Welcome to Power Your Life Today Power Session #35. In this first episode in Season 2, Kristy Jo is talking with Sean Douglas (bio below). You will be inspired and motivated as you hear about how he almost took his own life and how now he wakes up to make a positive impact in the life of everybody. Additionally, you will learn how to: * take control of your situations and develop a mindset of resilience. * develop the power to overcome self-defeating behaviors. * what to do each day for 66...
Published 04/17/17
Thank you for being a part of this journey with me in Season 1! I hope you will continue to watch these Sessions and make small goals to think more critically, process your emotions, and live a life of more value, love, and service. #PowerYourLifeToday Join me on Facebook and Instagram to keep your learning going! :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ABOUT POWER YOUR LIFE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Power Your Life Today" is a Mindset Training YouTube show by Kristy Jo, Mind and Body Strategist and...
Published 03/22/17
Nobody can understand YOUR physical pain. Each of our bodies, pain thresholds, and unique body mechanics are so different. While experiencing our unique pains, we can have a MINDSET of how to manage that pain in the best way possible. Learn how in this video. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ABOUT POWER YOUR LIFE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Power Your Life Today" is a Mindset Training YouTube show by Kristy Jo, Mind and Body Strategist and Founder of Body Buddies.. This show is designed to help...
Published 03/11/17
How can you POWER through temptation? Whether it's staying away from foods that will keep you from being healthy and/or losing weight, quitting smoking, quitting drinking, etc. Learn the formula that will help you P.O.W.E.R. up and keep yourself focused to reprogram your behavior and habits over time. You can #PowerYourLifeToday! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ABOUT POWER YOUR LIFE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Power Your Life Today" is a Mindset Training YouTube show by Kristy Jo, Mind and Body...
Published 03/04/17
It's a difficult topic and every single one of us needs it in our lives. Whether it's forgiving others who have intentionally or unintentionally hurt us, or forgiving yourself, remember that forgiveness is not for the weak--forgiveness is an attribute of the strong [Ghandi]. Learn some strategies for practicing forgiveness in this Power Session. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ABOUT POWER YOUR LIFE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Power Your Life Today" is a Mindset Training YouTube show by Kristy Jo,...
Published 02/27/17
When you feel distressed and overwhelmed, you can't be a person of value and love. It's time to calm the situation inside so you can go out and power your life. Join Kristy Jo as she outlines several simple tactics that can be used EVERY day are in this video. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ABOUT POWER YOUR LIFE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Power Your Life Today" is a Mindset Training YouTube show by Kristy Jo, Mind and Body Strategist and Founder of Body Buddies.. This show is designed to help...
Published 02/17/17
As human beings, we need something to blame--a reason to explain why things happen. But when you find yourself not taking responsibility for yourself and your actions and blaming others, you need to look at the underlying emotion. Learn how to stand up and own your life through this power session. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ABOUT POWER YOUR LIFE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Power Your Life Today" is a Mindset Training YouTube show by Kristy Jo, Mind and Body Strategist and Founder of Body...
Published 02/13/17
Woah, woah, woah, STOP. When we are negative and choose to use negative words to yourself and about yourself, YOU are listening! Your subconscious mind (90% of the behavior that is produced) comes from the statements you make and is programmed in. It's time to pay attention to this in order to change the way you act every day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ABOUT POWER YOUR LIFE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Power Your Life Today" is a Mindset Training YouTube show by Kristy Jo, Mind and Body...
Published 02/10/17
Have you ever been talking with someone who shared something that made you feel uncomfortable because you didn't know how to respond? Here's what you don't want to do, and here's what you SHOULD do to build the emotional connection and value in the relationship. This life is about building other people and sharing experience, helping each other learn and gain perspective, and giving and receiving love. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ABOUT POWER YOUR LIFE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Power Your...
Published 02/06/17
Once you master this, you will warp, manipulate, control, and direct your thoughts and attitude. It's like becoming the driver of your life rather than being the passenger. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ABOUT POWER YOUR LIFE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Power Your Life Today" is a Mindset Training YouTube show by Kristy Jo, Mind and Body Strategist and Founder of Body Buddies.. This show is designed to help you build your mental discipline so you can POWER your life to one of of value, service,...
Published 02/02/17
You deserve to be GREAT. Learn how to give that extra 5% that will make all the difference in this Power Session. Give yourself an outcome of what's achievable--stop limiting yourself. You need to find a mentor who can tell you where the next level is. You need to push beyond your normal limits, do more than you think, and raise your output by 5%. You have unique talents and gifts and you NEED to raise your level of living because the people around you deserve to feel your greatness. ...
Published 01/30/17
Change isn't about 180-degree flips. It's more of an improvement, or optimization--that way it's less of a BIG DEAL that causes you sabotage yourself. Why are you not following through on what you know you need to? Have you stopped to ask yourself this question? You SAY you're going to do something, but then you don't. When you stop to analyze this, you may see you're running from the direction of your greatest pain. Learn to position your pain wisely and stop sabotaging yourself to become...
Published 01/29/17
Don't worry about big goals--only worry about that initial push you need to get yourself going. It's all about Newton's laws--an object at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. GET that force in your life, and then let momentum take it from there. Give it 2 weeks to focus and commit to a change. You can do it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ABOUT POWER YOUR LIFE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Power Your Life Today" is a Mindset Training YouTube show by Kristy Jo, Mind and...
Published 01/23/17
What are you using up your conscious processing brain power on each day? Are you focusing on non-essential needs that are sponging up your ability to concern yourself with more important matters? Don't dilute your focus--simplify your life to allow the genius to be released. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ABOUT POWER YOUR LIFE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Power Your Life Today" is a Mindset Training YouTube show by Kristy Jo, Mind and Body Strategist and Founder of Body Buddies.. This show is...
Published 01/19/17
Cleanliness creates a feeling of calm and peace, which impacts your ability to be happy. Here are three ways to EASILY create more cleanliness and organization in your life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ABOUT POWER YOUR LIFE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Power Your Life Today" is a Mindset Training YouTube show by Kristy Jo, Mind and Body Strategist and Founder of Body Buddies.. This show is designed to help you build your mental discipline so you can POWER your life to one of of value, service,...
Published 01/16/17
The addiction is irrelevant; it's the formula of how thoughts and emotions lead to coping behavior that you must learn. As you master this formula, gain awareness, and start tracking your external actions, you will be able to heighten your ability to master yourself and break any addictive habit that is holding you back in your spirituality, health, or relationships. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ABOUT POWER YOUR LIFE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Power Your Life Today" is a Mindset Training...
Published 01/15/17
The latest research is showing that too much time on social media and other forms of technology is increasing with shocking acceleration rates of depression and anxiety. What are you doing to protect yourself from the comparison factor that runs SO rampant in a world where you may be glued to your cell phone or tablet, checking it 10, 20, or even 50+ times per day? What are you doing to program yourself with positive energy? Listen closely to this Power Session and take a stand for yourself...
Published 01/10/17
The power of your thoughts determine the power of your life! When you control your energy states and channel your thoughts in a direction of achievement, confidence, and self-belief, you truly put yourself in a progressive state of mind where all things become possible! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ABOUT POWER YOUR LIFE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Power Your Life Today" is a Mindset Training YouTube show by Kristy Jo, Mind and Body Strategist and Founder of Body Buddies.. This show is designed...
Published 01/06/17
If you find yourself discouraged and giving up if you can't do something perfectly, then this is the Power Session for you! NOPE, you will RARELY if AT ALL do something perfectly, so you need to learn this mental technique to ENJOY the journey and efforts you make! :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ABOUT POWER YOUR LIFE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Power Your Life Today" is a Mindset Training YouTube show by Kristy Jo, Mind and Body Strategist and Founder of Body Buddies.. This show is designed to...
Published 01/02/17
The fuel you put in your mouth has more power over your moods than you know! When you follow this basic strategy of eating, your brain forms more properly functioning neurotransmitters which have the most influence over your moods! Start FUELING your body! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ABOUT POWER YOUR LIFE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Power Your Life Today" is a Mindset Training YouTube show by Kristy Jo, Mind and Body Strategist and Founder of Body Buddies.. This show is designed to help you build your...
Published 12/29/16
Do you start things only to wave your white flag of surrender? Do you feel like you never follow through, then never succeed at anything? Does this impact your health? Your confidence? Well, what was the initial activity that caused you to start this habit of giving up? Let's work on a technique to help you STOP this habit, and begin FINISHING what you start! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ABOUT POWER YOUR LIFE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Power Your Life Today" is a Mindset Training YouTube show...
Published 12/26/16
Are you trying to endure tough stuff, be strong, or just hang in there? Instead of giving up and saying it's too much, learn some techniques to hang in there and KEEP GOING. Be strong! Finish what you start! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ABOUT POWER YOUR LIFE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Power Your Life Today" is a Mindset Training YouTube show by Kristy Jo, Mind and Body Strategist and Founder of Body Buddies.. This show is designed to help you build your mental discipline so you can POWER your...
Published 12/22/16
Do you have a big decision to make? Are you working yourself up in worry that you'll make the wrong decision? Then tune into this Power Session where I'll teach you 'The Analysis' that works WONDERS when it comes to making decisions. Share this with someone who is making a tough decision right now! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ABOUT POWER YOUR LIFE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Power Your Life Today" is a Mindset Training YouTube show by Kristy Jo, Mind and Body Strategist and Founder of Body...
Published 12/18/16
Your mind can get very busy when working in a state of overwhelm, to-dos, and high expectations. Learn to quiet the inner chatter of your mind so you can focus and be more productive with this mindset technique. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ABOUT POWER YOUR LIFE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Power Your Life Today" is a Mindset Training YouTube show by Kristy Jo, Mind and Body Strategist and Founder of Body Buddies.. This show is designed to help you build your mental discipline so you can POWER...
Published 12/12/16
Whether you are in a relationship or not, being your own best friend is a wonderful part of building confidence, eliminating insecurities, and decreasing co-dependence that can become very unhealthy. Check out this Power Session and let me know what you think! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ABOUT POWER YOUR LIFE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Power Your Life Today" is a Mindset Training YouTube show by Kristy Jo, Mind and Body Strategist and Founder of Body Buddies.. This show is designed to help...
Published 12/08/16