Published 08/24/23
Short-form and micro-podcasts are a response to the changing consumption habits of audiences who have limited time and attention spans. These podcasts offer brief episodes that are typically under 10 minutes in length, delivering content in a concise and easily digestible format. In this episode, Rob explores the benefits.
Published 08/24/23
Virtual Reality and Immersive Podcasting represent an exciting intersection between traditional audio content and cutting-edge technology. These approaches aim to create a more engaging and immersive experience for podcast listeners by incorporating elements of virtual reality and spatial audio. In this episode, Rob digs into the possibilities.
Published 08/22/23
When you start your podcasting journey, you may feel overwhelmed. There’s a lot to learn, and the terminology can be confusing. Here are five core terms you’ll want to be familiar with as you get the ball rolling.
Published 08/17/23
Podcasters can leverage artificial intelligence (AI) in various ways to enhance their podcasts and streamline their production process. In this episode, Rob shares five ways AI can support podcasters.
Published 08/15/23
The rules are fast and loose around how long podcast episodes should or shouldn't be - so Rob's sharing some thoughts!
Published 08/10/23
In this episode, Rob is touching on a few key facts new podcasters should consider when starting their podcasting journey.
Published 08/08/23
Tipping is an excellent way for your loyal listeners to show their appreciation and support for your content while allowing you to continue creating the high-quality episodes they love. You can begin collecting one-time and recurring tips in just a few clicks with your PodOps Podcast (you can also donate your tips to charity)! Podcasting 4 Good: https://www.thepodops.com/podcasting-4-good
Published 07/27/23
Building a strong brand identity is essential for a small business to stand out and build a loyal customer base. This week, we are sharing tips to help you make it happen.
Published 07/25/23
Podcasting has emerged as a powerful medium for sharing ideas, storytelling, and connecting with audiences worldwide. A critical component in achieving top-notch audio production is a choice of a suitable microphone. In this episode, we talk pros and cons for four mic types.
Published 07/18/23
Growing a podcast audience can be a challenging task, especially with a limited budget. In this episode, we discuss several effective strategies you can implement to increase your podcast's visibility and attract new listeners. Such as leveraging apps like Podopolo and Braid to keep the conversation going after your podcast ends.
Published 07/13/23
Driving traffic to your podcast website is crucial, as it can help you grow your audience and increase your podcast's visibility. In this episode, Rob shares tips to help drive traffic to your podcast website.
Published 07/11/23
Seeking reviews and ratings for your podcast can be a great way to boost visibility and attract new listeners. In this episode, we discuss strategies to encourage your audience to leave reviews and ratings.
Published 06/29/23
In this episode, we discuss tips on how to collaborate with micro-influencers to leverage their influence and gain valuable exposure for your brand or product.
Published 06/27/23
Branding your space for livestreams and events is crucial for several reasons and in this episode Rob is sharing the why. Did you catch our recent guest appearance for Sumo Day Live? Catch the replay here! (Find Rob at the 2:20:00 ish mark)
Published 06/15/23
In this episode, we'll explore how you can effectively create collaborations and partnerships to maximize the potential of your business.
Published 06/13/23
In this episode, Rob delves into the captivating world of offline marketing materials. Often overlooked in our digital age, these physical marketing tools possess incredible potential to make a lasting impression on potential customers.
Published 06/09/23
By optimizing your business's listing on platforms like Google Business Profile, you can ensure that your products and services are prominently displayed to potential customers searching for solutions in your local area.
Published 06/06/23
In this episode, Rob discusses ten key steps to successfully host workshops or webinars that captivate participants and deliver valuable content.
Published 05/25/23
Creating a referral program for your small business can be a game changer when it comes to customer acquisition and business growth. Here are some key areas to hit on as you get started.
Published 05/23/23
Are you the best at what you do? Do some internet digging to find awards related to your industry - and apply for them! Winning can give your website, blog, or podcast a much-needed visibility boost.
Published 05/11/23
When you're running a small business, you have to be nimble and often cut costs. Take advantage of free ad credits from companies like Facebook and Google to give your advertising efforts a boost.
Published 05/09/23
Reviews are important – no matter what you're offering online. From businesses to content creators, you need to provide a way for your audience to leave and view reviews, and then utilize those in your marketing efforts.  
Published 05/04/23
Once you launch a website, you need an ongoing plan to keep your content up-to-date, links active, and everything in working order. 
Published 04/27/23
Sometimes simple content is the best content. Consider more bite-sized types of content as a part of your overall content marketing strategy. 
Published 04/25/23