your story is a great way to connect with people and convert them into brand advocates. 
Published 01/26/23
Even small businesses can take advantage of referral programs. It's a great way to create customer loyalty and expand your customer base.
Published 01/24/23
If you need help getting a brand guide together in just minutes, give Looka a try. Test them out: Looka.com
Published 01/19/23
Having a color palette as a small business will make your life easier when it comes to working with contractors. Check out this site: Coolors.co
Published 01/17/23
Infographics are a great way to get your message viewed, shared, and consumed in an easy to understand way. Tools to create infographics fast: Adobe Express: https://www.adobe.com/express/Visme: https://www.visme.co/Canva: https://www.canva.com/
Published 01/12/23
Social tagging can help expand your organic reach online, build strong customer and brand relationships, and even bring in new customers.
Published 01/10/23
A part of the commitment to being a small business owner is finding ways to promote yourself at every turn. Clothing is the easiest and ultimate way to promote your business name and get your logo in front of people everywhere you go.
Published 01/05/23
As an entrepreneur or small business, you need to find ways to meet your target audiences where they are and engage with them in an authentic way.
Published 01/03/23
Setting a standard with your team for how, when and where you reply to customer comments and complaints can help get ahead of negative comments and build stronger relationships. 
Published 12/22/22
Setting a brand standard for your social media profiles will ensure customers recognize you across all platforms.
Published 12/20/22
Your website's speed could be losing you business. Understanding what is working and not working on the backend will help you create an exceptional user experience.  Google Page Speed Insights: https://pagespeed.web.dev/
Published 12/15/22
Getting the perspective of a third party is a great way to find out if your content is converting for customers the way you intended.
Published 12/13/22
Leveraging what you know about your customers is the first step in creating personal offers that build brand loyalty and help you achieve your sales goals.
Published 12/08/22
Email automation can be a time saver when you're running a small business and trying to ensure you engage new online contacts. Try these email services for automation: Constant ContactMailChimpKlayvio
Published 12/06/22
Joining a local business group is one way to keep yourself sane and focused as a small business owner. If you're still searching for your niche, check out MeetUp.com.
Published 12/01/22
Sharing your expertise by publishing columns in local newspapers and non-profit magazines can help grow your audience and lay the groundwork for even greater things.
Published 11/29/22