Lecture by Professor Mehran Shami for the Stanford Computer Science Department (CS106A). Professor Shami introduces the next assignment "the face pamphlet" and demonstrates how to make the program.
Published 07/22/08
Lecture by Professor Mehran Shami for the Stanford Computer Science Department (CS106A). Professor Shami lectures non-standard Java and shows the class a few books he recommends for further readings on Java.
Published 07/22/08
Lecture by Professor Mehran Shami for the Stanford Computer Science Department (CS106A). Professor Shami lectures on options and opportunities after his class. He shows students the path of majoring in CS and explains what each class will offer.
Published 07/22/08
Lecture by Professor Mehran Shami for the Stanford Computer Science Department (CS106A). Professor Shami's last lecture of the quarter, he shows the winners of the graphics contest.
Published 07/22/08