📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Ever considered how a personal spiritual journey can profoundly transform your life? In today’s episode, I invite you to journey with me through the twists and turns of my evolving belief system. From a background of atheism and agnosticism, I've ventured into the depths of spirituality, now seeking a connection with God reminiscent of the devotion of biblical King David. My explorations have taken me through the realms of Eastern religions and metaphysics,...
Published 12/25/23
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Ever found yourself in the peculiar space where your reality seems at odds with your new, positive beliefs? This episode is a lifeline to you. We'll journey through the intricacies of our thoughts, unraveling how sometimes, they appear to betray us, transforming into external reality that doesn't align with our transformed perspective. Think of life showing up in ways that support your old beliefs - frustrating, isn't it? But, stay with us as we share...
Published 12/18/23
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Imagine a life where you no longer feel powerless over your addictions or chronic health conditions. This episode shares the transformative power of faith, surrender, and spiritual connectivity through the lens of 12 steps programs – and how it can lead you to a state of inner peace. As your host, I share my personal journey with these programs and how they've significantly enhanced my spiritual growth and recovery journey. We also discuss how stress and...
Published 12/11/23
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Have you ever found yourself stuck in a loop, carrying the weight of childhood experiences, unable to break free from limiting beliefs, and feeling resistance on your path to personal growth? Welcome to a transformative journey where we unmask the subtle patterns holding you back and equip you with tools to manifest your deepest desires. David takes you through the Whole Human Framework, born from his journey, designed to help you navigate life's challenges...
Published 11/27/23
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube What happens when our dreams spiral into nightmares? If you've ever felt the tug-of-war between holding onto something that doesn't serve your joy but yet find it hard to let go, you're not alone. In today's enlightening discussion, David unravels this tricky dynamic, offering timeless wisdom, practical tools, and inspirational teachings to foster lasting transformation. We venture into the realm of our aspirations, where enthusiasm and passion can...
Published 11/20/23
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Are you feeling stuck on the rollercoaster ride of personal evolution, constantly being thrown around by your doubts, insecurities, and money traumas? Let me assure you, my friends, that despite the turbulence you're experiencing, there are ways to smooth out this process and come out stronger on the other side. Ever pondered about the immense power that our thoughts hold in shaping our reality? Drawing inspiration from the likes of Napoleon Hill, Buddha,...
Published 11/13/23
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube What if you could tap into an infinite intelligence, harnessing its power to manifest your dreams into reality? Welcome back to A Changed Mind, the place where we explore the depths of how your thoughts can shape your world. I’m your host, David, here to guide you through a powerful discussion on the law of attraction, collective consciousness, and the role they play in our lives. Let’s unpack this together and discover how our brains are mere receivers of...
Published 11/06/23
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Looking for a fresh perspective on conflict resolution? In this episode we journey through the intricate dynamics of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, avoiding the political blame game, and instead focus on the consciousness that kindles such disputes. We discuss how purging fear and steering our emotions can be instrumental in nurturing real, lasting change. By examining the conflict through a metaphysical lens, we hope to inspire you to consider your role...
Published 10/30/23
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube In this eye-opening episode, David delves into the remarkable power of change and its impact on our lives and the world. He explores current challenges, ranging from the pandemic to the delivery of information by independent and traditional media. David investigates the roles of organizations like the World Economic Forum and the Bilderberg group in shaping the future, and how we can leverage our internal power to effect change. He also explores metaphysical...
Published 10/23/23
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Ever tried to take a big leap towards personal growth only to feel the icy grip of fear and possible failure? You’re not alone. In a candid conversation with our community member, Alan, we tear down the fallacy that personal transformation is onerous and time-consuming. We also explore how fear of failure, usually rooted in our past experiences, often becomes the invisible chain holding us back. In this illuminating dialogue, we tackle how deeply ingrained...
Published 10/16/23
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube What if you have the power to alter your reality by merely rewiring your brain? Get ready for a transformative journey, as we unearth the invisible forces that steer the course of our lives and decode ways to unlock untapped potentials within us. Buckle up for a deep dive into personal development 2.0 as we navigate through traumas and misconceptions inherited from past generations. Do you want to know the secret sauce behind the success of many...
Published 10/09/23
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Have you ever wondered why relationships can be as complex as a labyrinth, filled with a myriad of twists and turns? This episode navigates the intricate dynamics of relationships, touching on the exhilarating honeymoon phase, the tough times of discord, and the unsettling uncertainties that may sneak in. We explore the glaring lack of relationship education, offering strategies to fortify, nurture, and allow your relationships to flourish, ultimately...
Published 10/02/23
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Are you tired of feeling helpless in the face of mounting environmental toxins and emotional stress? Ever thought about the power your mind holds over your physical health? Join David Bayer, as he uncovers the undeniable link between our mindset and our health, and learn how to harness our mind’s power to restore our wellness in a world that often feels against us. As a survivor of mercury poisoning and various health challenges, David brings his personal...
Published 09/25/23
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Ever felt stuck in your life, with no clarity of your vision and purpose? Let this podcast guide you to eliminate the fog and bring in absolute clarity! Your host, David Baer, unravels the potent power of clarity and how it fuels creativity. Be prepared for a transformative journey that uncovers how clarity sets the stage for everything in your life, be it relationships, personal growth or business aspirations. We shatter the conventional wisdom that clarity...
Published 09/18/23
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Could you ever imagine yourself giving gratitude for your struggles? Be it daily inconveniences or personal tragedies, we often perceive them as setbacks. In this episode, David invites you on a thought-provoking journey to reframe your perception and approach your adversities with curiosity and gratitude. Let's discuss why bad things happen to good people and learn to extract wisdom from these experiences. This episode provides insights on how to make sense...
Published 09/11/23
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Ever felt like there's something inherently wrong with you? Like you're broken or just not good enough? Friends, it's time for a reality-check - you are not! This episode of A Changed Mind takes you on a journey to debunk these misleading beliefs and helps you understand that you are precisely where you need to be. Our minds are incredible machines, but they can sometimes play tricks on us. Many of us fall into the trap of feeling we constantly need to fix...
Published 09/04/23
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Ready to pull back the curtain on your limiting beliefs and create powerful shifts in your life? This episode will guide you into the realm of transformation with ease and simplicity, shedding light on the four primary categories of resistance that hold us back from our true potential. Hear about David's transformative journey, from attending self-help events and exploring meditation, all the way to a retreat in an ashram in India. Through this journey, he...
Published 08/21/23
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Are you ready to ride the wave? This isn't about catching a literal wave on a surfboard, but a spiritual wave. Are you ready to catch the wave that's naturally yours and ride it to a place of greater service to yourself and others? In today's episode, David Bayer shares a profound realization he had during a recent meditation about this concept. He discusses the steps you can take to tune into your spirit, ground yourself, and connect with the Earth. It’s...
Published 08/14/23
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube What if I told you that your thoughts and beliefs about money might be the very things standing between you and financial prosperity? Welcome to a riveting discussion, where your host, David Bayer, unravels his journey from bankruptcy to building a multi-million-dollar company and explains how our thoughts can manifest into tangible things. In this episode David shares his experiences about investing in a startup, and the returns it brought him, and how the...
Published 08/07/23
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube What if anxiety wasn't a roadblock, but a catalyst for healing and harnessing your personal power? Join us on this profound episode of the Changed Mind podcast, where we peel back the layers on anxiety's root cause and its transformative potential. As someone who wrestled with anxiety from an early age, David Bayer shares his personal odyssey, delivering insights that may echo your own experience. This isn't just surface-level chatter, we're unpicking the...
Published 07/31/23
📺 Watch episode clips on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@DavidBayer33 Imagine stepping into a sanctuary where you can tune out the distractions and negativity of the world and tap into your own potential. Welcome to a space that promises transformation through personal growth. In this episode David & Carol Bayer explore their personal journeys of creating a business centered around personal development, reminding you of the certainty of a promising future. This episode takes an...
Published 07/24/23
📺 Watch episode clips on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@DavidBayer33 Change your thoughts, change your world; sounds intriguing, doesn't it? Well, that's precisely what we're navigating in this episode, as David demystifies the concept of our thoughts shaping our realities. You'll get to understand how your inner power can be harnessed to create the life you've always dreamt of. David dives into the core mechanisms of how our thoughts evolve into tangible elements in our lives. David...
Published 07/17/23
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Ready to redefine your understanding of personal growth? In this episode David unwraps the intricate layers of self-development, delves into the evolution of our personal growth teachings, and dissects the powerful forces that shape our states of being. We promise that you'll walk away with a deeper understanding of how to transform past traumas into powerful energies, how to rewire your brain to move away from the hustle and grind, and how to deepen your...
Published 07/10/23
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube In this inspiring introductory episode of A Changed Mind, we delve into our consciousness and explore the profound symbolism of Independence Day as an emblem of personal liberty, dissecting how we can emancipate ourselves from mental constraints. From examining the societal values shift and its implications to discussing the practical aspects of personal transformation such as managing stress, overcoming anxiety, and breaking unhealthy habits, this episode...
Published 07/02/23
In this episode, David speaks from experience about how to transition from a job to your mission, passion and purpose.
Published 03/24/16