Do you ever feel like you haven't gotten enough done...even though you were busy all day long? Busy and productive aren't the same thing, but we often confuse the two. In today's episode we'll talk about why we pack our day too full and overschedule their calendars. I'll share how we can learn about productivity from Star Wars (yes, it's true!) and some strategies and techniques to make sure you focus on your priorities instead of getting off track.   FOR SHOW NOTES & MORE, GO TO: ...
Published 12/06/22
What is normal? And why are we obsessed with being normal? Today's guest, Niro Feliciano would argue that "normal" often means overscheduling yourself, being exhausted and overwhelmed, spending too much time on your phone. Normal isn't necessarily healthy. In this episode we are going to unpack the difference between happiness and contentment; we'll understand how pressure and stress can pack our to-do list full of tasks that we don't really want; and how we can start living with more...
Published 11/22/22
We often think that we need to find meaning outside of our work. But if we are spending the majority of our day either working for or running a company, doesn't it make sense to connect our purpose with the work we do? Burnout is a very real, very pervasive feeling in our workforce today. In today's episode I share that burnout isn't caused by overwork, it's caused by not finding meaning in your work. We'll talk about the two distinct functions of our jobs, how to align your team to work...
Published 11/08/22
Many people use a to-do list to help make them more productive, but your to-do list is actually sabotaging your success. In today's show we'll talk about why the productivity tool most people use is not effective and how with just a few simple strategies, we can make it our most productive tool. I'll share tips and a framework for how to figure out what's important on your task list as well as a system to organize your task list to help make sure you end each day feeling successful.   FOR...
Published 10/25/22
Today’s episode will leave you feeling motivated and excited about moving forward… even if you don’t have the perfect plan in place. Ellen Marie Bennett is on the show today sharing her journey and how she uses her purpose as a guide even when she feels unsure about next steps. She shares her inspirational story of how, through the many twists and turns of life, she has grown a multi-million dollar company while starting at a $10 an hour job.   FOR SHOW NOTES AND MORE, GO TO: ...
Published 10/11/22
How do you start with the end in mind, if you don't know what the end is? We know that if we want to be strategic and we want productivity with purpose, we have to have a vision. But what if you feel uncertain about what you want? In today's podcast episode, I share tips and strategies for creating a vision statement, aligning goals to your values, and having productivity with purpose.   FOR SHOWNOTES & MORE, GO TO: https://tanyadalton.com/podcasts/273-creating-strategic-vision/
Published 09/27/22
Productivity isn't about doing more; it's doing what's most important. That has been my key catchphrase for years... but how we do figure out what's most important? And what really influences and affects your productivity? In today's show, we launch our season of Purposeful Productivity, with an activity to help you figure out what's most important, we talk about how your beliefs, boundaries and behaviors each affect one another and how small, huge movements are all you need to start feeling...
Published 09/13/22
Money is one of those topics that people tend to shy away from, but once we make finances easy, we take back our power. In today’s show we’re talking about strategies and systems to make saving money simple and painless. We discuss how to organize and streamline paying bills, paperwork, and expenses. We also dive into the steps to create a system to streamline savings while getting rid of debt. Using the steps to organize your finances will be empowering and confidence building, and today’s...
Published 08/30/22
We all have big goals and dreams, but they often get pushed aside in the pursuit of productivity. We say we don’t have time or that we’ll go after them Someday. But if we wait until all of our tasks are done to sit down and enjoy what’s most important, that time will never come—there’s always some sort of urgent work to be done. In today’s episode we’ll talk about the 3 reasons you might be holding back on your goals and I’ll share some actionable strategies to achieve your big goals–and...
Published 08/16/22
We often get caught up in trying to fight time - to squeeze every last drop out of whatever time or season we’re in… but it’s not about managing our time—it’s savoring the moments. In today’s show I’m sharing one of my favorite productivity tips: using traditions to help streamline your days while making them memorable. We dive how to set up rituals by using habit stacking, why routines don’t have to be boring and we’ll give some tips and ideas on how you can use traditions to bring your...
Published 08/02/22
For most people, Friday is the least productive day of the week. Most offices notice a 35% dip in productivity. With a few strategies you can eliminate end-of-the-week burnout and actually make Fridays your most successful and rewarding day of the week. In this episode I talk about setting boundaries, how to pace your week, why most people struggle with the 5 day workweek and I’ll share five ways you can use Friday so it feels like you got a bonus day off.   FOR SHOW NOTES AND MORE, GO...
Published 07/19/22
Ever feel like you need a vacation from your vacation? Or that it is easier or less stressful just skipping the vacation days? Taking care of yourself and finding time for vacation is one of the keys to achieving a higher sense of happiness and avoiding burnout. On today’s show, I’m sharing why vacations are essential to being happier and why they actually increase your productivity.  I’ll share 5 tips for how to get ready for vacation stress-free and some strategies for making the most of...
Published 07/05/22
What would you believe if you woke up tomorrow with no memory of the past? If you could do or be anything, what would you choose? Today’s episode closes out our season of Reclaiming Your Power; we talk about embracing failure, letting go of the perfect plan, shifting into new identities and creating a laboratory mentality when it comes to testing out our boundaries. I also share a recent story (that I’ve never shared before) about having to stand up to people with more power than me and how...
Published 06/21/22
What are you working for? While, yes, it’s true, we work for a paycheck, our jobs are simply a vehicle for the life we want. Getting in the right money mindset is crucial for shifting how we look at the work we are doing and the life we are creating. On today’s show, I have Grant Sabatier, an expert on achieving financial freedom. In this episode we are diving deep into your relationship with money and how you define success. You might be surprised at how easy it is to have financial...
Published 06/07/22
We hear that word intuition and we think it’s woo woo, but the truth is: we all have intuition. We all have the ability to tap into our own deep inner knowing and choose to trust ourselves instead of looking for validation externally. Many people dismiss that quiet voice in their heads and dismiss it because it’s not “logical” even though we hear successful leaders and CEOs talk about gut feelings or trusting their instincts. In today’s episode Tanya brings in Emily Aarons to co-host the show...
Published 05/24/22
In the 5 years I’ve been hosting this podcast, this is the first time I’ve tackled this topic and, funny enough, it’s one of my most asked questions: “How do you make time for sex?” “How often should I be having sex?” “How can I have sex when I’m so tired?” versions of those pop up on every single survey I’ve ever sent my listeners. So today, we are tackling those questions and more in one of my most open and frank interviews. Dr. Sonia Wright is one the show today to help us all gain a...
Published 05/10/22
Do you ever feel a nagging sense of dissatisfaction, even when you’ve accomplished big things? Guilt, shame and hidden trauma can keep us from pleasure –whether it’s luxuriating in our free time, enjoying every bite of a delicious meal with or prioritizing pleasure in our sex life. On today’s show, Dr. Valerie Rein helps us understand why we feel bad about experiencing pleasure, how society has conditioned us to not trust other women and even ourselves. Today we’ll flip the question of How...
Published 04/26/22
How often do you use the word “should” when thinking about your day? I should be doing this or I should stop doing that. Who decided what you should or should not do? Often we don’t ask that question - we just assume that we should just live up to expectations without wondering who set those expectations in the first place. Today’s episode will help you question the rule makers (also known as the patriarchy) and live life by rules of your own making. Reclaiming your power starts by...
Published 04/12/22
How can anyone authentically love you if you don’t allow them to see you? That’s the question posed by today’s guest, Terri Cole. Boundaries are our own personal rules of engagement and they allow us to live our lives to the fullest because they allow you to be seen: your wants, desires and needs. The real you–the you that deserves a place in this world. In today’s show, we do a short assessment to help you see which of the 5 areas of your life need stronger boundaries with action steps to...
Published 03/29/22
Do you ever notice that certain people communicate in a way that gets them better results—raises at work, relationships, or new friends? You can learn how to do that! Jennifer Russell, executive coach, is here to talk about the importance of your ability to hold charisma and inspire people, and how claim your power. We all lead with different energy when we communicate, but she has discovered four faces of powerful communication that everyone has the ability to possess. On this week’s episode...
Published 03/22/22
We often feel frustrated with our interactions with other people especially if we feel like they don’t respect our time or the way we work. It can be easy to end up feeling like we have no control over our calendar or inbox. In today’s episode I’m sharing a Q+A session with Rachel who is struggling to feel like she has ownership over her time and activities. You’ll hear how we discuss establishing strong boundaries, how we can make sure we protect our time and how we can make communicating...
Published 03/15/22
Have you ever tried to “perfect” yourself out of a situation? It’s the idea that if you act perfect, look perfect and achieve perfect, you will finally be worthy. Today’s guest, Lisa Olivera, knows this better than anyone having come out the other side. She is on a mission for women to understand their stories, untangle the limiting beliefs and realize that they are already “enough.” We’ll discuss the stories we tell ourselves, how we can begin to accept ourselves and move forward with...
Published 03/01/22
What does it mean to reclaim your power? Studies show that many women tend to shy away from the word “power” because we worry about how it affects everyone around us. We play small because that’s how we’ve been raised by the world, by society–to be a good girl and play by the rules. But when we shy away from our power, we don’t step into our full potential. We don’t allow our gifts to shine and make the impact we truly desire. Today’s episode sets the stage for our season on reclaiming our...
Published 02/15/22
You were designed for greatness, but sometimes it can be hard to make the moves to really experience that greatness in your own life. In today’s show we share easy strategies to take action. We dive into how your past can actually benefit you (even the parts you regret!). You’ll see how your patterns and failures can be springboards into the future you dream about. We share a simple activity to help you step into the identity you desire. And, we will start to understand the 3 key ways your...
Published 02/01/22
Today’s guest, Whitney Johnson, says We have a deep bellied hunger for growth. As humans, we are constantly changing, evolving and growing, but growth can be daunting–maybe even terrifying. It’s easy to get overwhelmed when it comes to stepping out of your comfort zone and into something new. What if you had a map to help you navigate the unknown? In this episode, we’ll be sharing a map for growth to help you know where you are and feel emboldened to know where you go next. Today’s episode...
Published 01/25/22