The Left's pursuit of equality has turned out to be a front for destruction, socialism/communism, double standards and black supremacy. Erasing society is just the beginning. How can we start a war for the same reasons as the first civil war? Will erasing history result in repeating it?
Published 06/27/20
In a time with rampant censorship, Political Hogwash gets banned on Facebook. Should we switch to Tinder? Keep us alive and tell your friends. This episode will cover PRIDE month, the LGBTQ community, censorship, and the uncheked destruction being unleashed upon America day after day.
Published 06/20/20
What happens when people don't do their own research and drink the koolaid of the mainstream media? What happens when you combine that influence with undisciplined children? Black Lives Matter happens. From police precincts and century-old statues to popular kids shows, nothing is safe from the destruction and cancel culture of the BLM movement. With Antifa piggybacking off them to carry out terrorist attacks and Democrat lawmakers permitting it and orchestrating it, America faces a real...
Published 06/13/20
With all the misinformation and political skews regarding the protests and the riots, it's important to know the difference between them, and why calling in the National Guard nationwide or defunding the police is an overreaction. Learn what Antifa has in store for America and how President Trump's response may be a serious misstep. Domestic Terrorism or harmless property damage? Find out what YOU can do when the police back down.
Published 06/06/20
Joe Biden loses a ton of supporters over one of his most offensive yet coherent sentences in the last 6 months just after getting caught in a Quid Pro Quo no-no during the 2016 election cycle with Ukraine. Nancy Pelosi shows her true age is that of a 12 year old with her remarks about President Trump while ruling the House with an iron fist, and governors across the nation start taking a softer tone regarding lockdown to appeal to their citizens. Law enforcement also starts backing the...
Published 05/23/20
Unmask the truth behind the FBI's interview with Michael Flynn, learn about the new bill dubbed the HEROES Act and find out how some state governors are taking advantage of the coronavirus to suspend your rights.
Published 05/16/20
Published 05/09/20