New Year's resolutions - a tradition many of us embrace come January, but let's face it, most crash and burn by February. Despite nearly 50% of adults making resolutions, less than 10% stay committed to their #NewYearNewMe goals after a couple of months. Why Resolutions Fail: Lack of 'why': We often neglect the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations behind our resolutions. Thinking too Big: Behavioral science teaches us the importance of making habits easy and repeatable. Readiness for...
Published 12/11/23
Join Nat and Kristen in our second-ever minisode, where we dive into a common challenge many women (especially minority women) face: the silent struggle in meetings. A self-professed 'young and slight' Asian Powrsuiter wrote in and shared her experience of not feeling respected or taken seriously in meetings. In just 15 minutes, we explore actionable steps within her control, from understanding and embracing her unique value to challenging stereotypes - to adopting effective communication...
Published 12/04/23
In our latest episode, Nat and Kristen discover the tricky terrain of creating a peer group from scratch. Why? Cause we set ourselves a challenge, that's why! Back in ep 34, we explored the superpowers a women's group can harness in our professional lives, so we set out to build one in just four weeks using our existing networks.  We share our approach and tactics, from the logistics of setting up the first meetup to choosing the right venue. The highs include participants' immediate...
Published 11/28/23
Join Nat and Kristen in our first-ever minisode as we tackle the art of negotiating additional benefits when the offered salary isn't quite hitting the mark. In just 15 minutes, we break down the keys to taking control of your negotiation and emphasise the importance of striking early when entering a new position. Discover the power of doing homework to showcase your market value and explore creative non-cash perks like extra vacation days or equity. As usual, it's packed with practical...
Published 11/21/23
Nat and Kristen have a rant and decode the dos and don'ts of office etiquette. We tackle universal (and sometimes petty) workplace pet peeves, from disruptive interruptions derailing productivity to the nuances of meeting etiquette, kitchen conundrums (because we're not your momma), and the seemingly never-ending farewell ceremonies.  We shed light on the importance of gracious introductions, constructive feedback, and the obvious but clearly forgotten elevator etiquette. Littered with...
Published 11/13/23
In a world that's always asking for our attention, we're running on empty, and the holiday whirlwind is just around the corner - eek! Nat and Kristen dive into the specific challenges women face as they juggle caregiving, work, and life's demands.  Research shows that we often put ourselves last, so we think it's time we challenge the superwoman ideal. Join us as we uncover the art of taking a break, sharing handy tips to recharge and get refreshed. If you like what you hear, share the...
Published 11/06/23
Nat and Kristen are back at it, and this time, they're unearthing the complicated (and gendered) world of perfectionism. Ever feel like you're it alone, overwhelmed, and sometimes just plain anxious? OR have you held back from that next step because you don't feel ready? You aren't alone.  Pop on those AirPods for some down-to-earth tips to help you escape the perfectionist snare. From setting goals that you can actually achieve to lightening the load with 'teamwork makes the dream work'....
Published 10/30/23
Have you ever wondered what your ultimate dream job would be? We're here to support your discovery and remind you to invest in yourself for a more kick-ass future you. The best part? It's not as daunting or time-consuming as you might think. Step 1: We're challenging you to ask yourself some fundamental questions: Where do you envision yourself in three years? What skills or experience do you want to develop? Step 2: Join us in identifying the next step in your career. What roles should...
Published 10/23/23
Grab your headphones (and head out for some fresh air) and join us as we dive into a conversation about the ‘confidence conundrum’ for women in the workplace. It's a serious paradox! As women, we’re encouraged to be confident but often face criticism when we are. Tune in to learn how the spotlight on women's ‘confidence issues’ can distract from larger problems like a workplace culture of bias and gender stereotypes. Uncover why we feel the real focus should be building and rewarding...
Published 10/16/23
Nat and Kristen chat about how your friends can actually supercharge your career. Ask a successful woman how she got there. She'll undoubtedly have a powerful peer group that has her back. Who needs a ton of contacts when you have honest, trustworthy friends?  Want a peer group? So do we! Join us on our month-long experiment as we use our friendships to form a test one out! We'll meet and dissect one another career and leadership challenges - and then we'll report back on how it went....
Published 10/10/23
Trust us; there's no need to wait until you feel ready. Join us on the road as we explore how to embrace a 'learn by doing' mindset. It's a great way to discover your abilities and, yes, to accelerate your career. It's possible to reframe 'failures' as valuable learning experiences. At Powrsuit, we view every new opportunity as a chance to learn and grow. Don't wait for the perfect moment; yep, it's time to flex a new muscle. Resources The power of yes What if it all works...
Published 10/02/23
Join us on the road as we delve into the ongoing challenges that women entrepreneurs face in the startup world. Despite progress, invisible biases and systemic issues persist. In 2023, women entrepreneurs still battle obstacles of insufficient support and funding. Shockingly, female-founded companies received only 2% of VC investment money, even though they often outperform their male counterparts!  We discuss practical strategies for women, including networking, setting clear goals,...
Published 09/22/23
While on the road in the US, we want to share the inception and why of Powrsuit! Today, we equip kickass women with the skills, knowledge and confidence required to lead at every level. Tomorrow? Our community will drive change, solving our planet’s biggest challenges with empathy and courage and dismantling systematic bias from the inside. So sit back, relax, and tune in for some insights. And if you like what you hear, share the love by giving us a shiny 5-star rating. Thanks for listening...
Published 09/18/23
In our last episode of this three-part series, join Nat and Kristen as they chat about making the most of your strengths to land that project, secure a promotion, or convince your boss to invest in your personal growth. Boosting your strengths is key to building your personal brand and increasing your value in the job market. Let's dive in! As usual, we share practical tips to make sh*t happen in your life. So sit back, relax, and tune in for some insights. And if you like what you hear,...
Published 09/10/23
In our second episode of this three-part series, come hang out with Nat and Kristen as they talk about using your strengths in your job. Find out how using what you're good at in your everyday work can make you more successful, happier at work, and more motivated. Plus, it can help you share tasks with others when you realise someone else might be better at them! As usual, we share practical tips to make sh*t happen in your life. So sit back, relax, and tune in for some insights. And if you...
Published 09/04/23
In the first three-part series, join Nat and Kristen as they dissect the secret sauce of leadership identity - in a strengths test! Learn how embracing your strengths can transform your approach, boost confidence, and set the stage for personal growth - and, of course, set you apart.  As usual, we share practical tips to make sh*t happen in your life. So sit back, relax, and tune in for some insights. And if you like what you hear, share the love by giving us a shiny 5-star rating. Thanks...
Published 08/28/23
Goal setting is where art and science combine to create a powerful roadmap for success. Join us as we unravel the secrets of harnessing your intrinsic motivation - the 'why' - to craft not just goals but meaningful milestones that stand the test of time. As usual, we share practical tips to make sh*t happen in your life. So sit back, relax, and tune in for some insights. And if you like what you hear, share the love by giving us a shiny 5-star rating. Thanks for listening! We cover:  ...
Published 08/22/23
In an alternate universe, you're effortlessly connecting with people, forging relationships that open doors. On this earth? It's hard - and awkward. But with each interaction, it becomes more natural and easier. We promise. Like any leadership tool, it’s a skill, a muscle waiting to be flexed. In this ep, we want to reshape your perception of networking. Through compelling research, we unveil a truth: women who embrace it have more fulfilling careers. As usual, we share practical tips to...
Published 08/14/23
It's time to discuss a major life hack that can make a huge difference in our careers and personal relationships. Boundaries. They aren't easy to set or enforce, but when we're upfront about setting and enforcing clear boundaries, we see a ripple effect in our lives.  This ep explores why they're key to healthy relationships, wellbeing and personal growth. As usual, we share practical tips to draw the line politely. So sit back, relax, and tune in for some insights. And if you like what...
Published 08/07/23
Do you ever stumble over words, feeling your cheeks flush with embarrassment as you ramble on? Or worse, do you notice your message being disregarded? It's time to put an end to the confusion and missed opportunities. Join us to learn how to identify your stakeholders and communicate with them in a way that eliminates misunderstandings, reduces conflicts, and helps you get s$&t done. We’ll share how to keep your stakeholders jazzed and engaged, ensuring their needs are met while you...
Published 08/01/23
Picture this: you start your day with a clear vision of what needs to be accomplished and strategic projects to tackle. But before you know it, your calendar is flooded with back-to-back meetings. Suddenly, your precious time to focus on critical work is swallowed up, and you find yourself working late.  Relentless meetings are eating away at your precious focus work time. Today, Kristen and Nat share some tangible actions to kick those meaningless meetings to the curb.  So sit back, relax,...
Published 07/25/23
If you're on the verge of burnout or at a loose end, is it time to remind yourself why you get up each day? Purpose can be a powerful antidote to boredom, indecision or frustration. Today, Nat and Kristen discuss how to put the spring back in your step in three easy steps. Of course, an episode of Powrup would only be complete with a bit of banter, giving you a sneak peek into our journeys as entrepreneurs. So sit back, relax, and tune in for some insights. And if you like what you hear,...
Published 07/18/23
Feeling stuck at work or in your career can be a frustrating and discouraging experience! We know because we've all been through this. We're here to encourage you to take action and get out of that funk. Whether it's discovering your passions or exploring new opportunities, we're dedicated to providing you with the kick you need to move forward. Of course, an episode of Powrup would only be complete with a bit of banter, giving you a sneak peek into our journeys as entrepreneurs. So sit...
Published 07/11/23
Having Woo in our toolkit gives us the power of influence and persuasion. With it, we can artfully communicate our ideas, visions, and initiatives in a way that resonates with different individuals or groups. By winning others over, we inspire them to support our work, take action, and drive positive change. Boom! It's like having a superpower that makes people want to join our cause. Of course, an episode of Powrup would only be complete with a bit of banter, giving you a sneak peek into...
Published 07/04/23
Do your palms sweat when speaking in front of a crowd? We understand the feeling! It's important to embrace public speaking; it's a valuable leadership skill. So while nerves may persist, this ep can help ease the discomfort. From crafting the right speech to practising and delivering it, Nat and Kristen share key tips to ensure your next presentation goes better than expected! Of course, an episode of Powrup would only be complete with a bit of banter, giving you a sneak peek into our...
Published 06/27/23