"Our of control emotions can make smart people act stupid" Emotional intelligence is and always was the need of the hour. If you look around we find some brainy, high IQ few who get good jobs but who are not at peace with life and on the other hand there are not so smart, yet amiable sorts, who win contracts, do well with peers and are popular with all......!!! what differentiate the two is the high emotional quotient of the two. They are the ones who can understand emotions of self and...
Published 07/10/20
Lying horizontally with eyes closed and brain shut from the humdrum of this overly stimulated , super duper busy world is becoming fast endangered for not only the tiny tots but also for the youth that holds the reigns of future. 3/4 of behaviour and adjustment issues that parents face in children today would vanish if only they could provide the optimal dose of this magic potion. Hear me out in this podcast to know what threatens our children today and what can we do about it.
Published 07/04/20
Providing safety :offline or online to children is a cardinal pillar of responsible parenting . This episode provides some guidelines on how to keep your children safe on digital platforms. As more and more families shift online due to the COVID -19 situation, it becomes all the more significant to teach positive nettiquettes as well as mandatory safety measures to children.
Published 06/27/20
This episode is a continuation to the 10 commendments of Parenting. Where in I have explained the importance of paying attention to this factor to establish healthy mental health of our children . It also helps to control many negative behaviour that are becoming so common these days and more often than not we bear with them considering them to be the lifestyle changes.
Published 06/17/20
Published 06/17/20
This episode is an attempt to make people esp parents aware about the necessity to bring about a shift in their perspective of looking at life and preparing their children for the same. It's time to rethink ,lay importance and teach those skills to our children that will help them grow holistically ; making them strong - emotionally, socially as well as psychologically.
Published 06/15/20
This episode is an introduction to 10 commendments of parenting. My podcasts will cover various issues that will help parents through the journey of parenting in a less stressful way. I'll b talking about positive methods of behaviour management, managing difficult emotional states, how to deal with difficult behaviour of your child and a lot more. Watch out for next episodes. I am sure they will b helpful to worrying and stressful parents.
Published 06/13/20