📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube In this episode, we delve into my personal journey from being a drug addict and alcoholic to becoming a successful entrepreneur and family man. Imintroduce a powerful three-step tool that is the most effective practice for transforming limiting beliefs. This tool, which i describe as a "living meditation," can be used anytime, anywhere, to help you shift from a primal state of stress and anxiety to a powerful state of joy and calm. These insights are rooted...
Published 06/13/24
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube In this episode, we dive into the importance of not getting entangled in fear-based thinking but instead, aligning ourselves with the certainty of a positive future. This wisdom is rooted in neuroscience, psychology, and spirituality, offering practical steps to move from a state of survival to one of thriving. Throughout the conversation, we explain how to navigate personal and collective challenges by focusing on what we truly want to create in our lives....
Published 06/10/24
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube In this episode, we dive into the practical steps you can take to cultivate more joy in your everyday life. We share insights on how small, intentional changes in our daily routines can lead to significant improvements in our overall well-being. From the power of gratitude to the importance of social connections, we cover it all in a way that's easy to understand and apply. Together we break down complex psychological concepts into simple, actionable advice....
Published 06/03/24
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube In this episode, we dives deep into the mechanics of personal growth and the mind's role in shaping our reality. David shares his insights on how our mind's focus on survival often leads us to fixate on the absence of what we desire, creating a cycle of resistance that hinders our progress. It explains the powerful equation of "desire plus non-resistance equals desired result," emphasizing that the key to transformation lies in relaxing and letting go of the...
Published 05/27/24
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube In this episode, we delve into the profound impact of fear on our ability to create and manifest our desires. We explore how various forms of fear, such as anxiety, stress, and indecision, can stem from deep-seated beliefs and past traumas. The discussion opens with an examination of how fear can disguise itself in everyday emotions and actions, influencing our decisions and our lives more than we might realize. learning how to manage and retrain the nervous...
Published 05/20/24
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube In this episode, we delve into my personal journey with anxiety, a condition that has been a significant part of my life since I was 17. My experiences with anxiety began with a misdiagnosed gallbladder issue, which led to unnecessary surgery and subsequent health complications. This medical ordeal during my teenage years was the precursor to my first encounter with severe anxiety and panic attacks. The decision coincided with the engagement in a...
Published 05/13/24
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube In this episode, we delved into the strategic aspects of political campaigns, particularly focusing on objection handling in marketing and how it parallels political maneuvering. We discussed the recent announcement of Nicole Shanahan as a Vice-Presidential Candidate alongside Bobby Kennedy Jr., emphasizing the importance of addressing potential objections to strengthen their campaign. The conversation extended into the broader implications of such strategic...
Published 05/06/24
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube In this episode, we explore the intriguing concept that our greatest challenges often set the stage for our most profound desires and achievements. Whether it's battling illness, financial difficulties, loneliness, or professional setbacks, these experiences can deeply motivate us to seek betterment and fulfillment. This perspective is not just about personal growth but also about leveraging our struggles to define and achieve a more desirable future for...
Published 04/29/24
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube In this episode, we delve into the intricate world of personal identity, and the power of informed opinions. This is not a political discourse but a profound exploration of how our beliefs and the media shape our perceptions and decisions. If you've ever felt overwhelmed by the divisive nature of politics or struggled with maintaining personal beliefs amidst widespread societal pressures, this episode will offer you a sanctuary. It’s a chance to explore...
Published 04/22/24
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Are you an entrepreneur caught in the relentless pursuit of success, or perhaps you find yourself procrastinating, unable to take the necessary steps forward? In the latest episode of "A Changed Mind," I delve into the critical balance between action and rest, and how understanding your internal emotional seasons can lead to innovation, creativity, and ultimately, a thriving business. Many entrepreneurs find themselves on the brink of a burnout, constantly...
Published 04/15/24
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Ever wondered how deep-rooted beliefs sculpt the reality you live in? Transforming these belief systems is akin to steering the ship of your life towards uncharted, more prosperous waters. In our latest episode, we navigate through the mind's intricate interplay of thoughts, emotions, and actions that ultimately dictate success in health, wealth, and relationships. I reveal a sanctuary of wisdom, with a simple yet revolutionary three-step process that...
Published 04/08/24
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Ever wondered why the size of your bank account doesn't necessarily equate to financial freedom? Join me, David Bayer, as we peel back the layers of what it truly means to be wealthy. This isn't just another chat about saving pennies; this episode is a masterclass in leveraging the world's resources to your advantage. We'll confront those pesky money blocks that might be barricading your path to abundance and equip you with the strategies to attract...
Published 04/01/24
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Prepare to be captivated by my enlightening dinner with RFK Jr., a journey that will challenge your perspective on public health, personal growth, and political integrity. With RFK Jr. at the heart of our discussion, we traverse his unwavering activism and the contentious debates that follow him, impacting my own life decisions and those concerning my son Gabriel's health. This episode sheds light on the complex world of vaccine efficacy, environmental...
Published 03/25/24
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Have you ever felt locked in a cycle of self-fulfilling prophecies, where your deepest beliefs seem to conjure the very reality you dwell in? This episode unravels the intricate ties between our mindsets and the life we lead. We dive into behavioral psychology and the law of attraction, detailing how our early-formed beliefs sculpt our current experiences. Peppered with personal stories, this dialogue illuminates the potential for profound transformation...
Published 03/18/24
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Embark on a journey with me as we uncover the profound effects of visualization and meditation on emotional resilience. Over the past decade, I've refined a practice that quiets the mind and nurtures the art of letting go, and it's time to share that wisdom with you. Our discussion traverses the landscape of mental patterns, revealing how to break free from negative cycles and embrace our most desirable emotional states. With nuggets of knowledge and...
Published 03/04/24
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Have you ever considered the delicate dance of dynamics that dictates the strength and balance within your relationship? Join me, David Bayer, as we journey into the heart of what it takes for men to truly stand in their power as protectors and providers, and how women can play a pivotal role in that process. Together, we'll explore the vision of an empowering partnership, decoding the archetypes of men and understanding how to navigate the dance between...
Published 02/19/24
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Have you ever found yourself caught in the undertow of stress while pursuing the very passion that once made your heart soar? Carol and I have been there, riding the highs and navigating the inevitable lows of transforming our passion into a flourishing and serene business. In this episode, we dive into the gritty details of our journey—mistakes, triumphs, and the lessons learned in the trenches of online advertising, branding, and course launching. Join us...
Published 02/05/24
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Could your relationship with time be the key to unlocking a life of balance and productivity? Join us as we journey through an eye-opening exploration of how the malleable nature of time, guided by the principles of Parkinson's Law, can revolutionize your daily schedule. In today's episode, I, David Bear, draw upon my personal narrative of overcoming addiction, entrepreneurship, and the profound realization that self-imposed deadlines are often more flexible...
Published 01/29/24
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Have you ever made a promise to yourself, only to see it crumble under the weight of procrastination? Our latest episode tackles the elusive pursuit of unbreakable discipline, with insights from thinkers like Chris Williamson and Steven Bartlett. We dissect the psychological toll of unmet personal expectations and the corrosive effect this has on our self-trust and confidence. Through my own stories and gentle strategies, I challenge the relentless hustle...
Published 01/22/24
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Could the burdens we carry about our choices simply vanish if we embraced the possibility that free will is an illusion? Join me, David, your guide through the profound implications of this concept, as I share experiences and philosophical musings that challenge the traditional notion of autonomy in our decisions. In this episode, we dissect the idea that our belief in free will could be at the root of unnecessary stress and self-criticism. Drawing from...
Published 01/15/24
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Imagine transforming a spark of passion into a roaring fire of success – that's the epic tale my wife Carol and I are thrilled to share with you. We conquered the business landscape, turning our dream into a $30 million reality, all while dismissing the allure of so-called overnight successes. Our narrative is an exploration into the 'core four' essentials of business growth and the steadfast patience required to cultivate a prosperous venture. We'll take...
Published 01/08/24
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Ever considered how a personal spiritual journey can profoundly transform your life? In today’s episode, I invite you to journey with me through the twists and turns of my evolving belief system. From a background of atheism and agnosticism, I've ventured into the depths of spirituality, now seeking a connection with God reminiscent of the devotion of biblical King David. My explorations have taken me through the realms of Eastern religions and metaphysics,...
Published 12/25/23
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Ever found yourself in the peculiar space where your reality seems at odds with your new, positive beliefs? This episode is a lifeline to you. We'll journey through the intricacies of our thoughts, unraveling how sometimes, they appear to betray us, transforming into external reality that doesn't align with our transformed perspective. Think of life showing up in ways that support your old beliefs - frustrating, isn't it? But, stay with us as we share...
Published 12/18/23
📺 Watch & Subscribe on YouTube Imagine a life where you no longer feel powerless over your addictions or chronic health conditions. This episode shares the transformative power of faith, surrender, and spiritual connectivity through the lens of 12 steps programs – and how it can lead you to a state of inner peace. As your host, I share my personal journey with these programs and how they've significantly enhanced my spiritual growth and recovery journey. We also discuss how stress and...
Published 12/11/23