That is all people. Point Hammered is over; after 10 long years, we call it quits. Visit our Patreon to help us out: https://www.patreon.com/PointHammered
Published 05/24/19
Published 05/24/19
We have mostly been laying low, waiting out the rest of winter here. Visit our Patreon to help us out: https://www.patreon.com/PointHammered
Published 02/27/19
We review how WAAAGH!Paca 2019 went, and catch up on the usual nonsense. Visit our Patreon to help us out: https://www.patreon.com/PointHammered
Published 02/09/19
This is one of the few times we have had to Skype the episode, since Rodge is off work and busy with Paca terrain prep. We catch up on the usual items, play a game making fun of eBay pro painted auctions, talk about Paca, and more. Visit our Patreon to help us out: https://www.patreon.com/PointHammered
Published 01/20/19
We focus on the usual subjects this go around, for what ends up being a rather vanilla episode. We do announce the next Patreon supporter painted model winner. Visit our Patreon to help us out: https://www.patreon.com/PointHammered
Published 12/18/18
Rodge went to Renegade Open, so we talk about how that went; without going into detail on the games. We play One, True, Three, and all the usual items are also discussed. Visit our Patreon to help us out: https://www.patreon.com/PointHammered
Published 11/21/18
Rodge went to an Infinity event, so we talk about how that went. We also discuss the airbrush woes Johnny has been having. All the usual items are also discussed. Visit our Patreon to help us out: https://www.patreon.com/PointHammered
Published 10/31/18
Johnny is on a massive RimWorld high, as well as getting some serious Horus Heresy reading done. Rodge is cruising on models with his new plan to get something done every day. We work through a Which Game of Thrones Character Are You quiz for Rodge. Visit our Patreon to help us out: https://www.patreon.com/PointHammered
Published 10/08/18
The usual stuff is discussed. Beyond that we go into detail on the airbrush antics of Rodge. Johnny talks about life with a new baby. The Adventures of Lone John are introduced. Plus a bunch more. Visit our Patreon to help us out: https://www.patreon.com/PointHammered
Published 09/12/18
Johnny and his wife had their baby! Rodge got the man snip! Johnny has been living it up in retirement; cranking out game vids for his YouTube channel, reading, painting, and dealing with the baby. We get to all the usual stuff, and Johnny hit the Oregon Trail with some fellow podcasters. Visit our Patreon to help us out: https://www.patreon.com/PointHammered
Published 08/16/18
Big news over the last few weeks. Johnny has retired after almost 18 years of working as a Software Engineer. Rodge talks Tohaa and Combined Army, and plays some Oregon Trail. Johnny shares his new Lets Play channel on YouTube info. Plus a bunch of other stuff. Visit our Patreon to help us out: https://www.patreon.com/PointHammered
Published 07/18/18
Johnny and Rodge are back with a new show format, and some new audio tracks to go along with it. We discuss the upcoming Iowa Incident, some of the usual things, and get into a game of Bang, Murder, Marry. Visit our Patreon to help us out: https://www.patreon.com/PointHammered
Published 06/23/18
We discuss how the Mission Critical event walk, get into airbrush talk, and explore all the usual subjects. Visit our support section to help us out: http://www.pointhammered.com/support.php.
Published 05/28/18
We are back once again with the usual discussions. We talk about Mission Critical, The Rodge hosted Infinity event coming up in early May. Rodge has been working like a dog getting ready for it. Johnny has done nothing other than play Rimworld around the clock. Visit our support section to help us out: http://www.pointhammered.com/support.php.
Published 05/02/18
We went to Adepticon 2018, and we discuss our experiences there. We are also gearing up for the May Infinity event in Waupaca, WI. Visit our support section to help us out: http://www.pointhammered.com/support.php.
Published 04/11/18
We are back yet again, and once again it is time for Adepticon. We discuss out plans for Acon 2018, what kind of prep we have been up to, and all the usual nonsense. Visit our support section to help us out: http://www.pointhammered.com/support.php.
Published 03/09/18
We catch up, and discuss the 2018 Paca happenings. We also discuss the direction for Paca in 2019. Visit our support section to help us out: http://www.pointhammered.com/support.php.
Published 02/14/18
Johnny has been working on his AoS Tzeentch models. Rodge is working on his Saga. We discuss all the usual topics, plus the finer points of bidet use. Visit our support section to help us out: http://www.pointhammered.com/support.php.
Published 01/08/18
Johnny has been riding the hobby high since Holy Havoc. Rodge is working on his Summer 2018 Infinity Narrative Tourney. Visit our support section to help us out: http://www.pointhammered.com/support.php.
Published 12/05/17
Johnny is geared up for Holy Havoc, and Rodge is working an ever expanding Saga project. Visit our support section to help us out: http://www.pointhammered.com/support.php.
Published 11/03/17
The fellas are back with their latest updates. Rodge has not been very busy, but Johnny has been on a tear. Johnny is gearing up for Holy Havoc in a month. Visit our support section to help us out: http://www.pointhammered.com/support.php.
Published 10/05/17
Rodge hosts The Rodge Podge, then went to GenCon tournament, and Johnny did not do squat. We catch up on the latest happenings, and get all up into our projects and plans with you all. Visit our support section to help us out: http://www.pointhammered.com/support.php.
Published 08/26/17
Rodge went to Twinfinity Infinity tournament, and Johnny went to the Midwest Meltdown AoS tourney. We are both riding a hobby high at the moment, and get all up into our projects and plans with you all. Visit our support section to help us out: http://www.pointhammered.com/support.php.
Published 07/20/17
We are back to catch up with you all. Rodge is prepping for Twinfinity, Johnny is teetering on committing to Midwest Meltdown. Johnny has been welding and not doing miniatures, Rodge has been painting like a modern day Picasso. Visit our support section to help us out: http://www.pointhammered.com/support.php.
Published 06/08/17