Chances are this holiday season you'll have to talk to at least one person who drives you bananas.  But what if this doesn't have to stress you out? What if you could have a good conversation? What if this could be your least angst-filled holiday yet?  It can be! Here are five ancient Stoic techniques (backed up by modern psychology) to manage your anger and anxiety when talking to people you think are difficult.  sarahmikutel.com
Published 12/02/22
On a recent trip, I learned that the last so-called witch to be executed in Scotland died in 1727. Of course, there are still people being tortured, killed, and scapegoated around the world today.  But we’re more likely to be involved in hanging people on social media. sarahmikutel.com Are you an introvert who wants to feel less anxious when it comes to public speaking, dealing with conflict, etc? I want to hear from you! Complete my brief Introvert Leader survey by Dec 26 for a chance...
Published 11/25/22
On a recent trip to Scotland, I ate well, I drank well -- didn’t so much sleep well. But I enjoyed just the right amount of indulgence for me on a trip.  This kind of happiness is hedonia. Hedonic pleasure is about, well, pleasure. Comfort. Satisfaction. What feels good in the moment. Pleasure coming from external things. A massage after a long day. A bite of flourless chocolate cake. Sprawling out on your beach towel and doing nothing.   These pleasures are fun and worthwhile and should...
Published 11/11/22
Fundraiser for Ukraine Life feels pretty chaotic right now for many people.    It's not just the war in Ukraine or Covid. The world these days seems too fast-paced and full of rage. You might feel... afraid to say anything online (or IRL)so overwhelmed by all you want to do, you don't do anythingparalyzed and frustrated by your perfectionist procrastination These are all totally normal thoughts and feelings. And you don't have to stay stuck here. In  the Calm the Chaos audio course I...
Published 05/22/22
We’re back with Christine Job, an American business strategist in Spain and host of “Flourish in the Foreign,” a podcast that celebrates and elevates the voices Black women who are thriving abroad. In this mini-episode, Christine shares the first steps to consider if you want to build a business abroad. We’re jumping right into the conversation, where Christine is discussing how her own business has evolved and how entrepreneurship is a form of self-actualization.  Enjoy! Hello! I'm your...
Published 04/15/22
Have you ever felt like you’ve hit a brick wall in life? Burned out. Not sure what to do next. This happened to our guest today and she’s here to share how walking the Camino de Santiago, a 500-mile trek across Spain, helped her rediscover her spark.  I’m talking to Christine Job, a business strategist and host of “Flourish in the Foreign,” a podcast that celebrates and elevates the voices Black women who are thriving abroad.  Christine’s an American who’s been living in Spain for the...
Published 04/08/22
You know when you’re traveling and you see families fuming in the airport or no longer speaking to each other at dinner?  Chances are, one of them, or multiple people, blew something out of proportion and are still reacting to it.  Why does this happen? How can we be more emotionally resilient, that is, more Stoic, and enjoy a more smoothly flowing life?  Let’s dive into why things don’t have to upset us with an AirBnB story… It’s not super easy for U.S. citizens to get visas to live and...
Published 04/01/22
Don’t cry for me, Argentina… Sorry, the Evita soundtrack loops in my head when thinking about this South American favorite. Today we are headed to Buenos Aires and friend of the show, Becky Gillespie, is here to share her city favorites. Becky, a digital nomad and host of The School of Travels podcast, has been returning to Argentina for log stretches of time since 2008.  In this episode, you’ll learn: why Buenos Aires is considered the Paris of South Americawhere to find vegetarian food in...
Published 03/18/22
The best of Santiago, Chile!  I’m continuing my conversation with Steph Dyson, author of the travel book Moon Chile.  Today we’re focussing on her favorite travel recommendations for Santiago, Chile, including where to go to: listen to jazzenjoy fine dining without the fine dining priceslearn more about Chilean history and indigenous culturesand more…including how much it costs and the residency situation Enjoy! sarahmikutel.com Hello! I'm your host, Sarah Mikutel. But the real question...
Published 03/11/22
We're traveling to Chile today! You may know that part of Patagonia is in Chile, but did you know you can also find 7,000-year-old mummies here? This country is filled with surprises, and there is something for everyone, from surfing and skiing to beaches and hot springs. There are more than 40 national parks, six UNESCO sites, and plenty of award-winning wine.  I’m joined by Steph Dyson, a travel writer and author of the Moon Chile travel guidebook. Steph spent a year exploring this long...
Published 03/04/22
Imagine this: It’s summer and you’re relaxing on a white sandy beach in Sicily surrounded by culinary delights. Let’s make this dream come true!  I’m joined by Carmel Ruggeri, the Italian-Australian who founded Sicilian Food Tours. Her family comes from Scoglitti, a hidden gem of a seaside town that I definitely want to visit the next time I’m on the island.  In this episode, Carmel will tell us about the Sicilian foods we need to try and where to go to find the best. Plus, she’ll give us...
Published 01/29/22
In 2008, I quit my job and moved to Rome. There was no AirBnB or Instagram. My apartment didn't even have internet! In this episode, I'm sharing a diary of sorts from my time back then. I'm also sharing what I'd do now if I moved to Italy. You'll learn about how to find an apartment in Rome, why language schools aren't the best place to actually learn a language, plus loads of travel tips. Enjoy! sarahmikutel.com Hello! I'm your host, Sarah Mikutel. But the real question is, who are...
Published 01/22/22
Now is the time to book your summer travel (or winter if you live somewhere like Australia). So where are you headed? My friend and travel buddy Michelle Warner Martin joins me today to talk about what travel has been like for us over the last two years during covid; what the travel scene is like now; and which trips we're excited about in 2022.  Michelle is a fantastic photographer whom I traveled with to Athens, Greece right before the global pandemic shut things down. Can't wait to...
Published 01/09/22
How to cultivate loving kindness during the holiday season (and all year!) ❤️ Hello! I'm your host, Sarah Mikutel. But the real question is, who are you? Where are you now and where do you want to be? Can I help you get there? Visit sarahmikutel.com to learn how we can work together to help you achieve more peace, happiness, and positive transformation in your life. Book your Enneagram typing session by going to sarahmikutel.com/typingsession It’s not super easy for U.S. citizens to get...
Published 12/24/21
“Putting things off is the biggest waste of life,” Seneca says, “it snatches away each day as it comes, and denies us the present by promising the future. The greatest obstacle to living is expectancy, which hangs upon tomorrow and loses today.” Seneca, On the Shortness of Life. Most of us don’t follow through on our New Year’s Resolutions because we treat them like wishes and not goals. Ideally, if we want to achieve a goal, we map out a plan to achieve it and follow through. Today’s episode...
Published 12/18/21
Quick reminder in case you need it…Even if you don’t feel like a particularly courageous person, you’ve acted bravely at some point in your life. Maybe you stood up for someone. Traveled solo. Moved abroad. Said no. Admitted when you were wrong. Jumped out of a plane. Cried in front of someone.  You have what it takes to show up courageously every day, but that doesn’t just magically happen. Here are four daily practices you can do to build your courage (a core Stoic virtue)  and...
Published 12/03/21
We live in an age of cowards. Of people going along with the crowd because it’s the easy thing to do. It feels safer to throw stones at the other side than it does to stand for something positive and hopeful. There’s risk in questioning things and seeking other perspectives, whereas joining in the mob costs us nothing (except perhaps our character). But maybe things have always been this way.  It’s still difficult for most people to wrap their minds around the Holocaust, how so many...
Published 11/28/21
Back by popular demand... Happy Thanksgiving, U.S. listeners! This year about 54 million Americans will travel more than 50 miles during Thanksgiving, and most of these people will be driving, estimates AAA. However, it’s a myth that the day before Thanksgiving is the busiest travel day of the year (that honor actually goes to several weekends throughout the summer). But that’s not the only Thanksgiving myth out there.  Don’t worry, this episode is not about tearing down this revered holiday....
Published 11/19/21
Janus is the Roman god of beginnings and endings, transitions and passageways, doorways and duality, amongst several other things.  And he was one of my favorite sculptures in my town’s art Triennial this year, formally known as the Creative Folkestone Triennial 2021.  High up on the East Cliff, in a little park overlooking the ocean, stood this massive head of Janus, who’s typically portrayed with two faces, one facing toward the future and the other face looking toward the past.  That's...
Published 11/10/21
Ever thought about visiting Uruguay? This small nation between Argentina and Brazil isn’t well known to people outside the region, and Karen Higgs is trying to change that. Home to the world’s longest carnival — it lasts 40 days each year — Uruguay is a laid back country with a European flair. You’ll walk around plenty of colonial and art deco buildings as candombe music drums in the streets.  You’ll also find beaches, wineries, and a burgeoning culinary scene in Uruguay, one of the most...
Published 10/29/21
Where do these emotions come from? What are emotions? How can we cultivate healthy emotions that improve our own wellbeing, and thereby our positive impact on the world?  That’s what I want to talk about today. Here's a little taste... Most people think emotions run their lives, but, in her popular Ted Talk, Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett, says that, “Emotions are not what we think they are...They are not hardwired brain reactions that are uncontrollable...emotions are guesses...Your brain is...
Published 10/22/21
Most of our suffering comes from thoughts that we let run wild in our brains.  We spend a lot of time each day rehashing different conversations and situations in our mind, and we think that we’re just reviewing facts. But we’re not. We’re reflecting on our own points of view, assuming what others think, worrying about the future, and ruminating about the past. The ancient Stoics understood that our thoughts are nothing more than stories we tell ourselves.  And modern mental health...
Published 10/09/21
Lately, I have been obsessed with the country of Georgia, and if you like beaches, mountains, charming old towns, wine regions, and off-the-beaten path places, then you might become obsessed with this former communist state, as well. Emily Lush certainly did. She’s an Australian writer and photographer who moved to Georgia after falling in love with its history, culture, textiles, and architecture, like Armenian merchant houses, opulent mansions, mosques, and Orthodox churches. Emily...
Published 09/17/21
It’s my 10-year anniversary in England, and I want to give you a gift. But first, a story.  In ancient Rome, when generals rode in on chariots during military processions -- triumphant, everyone cheering -- someone stood behind the general to whisper, 'Hominem te esse memento. Memento mori,' which translates as 'Remember, you are mortal. Remember you will die.' It was a recurring wake up call to LIVE. Then and now. I started this podcast to inspire people to take action on their dreams...
Published 07/13/21
In this episode, I am back with my friend Kai Whiting, co-author of the book Being Better: Stoicism for a World Worth Living In.  Kai is a researcher and lecturer in sustainability and Stoicism currently living in Lisbon, Portugal. If you’re into ancient ruins, you will love the beginning of our interview, where Kai talks about the research he conducted in Pompeii.  And then we spend a lot of the conversation talking about what it means to be a  citizen of the world, a concept that was...
Published 07/03/21