This episode is a new segment titled “Share Your Story.” This episode is curated by you the audience. You sent in your questions and shared your stories. I responded to as many as I could. If your question or story did not make this episode, fret not I've got you covered in the coming episodes.
Published 01/21/22
It's Happy Holidays for some, and I'm barely hanging on for others. While some of us get to spend time with our family and our loved ones, others don't have that privilege. Grief hits harder during the holidays and if you know someone grieving, please reach out and let them know that you care, that you're there for them. If you have no idea what to say, I hope my words can point you in the right direction.
Published 12/31/21
Published 12/31/21
If you were asked to tell the story of your life, there are certain names you must include. The names of people who made us laugh, people who cried with us and for us. People who gave us love, people who taught us how to love. A different kind of love. The kind of love that only a friend can bring
Published 12/10/21
This is our last episode and it only seemed fitting to end it how we started. We've gone through five episodes of emotions that we all could relate to. This episode is specifically dedicated to the ones who have lost people they loved to the greedy hands of death. I truly am sorry for your loss. Thank you for staying with me, that's a wrap on our first podcast series. 💜
Published 02/19/21
The key sometimes to happiness can be as simple knowing what the gems are within you. Today, we explore this with conversation and a story
Published 01/29/21
This Episode explores the mental process of detachment, the struggle to cut ties and move on from a situation or relationship that drains us. Nothing hurts more than holding on to something that is falling apart, the process of letting go is anything but easy, you take 10 steps forward only to take 30 backwards, but eventually you get to the point where you can no longer walk backwards and your feet only propel you in the direction of what is and no longer what was. That is how I see the...
Published 01/22/21
I wanted us to kick off this new year with love, not just the romantic kind but the whole spectrum of it, the love you are always surrounded by, the love you continuously give without realizing. The love that you know, the love that we all know. I wanted to portray that. Love isn't easy, it's not what the movies portray, it's more than that. And you deserve all of it, the kind that sweeps you off your feet, the love that makes you wear a silly grin. I leave you with this quote. I love you...
Published 01/08/21
Often times the voice in our head blurs our vision distorting the image of ourselves, and rather than seeing all that we are, we get consumed by all that we are not. I hope you see your reflection with brand new eyes because I think you are as bright and beautiful as the stars in the night sky! Happy Holidays
Published 12/25/20
Forgive my voice I'm a bit under the weather but I had to put this out regardless. Goodbye is a word we're all familiar with, but it's effect and meaning run deep
Published 12/18/20