Lisa Kafer has dedicated her life to helping others. She's instrumental in bettering the lives of her clients by coaching them in areas of healthy living and weight loss.
Published 08/07/18
Lisa Kafer has dedicated her life to helping others. She's instrumental in bettering the lives of her clients by coaching them in areas of healthy living and weight loss.
Published 08/07/18
Published 08/07/18
Mark & Shannon are the world’s leading authority on the “Business of Speaking,” helping their clients land some of the most coveted stages and media including The View, Tony Robbins, CNN, Brendon Burchard, Good Morning America and TEDTalks worldwide.
Published 07/31/18
Mark & Shannon are the world’s leading authority on the “Business of Speaking,” helping their clients land some of the most coveted stages and media including The View, Tony Robbins, CNN, Brendon Burchard, Good Morning America and TEDTalks worldwide.
Published 07/31/18
Phaedra is an Occupational Therapist, Holistic Health Coach and Mentor, dedicated to helping those who suffer with pain, trauma and even a life the just doesn’t seem to be working.
Published 07/24/18
Phaedra is an Occupational Therapist, Holistic Health Coach and Mentor, dedicated to helping those who suffer with pain, trauma and even a life the just doesn’t seem to be working.
Published 07/24/18
Rob has spoken to and taught thousands of entrepreneurs, coaches and consultants how to stop hunting for clients and instead position themselves as the hunted.
Published 07/17/18
Rob has spoken to and taught thousands of entrepreneurs, coaches and consultants how to stop hunting for clients and instead position themselves as the hunted.
Published 07/17/18
There are four core wounds that are a common thread among women that cause them to under estimate and under value themselves at home and in the work place.
Published 07/03/18
There are four core wounds that are a common thread among women that cause them to under estimate and under value themselves at home and in the work place.
Published 07/03/18
The landscape for women’s leadership is still littered with unconscious bias, sexism, racism, ageism and more. The abuse and misogyny that accompanies our rise up the ranks, belies the reality that women are truly brave, powerful and often very funny.
Published 06/26/18
The landscape for women’s leadership is still littered with unconscious bias, sexism, racism, ageism and more. The abuse and misogyny that accompanies our rise up the ranks, belies the reality that women are truly brave, powerful and often very funny.
Published 06/26/18
Published 06/19/18
Published 06/19/18
Presenting Your Power stands for so many things but liberating our authentic self and practicing self love every single day is a big part of this. Dr.
Published 06/05/18
Presenting Your Power stands for so many things but liberating our authentic self and practicing self love every single day is a big part of this. Dr.
Published 06/05/18
Jo is an international syndicated live radio talk show host, entrepreneur, business coach and motivational speaker. She features expert guests on her show every week that generate cash generating leads for their businesses.
Published 05/29/18
Jo is an international syndicated live radio talk show host, entrepreneur, business coach and motivational speaker. She features expert guests on her show every week that generate cash generating leads for their businesses.
Published 05/29/18
Sally Griffyn AKA Millionaire Yogi is a Spiritual Business Coach who coaches entrepreneurs, “Yotrepreneurs", in the Wellbeing and Yoga sector to find their Super Niche and create financially abundant businesses.
Published 05/22/18
Sally Griffyn AKA Millionaire Yogi is a Spiritual Business Coach who coaches entrepreneurs, “Yotrepreneurs", in the Wellbeing and Yoga sector to find their Super Niche and create financially abundant businesses.
Published 05/22/18